1  2020-02-05 by AnnArchist

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oh my god, the amount of “democracy died today” comments are just 🥳👌

Democracy means getting what I want because I whined for it!

Fun fact: The 53 senators who voted to acquit represent 18 million fewer Americans than the 47 who voted to convict. Democracy in action!

The US senate is like 250 years old and Reddit still doesn’t know how it works lmao.

“But removal from office won the popular vote!”

The 53 are the Rethuglican horcruxes. It can only be destroyed after they have been voted out.

Nah if the senate became 90% dem they would be totally okay with keeping it lol.

Well yeah, but that’s different.

And the last horcruxe is the stinky electoral college.

I swear to god if I was mod here I’d ban you for wandposting.

I know, it was a gambit. Then again they did it in congress recently I think.

Don't be too hard on redditors, most of them haven't taken high school civics yet.

that wouldn't fix it, European/Canadian public education typically doesn't cover American civics.

“A lot of the laws he’s broken are an ongoing thing so technically he’s breaking the law every second of every day.” -posted by a user with a Canadian flag flair

Why is a leaf posting in a US politics sub 🤔🤔🤔

Day of the Rake when?

The FBI should definitely look into this

It would be over for poppinkream-cels.

Please. I'm so tired of scrolling past their copypastas when saltmining

It's so annoying. Just trying to baffle retards by posting as much garbage as they can to appear smart. He doesnt even source shit

I forgot about that retard.

Canadians have no culture of their own. They are economically, militarily and even culturally dependent on the United States for everything. Worse still, the only value they saw fit NOT to import from God's Country into their frigid wasteland is having a set of balls and a fucking spine.

Truly a disgusting country.

When we gonna hang out Jared

I'm headed west to warmer deserts. I got this whole bottle of whiskey a month ago and I haven't opened it, so we can go camping and play music on my bluetooth speaker and drink from little red Solo shot cups.

senators vote legally


Today republicans crowned a king. They know he is guilty, many of them have said it publicly. They know that he will do it again, as he has said explicitly many times. And moreover they know they are wrong. Which is why they have to lie and project and grandstand. Today was a dark day for democracy the likes of which im not sure we will be able to grapple with fully until decades from now. Make no mistake: this is not a failure of partisanship (considering this is the first bipartisan vote for removal in OUR HISTORY). No. This was a failure of the republicans. They simply do not care. They do not care about fairness, they do not care about equality and they certainly do not care about democracy. They want to win and thats it. Including those republicans who hate the president but thumb their noses because they are "winning". In many ways, they are perhaps even worse because they KNOW BETTER and still chose a trumpocracy. This was a mistake that will haunt our entire history. In not even sure the next election will be enough to remove him now that trump will never be removed by republicans. We officially have a trumpocracy folks. Its time to hit the steets until this shitstain on history is gone

The republic is dead. Future historians will refer to today as the first day of the American empire, god knows how many millions of souls will suffer in the future because of this decision.

zero. the number is zero. reddet need to get a grip lmao

Future historians will refer to today as the first day of the American empire

Why do they have to.make their opponents the cooler ones even in their fantasies?

As if they ever gave a shit about "democracy" in the first place. The other 364 days/year these faggots are whining about the "old piece of shit paper" Constitution and how much they'd rather be in a white country like Finland.

they literally unironically think trump is hitler 2.0, its truly remarkable;

"All this is to say that German conservatives did not see Hitler as Hitler - they saw Hitler as Trump. And the reasons they devised to overcome their qualms and accept him as the head of the government would ring familiar to followers of the 2016 campaign."

A widely shared belief across the political spectrum at the time held that Hitler would not and could not win the chancellorship, because Germany’s revered conservative president, Paul von Hindenburg, had long vowed to deny such a position to Hitler.

