>:○ <- my face battling misogyny with my switch.

1  2020-02-05 by Neon_needles


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What is it with libs and consooming media for children

Kiddy diddlers like things kiddies like. Weird.

This is where tolerating bronies got us

They besmirch the good name of the rest of us horsefuckers.

They don't have N word passes

The system HAS TO force people to behave in ways that are increasingly remote from the natural pattern of human behavior. For example, the system needs scientists, mathematicians and engineers. It can’t function without them. So heavy pressure is put on children to excel in these fields. It isn’t natural for an adolescent human being to spend the bulk of his time sitting at a desk absorbed in study. A normal adolescent wants to spend his time in active contact with the real world. Among primitive peoples the things that children are trained to do tend to be in reasonable harmony with natural human impulses. Among the American Indians, for example, boys were trained in active outdoor pursuits—just the sort of thing that boys like. But in our society children are pushed into studying technical subjects, which most do grudgingly.

Quality pasta fam.

Adulting is just so hard ya know

This is pretty much the reason I abandoned all non-“kid friendly” games in the last few years. I exclusively play cute single player stuff like Stardew Valley and Roller Coaster Tycoon now because console games and big AAA titles just seem to breed the nastiest communities. :/

Christ, how does a person become this fragile? úvù

imagine first of all that not only are you a gamer, but you're a gamer that is AFRAID TO PLAY GAMES because you saw a streamer cursing at someone



Can they not play video games without going to the community or do they like to pretend they're still a kid

I bet they've never even heard of Monsumu Quest.

Clearly since srdines don't know what taste is

Even most game communities I've dealt with are pretty mellow. Like unless you go to the /vg/ general, I've never had someone lose their mind in Monster Hunter for instance.

It’s because they have no friends to say “Last of Us was alright, hey?” to. They have to get online and make a whole fucking community out of something that should be no more than a 3 minute conversation between mates.

Manchild lmao.

Literally in this case


Go to BYU instead

All I read there is "I'm a little bitch"

Women in war games is one of the issues where radical centrism is really the only option, if you care enough about being “woke” to wanna shoehorn women into a historical game where they factually were not present then thats pathetic, but if you’re a man baby who gets mad about “muh immersion” youre also caring too much about the issue, the only acceptable stance is to tell both sides to stfu and grow up

did you make that?

OC baby 😎


You deserve a Reddit silver.

There I did it

Unironically great job Bobby keep it up

u deserve to be banned

Why do you even encourage them? 🙄

And it's not even that good I should've given the boomer a controller or something.

Most people must be centrists then, because a silent majority just went "wow this game looks shit" and didn't buy it.

They were right, too.


Yeah thats basically what happened with shit like Battlefield lol

If you care about women being shoehorned into videogames you've aged out of the demographic for videogames and it's time to buy a boat or a set of golf clubs.

They're trying to sell this shit to teenage boys who will eagerly buy anything with a decently attractive girl on the cover no matter how much boring army shit you cover her up with.



They hated him because he told the truth.

Gamers spend all their money on custom Nintendo Switch joycons, there's zero chance any of them will ever afford a boat.

(Except based daddy Notch ofc)

They only put ugly women in the game though.

I am happy when both happens: when women doesn't get representation it's based because women should never invade male space™️, while when women get representation I am happy that I can kill women. 😎

I am happy that I can kill women.

And now you can also do that in-game too!

the same guys who get upset and interrogate me on how much I “really play/know” some geeky series are the same ones complaining about how no girls are into their hobbies.

The guys who wish girls were into their hobby are disappointed when it turns out you're not actually into their hobby?

Yeah that's a real stumper.

tbh women just aren't capable of such autism an average gamer creates, casually playing 3 hours a day for months.

3 hours a day

fucking casual is right those are rookie numbers

Pretty much all future vidya will pander to the woke. Invest in retrogames.

Old games pander to white teenage boys

Halo and Call of Duty Are these old now? Am I a Boomer?

which subs do you think he browses?

All of them.

Day of the can fucking when

It still amazes me people hold up the Battlefield series as anything like a paragon of realism.

The most braindead arguments are always at the top. The game isn't ultra realistic because that wouldn't be fun, not because the lead dev gets a boner thinking about the crumb of pussy his wife's boyfriend will let him have for being b r a v e

Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


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How do you think these people react when they realize that Nintendo is basically the most SJW-unfriendly out of all the big game companies?

Just wait until they reveal the newest addition "Trans Kong", which is really just Donkey Kong in a dress

The Japanese believe lesbianism is just a phase like college lesbians.



Wow subreddit drama is gayer than I remembered

My favorite bit was when 2 posts were on the frontpage of GamingCirclejerk with 10k upvotes, directly next to each other, one flaming people who didn't like women in Battlefield V and calling them incels because "Imagine getting offended because others have the chance to represent their gender. The second post was about Assassin's Creed Odyssey where Ubisoft decided to not stick exclusively with the female protagonist and gave a choice to choose your gender at the start, people who chose the male character were also incels here because "Ubisoft just couldn't make a single fucking game where you can't play as a white male, right? They just had to give an option to choose your gender for fragile males who have a fragile meltdown when they can't play as their gender".

I love how people in that sub don't realize that they're the fragile incels.

Maybe I don’t know what I’m talking about, but this whole “gamer culture” thing that everyone mocks on GCJ.... doesn’t actually exist?

Like I’ve seen people make racist jokes online before, I’m seen people make pretty shitty jokes online, but I’ve never seen one shred of evidence that this “bigoted gamer culture” actually exists. Every controversy they point to is always way overblown, nonexistent, or it’s actually reasonable and they’re just sticking the “racist” logo onto it to discredit everyone’s arguments.

Then the “woke” people make controversies out of everything and call everyone else a bigot when normal people don’t agree with them.

This is pretty much the reason I abandoned all non-“kid friendly” games in the last few years. I exclusively play cute single player stuff like Stardew Valley and Roller Coaster Tycoon now because console games and big AAA titles just seem to breed the nastiest communities. :/ it really sucks because there are some games I’d love to try, but then I see their Reddit communities or I’ll see some clip on YouTube of a steamer spewing misogynistic/racist bile at the other players and I think “nah I’d rather not.”

hmm ok sounds reasonab-

Banana with whipped cream base...you’re speaking my language!! drool lol I am addicted to whipped cream bottom notes, it just smells like heaven on my fragrance-finicky skin. I would probably make a floral+gourmand combo, something like magnolia marshmallow or peony honey blossom (:

no you're just a fag

Do they ever just stop and think that maybe BFV is criticized because it’s considered to be a shitty mess