Commie redditor links commie critique about Undercover Boss. Proceeds to pick a fight with every single person in the comments but I am too lazy to link to them individually so someone slightly more autistic do it plz k thanks.

1  2020-02-05 by Tasty--Poi


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CEOs of huge corporations aren't participating in network TV unless it benefits them


SNL does a great bit where Adam Driver (who was a Marine btw so give him respect k thx ☺️) revives his titular performance as Disney’s Star Wars most evil Jedi, Kylo Ren, that parodies NBC’s wildly popular Undercover Boss. As Kylo Ren, Driver delivers a wonderful performance as the “CEO” of the Death Star who goes undercover as an intern, hilariously given the loving name of “Kyle.” But the funniest part is that everyone aboard the Death Star knows Kyle is actually Kylo Ren so when he kills some of them in a fit of rage (classic Kylo right?) nobody is surprised because that’s a regular Monday for them. And the best part is that Driver’s done this sketch for a second time so the same gags are hilariously repeated! ROFL!

Oh my God! That is so funny! Can you please post a link to an official NBC streaming service where I can watch this and other great NBC programs?

NBC has a great website where they curate all of their recent episodes for FREE!!!

Edit: I love how super easy and intuitive it is to use!

Wait, hold on just a second. Are you telling me that they do it... for free?

>he's a NBC Executive
>on the internet
>on an Official NBC streaming platform
>he does it for free
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life
>he cancels shows he doesn't like because whenever he gets upset he mercilessly beats his wife and dog
>he cancels shows he doesn't like because they interfere with the large backlog of little girl reality television show pilots he still has to watch
>he will never have a real job
>he will never move out of his 1.5 million dollar home in a desirable location
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a Hachis Parmentier
>he will never have a girlfriend over the age of 24
>he will never have any friends

1.5 million dollar home

NBC executives don’t live in “cozy bungalows” sweaty.

In other words, the system isn’t unfair. If you’re not achieving all your goals, you must be doing something wrong. Work harder. We’ve set up an ideal economic situation, so get out there and make the most of it. Definitely don’t question it.

This but unironically. Fucking commies. Shut up and get a real job.

I can't believe how accepting of anti-capitalists reddit has become. I can only hope that their ideas about the economy will change after high school graduation.

"Anti-capitalism" would be a lot more tolerable if it didn't just mean "socialism". When you see someone critiquing the flaws of capitalism, it's never a Georgist of third positionist or anything of the sort. It's always a socialist.

ignoring the unironic anprims


The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

The real mistake was agriculture

His account is so old most of this sub's libertarian residents wouldnt even fuck it

And over 600,000 karma. One more zero and Iran would deny their existence.

Promoting anarchofascism for 9 years and counting.


  1. Commie redditor links commie critiq... -,

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During each eight-hour gig, the undercover bosses meet one or two fellow employees, usually sterling examples of humanity with sad and/or awe-inspiring backstories that leave you wondering how they can possibly smile so much under such conditions.

So CEO's just magically not have hardships or "awe-inspiring backstories" because they run a business?

They don't have hardships because they are cishet white men you chud


get some better material

What is this 2015?

Thank you I'll be here all night

Oh are we bringing chud back now

First off, I think it says something genuinely important. Secondly, I want Reddit to not have lazy garbage conversation and instead engage in meaningful and fun comments and submissions. Reddit used to have much better content and I'm doing what I can to encourage more than "lol" and memes, at least outside of subreddits that are ostensibly not about "lol" and memes.


Reddit has shit content exactly because of people like that guy.

We need this guy to become a regular here. They reply to every three word comment with paragraphs.

Imagine writing a seething article about dental office-tier cable television lmao