Hindenburg and the German right viewed Hitler in strikingly similar terms to how Republican elites view Trump. Yes, they badly underestimated his fanaticism, which Hitler had downplayed in public. While they failed to anticipate that Hitler would launch a total war and industrial-scale genocide, they did consider him a buffoon. Alfred Hugenberg, leader of the German-Nationals, deemed the Nazis “little better than a rabble, with dangerously radical social and economic notions,” writes Turner. Hindenburg considered Hitler qualified to head the postal ministry at best. Hitler, in their eyes, was not a serious man, unfit to govern, a classless buffoon. His appeal, the German elite believed, came from his outsider status, which allowed him to posture against the political system and make extravagant promises to his followers that would never be tested against reality. What’s more, Hitler’s explicit contempt for democracy made even the authoritarian German right nervous about entrusting him with power.

All this is to say that German conservatives did not see Hitler as Hitler — they saw Hitler as Trump. And the reasons they devised to overcome their qualms and accept him as the head of the government would ring familiar to followers of the 2016 campaign. They believed the responsibility of governing would tame Hitler, and that his beliefs were amorphous and could be shaped by advisers once in office. They respected his populist appeal and believed it could serve their own ends. (Hugenberg, writes Turner, “recognized that [the Nazis] were far more successful than his party in mobilizing mass support and hoped to harness their movement to destroy the republic and establish a rightist authoritarian regime.”) Their myopic concern with specifics of their policy agenda overcame their general sense of unease. (One right-wing landowner was “hopeful of relief measures by a Hitler cabinet for the depressed agriculture of the east,” and thus concluded “the army and the forces of conservatism would suffice to prevent a one-party Nazi dictatorship.”) Think of the supply-siders supporting Trump in the hope he can enact major tax cuts, or the social conservatives enthused about his list of potential judges, and you’ll have a picture of the thought process.

There is one more parallel between the events of 1933 and the events of 2020: Most of the complicit parties (the main exception being the scheming Franz von Papen) did not fully apprehend the extent of their actions until it was too late. In Germany, Hitler’s ascent required complicated intrigue, the upshot of which was that conservatives believed they had parliamentary leverage that would restrain Hitler. They placed enormous faith in the power of this leverage, until the final two days, when the rumor of an impending military coup rushed their timetable, and the once-crucial terms of Hitler’s chancellorship became forgotten details, discarded in a mad rush.

Posts like this is why I do Heroine.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

i dont need a reason to do heroin but cool if thats what floats ur boat then go for it

"The 53 senators who voted to acquit represent 18 million fewer Americans than the 47 who voted to convict. Democracy in action!"

"The Senate represents the states and not the population"


I am never gonna get tired of this part of burger politics. Inb4 "Why can't we just delete the Senate and have 2 Houses of Representatives instead?"


Completely ignoring the fact that people with low intelligence representing those 18m shouldn't count anyway.

If you're discarding those, you'll have to discard quite a few more politicians to fit such harsh criteria

I can't believe this happened. I'm so upset and frustrated that I'm on my way to make sure Bernie wins in 2020 now. Drumpf is clearly a Russian puppet. Starting today I'm donating $20 a week to Bernie.

R/politics = spending money to gild comments I like to feel better.

Oh don't mind me...I'm just a simple🧂 SALT farmer 🧂

Can we take legal action as citizens? Against Trump? Senators? Can I do anything to protect myself from this?

lmao no

Today is the day Republicans finally achieved their goal of making a Republican president into a king.

lmao what

Mitch McConnel crowned him right after the acquittal. Pelops I and the house democrats are being sent to the gallows as we speak.

slick willy commits a real felony in front of congress, no democrats voting for removal

“He did nothing wrong! It was a vast right wing conspiracy!”

trump does some shady shit that closely borders illegality, a single republican that trump cucked and chucked votes for removal

“Democracy is dead and republicans have finally gotten their dream of a monarchy!”

Based and goldfish-memory pilled

Can I do anything to protect myself from this?

A good question for this person is: how have you been harmed by this, and how would you like to be recompensed?

make them think about their own jackassity for a little bit

It’s extremely pathetic how many Americans find pleasure in the anger/sadness/fear/anxiety of their fellow countrymen. When a Democrat gains the presidency I will not find joy in those on the right who may have negative emotions to the outcome. It’s a juvenile way to approach politics. This winner-loser mentality is no way to approach life in general.

so close to self-awareness

more like magathread

they removed it lmao

nah it just has a sequel


No it isn't. It's more like, you murdered, but you're white and you murdered a black man in Mississippi so you didn't get convicted, but you still murdered.

