1 2020-02-05 by TheBleedingofMe
1 AutoModerator 2020-02-05
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2 trexmundi 2020-02-05
Boo. That's like not even 20 comments.
Give them links to the zoosadism materials next time. Then you're not only right, but you can call them MRA incel dogwhistlers for coming back with a 'Not All Furries".
1 SnapshillBot 2020-02-05
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2 TheBleedingofMe 2020-02-05
Fuck you got me
1 pvijay187 2020-02-05
Furries need to get put down
1 budderyfish 2020-02-05
They're into bestiality and often pedophilia as well.
He's literally right. I'd argue that there are more pedo furries than pedo weebs.
1 tHeSiD 2020-02-05
Heh, never heard that one before... But have you any proof, or are these just baseless claims?
1 I_Must_Bust 2020-02-05
What's wrong with furries The fact that this is a valid question in the year two-oh-two-oh is disturbing
1 unrulyfarmhand 2020-02-05
It’s weird but I’ve seen more than one black person wearing that shirt. Space Jam fucked some people up.
1 AutoModerator 2020-02-05
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2 trexmundi 2020-02-05
Boo. That's like not even 20 comments.
Give them links to the zoosadism materials next time. Then you're not only right, but you can call them MRA incel dogwhistlers for coming back with a 'Not All Furries".
1 SnapshillBot 2020-02-05
You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.
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2 TheBleedingofMe 2020-02-05
Fuck you got me
1 pvijay187 2020-02-05
Furries need to get put down
1 budderyfish 2020-02-05
He's literally right. I'd argue that there are more pedo furries than pedo weebs.
1 tHeSiD 2020-02-05
Heh, never heard that one before... But have you any proof, or are these just baseless claims?
1 I_Must_Bust 2020-02-05
1 unrulyfarmhand 2020-02-05
It’s weird but I’ve seen more than one black person wearing that shirt. Space Jam fucked some people up.