Why can't we fuck around in their thread, Mayor Cheat🤔

I'm shadowbanned 🤷🏽‍♀️

Not possible. Reddit only shadowbans by the whole-site.

You can use automod to shadowban people.

Automod set to autoremove a word works as a pocket shadow ban. I get my comments instaremoved on a few big default subs (like twox) because of my username

I can’t wait until you become the new Reason_Trump_Won

Suddenly they really love Mormons. You would think they love religious senators so much that they did certainly vote for him 8 years ago.

USA! USA! 4 more years of Drama! 🇺🇸

I'm a /drama/ vet and I am not sure I can handle this

Thank you for your sacrifice.

Invest in dramacoin! It will only go higher!

The highest grade compost.

This was just the appetizer foreshadowing the 2020 election meltdown

One way or another someone is going to reach potentially fatal levels of seethe come November.

why america no bow to other countries?????? other countries say we bad so we bad!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can already taste the cope. 😩👌

We're seeing levels of cope that shouldn't be possible.

We truly live in the greatest timeline.

Not guilty?

You know. I have a lot to say about this. But as I think about it. There is not a single website on The Internet including Reddit that would not outright ban me for speaking exactly what I would like to say in the language I would like to say it in.

Suffice to say I think this is horseshit and every one of them m---erf---ers are traitors

thank god he restrained himself from such strong language. so brave

Lmao what do you think he'd like to say if the internet thought police wouldn't stop him from, God forbid, saying bad thinks about Trump? Because as we all know, the mainstream internet absolutely adores Trump and doesn't tolerate anybody saying bad things about him.

/r/politics/ should change their logo to a coping saw.

Who could have possibly seen this coming? Good thing the Dems did this just to rile up Trump's tard base before the next election.

I honestly assumed they had some kind of brilliant master plan in mind but it really could just be that they're incapable of finding their asses with both hands.

I'm not a member of any organized political party. I'm a Democrat.

Also, "Democrats never agree on anything, that's why they're Democrats. If they agreed with each other, they'd be Republicans."

Will Rogers

It's especially nice to know he said these things back in the 1930's. Some things never change. A great deal of his comedy and commentary are as applicable today as they were almost 100 years ago.

1930s dems were Jim Crow segregationist Klansmen 🤔 what else didnt change?

1930s: We hatez the blacks, disagree on everything else

2020: We hatez the whites, disagree on everything else

I hate blacks and whites and I'm a Democrat

You shouldn't hate. You may strongly dislike, but hate will eat you from the inside out.

Hate leads to suffering.

Hate leads to judging.

Judging makes us feel Alive.


Starshit aside, it is true.

Hate is awesome, don't be a pussy

I'll tell you a personal story that I've never had a chance to write down.

Throughout most of my life, I've been a mostly, what some people would consider a privileged person. Never completely financially wealthy, but well enough off that I didn't go lacking for anything. I've never hated anyone or disliked anyone for any physical, ethnic religious or any reason from the beginning. I always give people the benefit of the doubt until they give me some immediate personal reason to question them.

But, there was one time, for a - I swear a split second - I might have hated a previous romantic partner. I was hurt. It couldn't have been more than a half a second.

And this gets weird. I can't say that I heard a voice in my head, it was more like the idea just BOOMED into my head. It's so impossible to describe. It wasn't really as if I heard an actual voice, yet how to reconcile how it kinda was a voice and the idea that just took over my mind.

"This is not who you are"

"You don't do this. This is not the person you are".

And whatever that feeling was, if it was hate, melted away. I'm not even sure what that was. I think I may have hated. It didn't feel good. And something else overruled my feeling. And I'm glad whatever that was helped.

Whatever the fuck that was, was very strong, and I'm sure that that happened.

I don't know what to tell you, bud. If you love things (decency, kindness, a religious approach to going above the speed limit), why would you not hate their antithesis? A strooooong dislike (ie hate) of people who are cruel, violent, arrogant and who carjack women with their kids in the backseat is a matter of moral obligation.

people who are cruel, violent, arrogant and who carjack women with their kids

So, of course, depending upon where you are you may be able to carry a gun around, or even have martial arts training and a carry edged weapons and know how to use them.

But having a different mindset is more often than that more useful.

That's exactly what I'm saying. Hate is awesome because you get to legally exact justice on awful people with your legally concealed pistol.

What if your assaultant and his 5 friends want to crack your neck and rape your daughter?


Jesus, what kind of neighborhood do you live in?


If you love things (decency, kindness, a religious approach to going above the speed limit), why would you not hate their antithesis?

To start with, because hatred is anathemic to decency and kindness.

Hate is what holds large civilizations together. You can only truly care about <100 people, but hate has no upper limit.

Hate is oftentimes a natural feeling. Trying to suppress it just because you think it’s toxic can be just as bad.

People think that "hate" is the natural opposite of "love", but no.

Hate is a subset of the emotion "fear".

Fear is the opposite of love.

I can make you fear to love me. Or love to fear me.

Indifference is the opposite of love

I love you

And I don't even think about you at all

Do you ever really think?

No not really

Can't we just hate everyone and get together

I assumed the plan was drag Blormph through the mud to hopefully make him less electable.

That's pretty much it since anybody could have told you for the last 3 years he won't be successfully tried in the Senate regardless of whatever case was brought.

What a garbage plan lmao now hes been vilified in the eyes of his supporters and 2020 is a lock

The Democrats wouldn't let something trivial like public opinion get in the way of democracy.

you jest but this is literally their logic; principle above politics.

We'll see in November if that was naive.

I'm jesting but I'm also saying what I mean lol. That ie how they operate.

I love when people say things like this. "Democrats/Republicans problem is THEIR JUST TOO DARN MORAL"

I love it because its like a step into releasing your bias by admitting a criticism of one's party affiliation, but excusing it with an obviously deluded reason that puts you right back into that comfortable bias snuggie. You're teasing the step outside the hyper-partisan realm, but too afraid to make the leap.

Gotta start accepting reality, brother. Everything any congressman has ever said or done is politically calculated. Trying to justify their actions by weighing them on a moral compass is a weak minded thing to do.

I keep saying this, but few listen. Behavior of power in human nature has never and will never change. Ever. You are living in essentially the same behavioral dynamic of an ancient civilization, just with fancier tools.

Gotta start accepting reality, brother. The two parties aren't the same.

Are you one of those people who has like 3 canned responses to everything and the only mental heavylifting you ever do is how to shove those responses into any irrelevant conversation?

You literally just sent me an article about house Democrats arguing against the FCC changing one word in a rule from "will" to "may". Is this the type of material you use to justify your partisan bias? This agregious one word change by an independent government agency created by a democratic congress and signed into existance by a democratic president is enough to knock your jimmies into believing Democrats are some benevolent superior beings that have ascended into a new realm of moral bliss?

You honestly think I'm sitting here believing that "Democrats are some benevolent superior beings that have ascended into a new realm of moral bliss"?

I'm not even American, holy fuck. But at least I can see that your options are "Bad" and "Worse". Don't bullshit me that they are identical. A grade schooler could tell you that you are wrong.

"I'm not even American"

Oh, now it makes sense why you believe the FCC to be a political body. What do you care? Our politics has no relevance to you, probably a Europoor, except how far you have to bend over to please us. If indeed you are a Europoor, you're just a non-relevant demilitarized nation that creates nothing of any signifcance in this world. Why would we care what you think? The question of right or wrong is obviously ultimately settled by might, and you have none of it, so how is your opinion relevant?

Anyway, I never said both sides are identical, that's just you trying to inject your prepackaged reddit-tier argument. I'm obviously a Republican, so its pretty clear I see enough difference between the two to vote one way over another. The above comment was about trying to frame the behavior of politicians in a moral compass, as if these positions of power act on what is "right". Morality is a justification to the public, easily malleable to support any issue.



Hell ya brother 😎


lol the principle that asking about Hunter Biden's Ukrainian millions is off-limits? That's not what most people mean when they talk about principles.



Damn, I'm retarded lol



That too

What’s your GF think of glumpf getting acquitted

Actually she's indifferent

I’m actually truly surprised after all you’ve told me.

Me too. It's mostly her parents who are libs.

plan is to motivate trump voters because they dont have good candidate that establishment likes - and they (establishment and D-donors) prefer Trump over bernie.


I’m gonna guess something like: well regardless of result it was a symbolic moment meant to galvanize the voters and shake them out of apathy for the candidates, to make them realize the tremendous responsibility they have in coming months blah blah blah.

I mean maybe it will distract from the caucus fracas, at least.

Even when we lose we win


they've realised sanders is going to win the primary and they'd rather have trump in power. that's the strategy now

you guys are going to be so entertaining come early March

Someone should go to /r/SandersForPresident and metaphorically hit them up with a broom a few times to hear some hot takes and russian conspiracies.

You dont need to hit them for that. In their mind Mayor Butty is stealing the election with a 40k donation.

you guys


Sanders stans when Southern states cuck him in the primary again and they all grapple with the fact that black folks arent big on mayo welfare

You underestimate how much the Democrats love losing.

Every kink is valid

I think you'll find /r/drama kinkshames people to death. I'll have to ask you to retract this statement.

All kinks are valid, especially kinkshaming

I honestly assumed they had some kind of brilliant master plan in mind

their plan was to try and convince people that they had a plan

thats it

They didn’t want Sanders, Warren to be in Iowa for three weeks. That is it. They think they can win the election and they want a candidate they own: aka Buttigieg or Biden.

Bootygay is just a younger, gayer version of Joe Biden, so it has less to do with the DNC "owning them" than it does with them just being ideologically on the same side.

One of the things that's been kind of funny to watch is how some of letftoids are getting bootyblasted that Bootygag isn't some flaming faggot from will and grace or sex and the city (two of the most important revered mayo cultural touchstones). It's like their entire world view is seriously under threat and he better start going "Yass qweeeeen!" during the next debate.

bootyjudge a vapid Gay nihilist packed into a sellable product by McKinsey-DNC. He’s in because he figured he can pull a Gay Obammer and the gay scene in DC beats the South Bend bathhouses.

Why did you become honest at this moment?

I can't believe that democrats are so incompetent, they're against the most retarded meme politician possible, a guy who is literally begging to lose, and they still can't win.

Not only that, they've fucked up so badly that their partisans have been mind broken into believing that 4 more years of drunpf is inevitable 😹😹😹

I mean it is, in this moment of the last few years plus more in the future, traditional/career politicians are going to lose to candidates who are like Trump or employ his messaging/rhetorical strategy.

How about the past?

Gianforte, whose campaign has been backed by robocalls to voters from Trump and his vice-president, Mike Pence.

No other president is--or will be--as committed to causing drama as the one we have now.


the next Republican candidate is going to act somewhat like Trump but not have anywhere near as much dirt on them and probably be much more qualified. they're going to completely decimate whatever robot or old loser the DNC trots out in front of them.

I'd say the candidate who most fits this bill now is Ted Cruz. His banter skills have improved so significantly, and he has a sexy beard now.

it would be interesting for the Canada thing to come up again though, lol. would give me some precedent to eventually come down and rule you all muahahahahaha


They shit their pants when he alluded to the fact he may not accept the results of the election and then spent 4 years doing just that lol.

Rachel Maddow is a more manly Alex Jones tbh

I’ve stopped trying to make sense of it tbh.

Nancy Pelosi fought this whole thing for a reason. But r/politics got mad about it

If only she would've torn it up like that speech 😢

Based Nancy

Wasn't it Tulsi?




I was asking unironically

18 hours later, i am still waiting for an answer

hmm they think theyre persecuted by a corrupt establishment, how do we really reinforce that idea right before we need to start campaigning again



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It won’t be four years. Four days at most until the next articles are drafted.


edit: you're a Pence fan, eh Rethug?

Eva, how do you keep falling for this?

how did you fall for thinking I fell for it?

i've called out his LARP before, sometimes I have fun bouncing shit off it though

you're not wrong, they're calling in Bolton to testify next week!

They called us libtards. They called us cucks. They called us snowflakes and accused us of being perpetually triggered. For years we weathered the storm, we took all of the abuse they threw at us, day after day, week after week, month after month- and yet we persisted.

We persisted.

Do you see that Putin? Do you? This is what happens when you FUCK with America. Take a good, hard look at the consequences- because we've just impeached your mango muppet. We booted your Kremlin stooge out of the oval office with the power of democracy. Yes, democracy. Ever heard of it?

No Putin, we're not an oligarchy like your pathetic country. We're not a frozen vodka and gasoline factory running on fumes and pining for the glory days of the 60's.

We're America.

And as of today, Trump is finished. It's finally over. You tried your hardest, but at the end of the day we're stronger than you, Putin.

The walls... the walls have finally closed in.

As of today, as of this very moment, this is the end of Donald Trump.

Putin is reading this and shaking, he is crying, he is afraid, very afraid.

Where did you find this

I don't remember; it was in some random comment, perhaps in this sub. Idk the origin. Of course I saved it immediately


Pasta from politics with 100x gold and shit

nah, great pasta but it is just some shitpost from drama. the whole "this is what happens when you FUCK with America" line should've been a dead giveaway. No ultra left person would ever say that.

"they accused us of being perpetually triggered"

immediately proves them right

im gonna have to read some of these myself theres gotta be a lot of great copypasta in there


Chalk it up to the reason we need a couple hundred carbon copies of AOC and continue business as usual?

We need 3.5 billion copies of AOC imo

If we sent out a copy of AOC to every single dramacel, how many of them would do a tribute to it?

You'll never get those milkers back

Are we talking about a clone or a sex doll?


yuck, keep em to yourself plz

Tbh I don't think anyone actually expected this to go guilty? I mean lets be realistic here

On the list of most spectacular failures by the Democratic Party in the last few years, this one has been their most spectacular, awe-inducing failure to date.

Last night while watching the SOTU it dawned on me how similar Dem leadership is to a roost of fat unhappy hens.

No one cares about the SOTU. What people remember is that the Democratic leadership was the first in American history to literally tear up the president’s address.

Gotta give it to House Mommy, she stole the news cycle from SOTU

yeah, portraying herself as a petulant child. and the sassy clap. a real leader of men is nancy

Lmao are you really coping in a Daddy Wins thread?

Daddy gets the wins of all wins and people are still coping over Nancy 😂😂😂

You can always tell the true dramanauts from the pretenders

show me the cope

eh, i mean he's not wrong, but I'm biased

House Mommy has finally started to learn the power of dramacoin and I for one fully support her.

Drama's moonshot today bois

Your job is to comment with blank replies, not give you your opinion.

Jokes on you I do it for free

Listen here you little shit

Imagine being salty that the Speaker of the House has dedicated herself to being a drama queen because she isn't of your political persuasion

I’m not upset about it. I just think it’s embarrassing and indicative of the state of leftoid foids

and the sassy clap.

A year later and people don’t remember the speech but her clap. Drumpf is going DOWN when the new articles are done and we have President Nancy Pelosi.

if the goal is to be really memorable she should have started fingering her dusty cunt

dusty 🤮🤮🤮

her clap will enter the anals of history, his speech won't even enter the vaginals of history.

We would have to pull off some weekend at bernies type shit, that slag is about to keel over after this disaster lol

Lol and what exactly is daddy?

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU CAN'T TEAR UP TRUMP'S SPEECH!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

House mommy is embracing optics over substance and it's great

Right, they will remember you as impotent and angry. Way to show em.

pelosi doesn't care how she's remembered just so long as she takes the spotlight away from trumps speech, which she did

Right, they will remember you Drumpf as impotent and angry.


The Iowa Caucus' this year was a solid contender

I’m not convinced they’re not just slow-rolling a Bernie victory till the weekend

Even if he gets more Iowa delegates than Pete they'll still probably be tied with national delegates.

Somehow they will pick Hillary again.

My favorite was all dozen hands shooting straight up when asked on national TV about who supports free healthcare for illegal immigrants.

We're bringing the heat this year. Corns on the map

And we'll probably lose the privilege from the shitshow. Was fun for the drama at least.

Losing to Trump in the first place was bad enough but at least no one really expected that.

Anyone with a brain could have told you this result was coming and they still went full steam ahead.

I remember people at my job here in the UK being pumped for the Mueller report and thinking I was a dumbass for saying "there's literally nothing for you to get excited about" then getting annoyed at me for being right lol

Why do you discuss American politics in Bongistan? Yours is just as funny.

Why not?

They're talking about violently overthrowing the government lol

lmao link that

petition to quarantine /r/politics

If only 😍

They insta delete those kinds of posts now because they get insane amounts of literal calls of assassinations now lol

I am banned from that sub permanently because I wished out loud somebody would walk into Congress with a gun instead of a Walmart to shoot Mexican people for once lol

Frankly I wish more people would threaten revolution and violence against the nest of vipers in Washington. If they want to do it because the orange retard offends their sensibilities, fuck it who gives a damn, so long as blue blood fills the streets.

The affluent corrupt cocksuckers all deserve whatever is coming their way. Fuck tyrants.

Imagine if we crowd funded a giant bronze statue of shame and etched every Senator’s name who voted to acquit into it and placed it somewhere in the Capital

thanks for the bronze kind stranger

I like how even in their wildest fantasies they still can't imagine anything bolder than a really expensive scolding.

Out of a million /r/politics posters, the fact that there's not even one schizo with armed weapons ready to end his life to get Drumpf is telling

Conservatives would fundraise for a Howitzer pointed directly at the Whitehouse if they lost. Their handlers wouldn't give them one, but that ain't the point.

Trump nailed so much last election and the idea of "energy" is maybe the most important.

Liberals are allergic to displays of energy because their worst fear is looking stupid. They are unaware of how stupid they look now because at least all they've done is sit at home tutting at people.

Ffs this is what they've done against the NaziCommie menace lmao. Complaining to the manager poorly is resistance.

Trump better put these people in camps.

/r/politics user

owning guns 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

lmfao 💪🏻

shaming is awful except when it isn't

What, with their butter knives like the bongs?

Ah yes, just like how the first Occupy movement totally destroyed Wall Street and all the Big Banks. Yep, smelly NEETs with nowhere better to be sitting in the street is surely going to stop them this time!

Occupy was merely a test run for San Francisco in the Year Of Our Lord 2020

non partisan

Being back the progressive stack 😂😂😂🤷🏼‍♂️🤡

Better give them the guns first though.

Chapos said they're afraid of guns because of their suicidal sadbrains. 😥

there’s are the same people who are anti gun lol;utm_medium=ios_app&amp;utm_name=iossmf

Today republicans crowned a king. They know he is guilty, many of them have said it publicly. They know that he will do it again, as he has said explicitly many times. And moreover they know they are wrong. Which is why they have to lie and project and grandstand. Today was a dark day for democracy the likes of which im not sure we will be able to grapple with fully until decades from now. Make no mistake: this is not a failure of partisanship (considering this is the first bipartisan vote for removal in OUR HISTORY). No. This was a failure of the republicans. They simply do not care. They do not care about fairness, they do not care about equality and they certainly do not care about democracy. They want to win and thats it. Including those republicans who hate the president but thumb their noses because they are "winning". In many ways, they are perhaps even worse because they KNOW BETTER and still chose a trumpocracy. This was a mistake that will haunt our entire history. In not even sure the next election will be enough to remove him now that trump will never be removed by republicans. We officially have a trumpocracy folks. Its time to hit the steets until this shitstain on history is gone

Imagine typing all that unironically. The absolute state of politards.

These people are beyond hopeless. I was arguing with one earlier about Warren and they straight up stuck their fingers in their ears when presented with multiple proofs that she is not NA. Then they started insinuating people were nazis for denying that she was NA. Redditor 7 years btw.

My one friend is like that. The 4 of us play video games together nearly every day and one of them is an IR major and is so smug about his politics. Whenever we have a debate, he literally just regurgitates whatever he hears in his classes, and uses all these big words to sound smart and just goes on and on and on, to the point where we don’t even know where to begin when he’s finished. In 2016 he supported Bernie, and the other day he said Bernie was “too liberal” for him, then a day later says that he donated like $20 to his campaign, because he’s “doing his civic duty” or something. He’s probably absolutely seething right now.

IR major

So will be enjoy being unemployed/working at Taco Bell his whole life?

Don’t worry, he’s also the manager of our city’s E-Sports team so I think he’s all good.

Eww and he's a gamer too?🤢🤮

Your city has an esports team lmao

Bruh who even has time to read all this. Yeah u niggas have a trumpocracy, that's because u elected trump, fucking dummy

Hmmm do they think that trump will just remove term limits now? Just because of this failed vote, trump will become a god who will smite everyone? Sounds like something daddy defenders would say. Horseshoe fact is fact once again

History tends to repeat itself ala fema death camps/RWDS and Obama becoming a dictator/Trump becoming a dictator. Just two politicopes of the same coin

God I fucking hate liberals

I say this as a liberal

They are so fucking stupid. I don't understand why liberals on the internet can't just be fucking normal, they are all smug virgin sperglords. Just fucking vote for biden and get it over with

This is basically how I feel about conservautists.

I'd say most people feel that way about their respective parties. The conservautists as you say drove me away from the republicans like around 2015 and now the libtards are driving me right back. There's no fucking winning for moderates these days

I'm literally a self-proclaimed racist but there's no getting around the fact that a lot of racists are fucking stupid.

Like I'm just over here being like "can we admit black people are kinda dumb and violent so we don't have to pretend it's white people's fault that they don't all go to Harvard?"

And the rest of these niggers are out here wanting to throw all the blacks and jews out of helicopters and found the ethnostate.

And I have this crazy idea that murdering anyone is bad so I just can't hang with those guys.

HAHA jesus christ your first line made me actually laugh. I kind of feel you tbh, i feel the same way about other liberals. I just want like maybe a government healthcare option and maybe like some free trade and stuff. And the libtards want the government to just pay you to exist and if you aren't a socialist you aren't human. It's like both sides are suffering from insane stupidity with their extremism. I don't get it

Like I'm just over here being like "can we admit black people are kinda dumb and violent so we don't have to pretend it's white people's fault that they don't all go to Harvard?"

This conversation never seems to take place without someone, rightoid or left, screaming about violence as a result of it happening. It's irritating

The salt must flow

Are we duneposting now? 🙀

Of coursh. Now and forever.

They will call him Muad'drumpf.

Talk without rhythm


it really is flowing lmfao

Heading to an AA meeting now.

Add me to the salt pile I guess.

Tomorrow is the one month anniversary of my Dad's death at 52. He didn't have health insurance and put off going to the doctor. Always toughed it out and did, until he died in his sleep.

Politics is personal. We need universal healthcare. Profit should not be a part of the conversation when it comes to your health.

To all the keyboard edgelords gloating about winning. The only ones winning are the rich. You're closer to homelessness, substance abuse, and death than you realize.

As soon as you're not a productive cog making someone else money, you are worthless.

Remember this.

the only ones winning are the rich

He should try not being poor.

Salt is the kidney killer

CJ Roberts got a pretty sweet golden gavel out of this. Now I understand what it was all about

Pimp daddy justice

i actually think that all the swing dems and mittens just ended their careers tonight.

am i being silly?

Yeah you’re retarded.

lol you're pure salt these last two weeks fluffy boy

I don’t even remember politics posting these last few weeks tbh. But I have been busier than normal which I guess is a good thing?

lol ok

He can be retarded and right you know

He might be right but he's definitely be retarded.

he's definitely be retarded.

Aww, you tried buddy

Fentanyl-American vernacular is valid, bigot.

The swing Dems were finished long before this and Mittens got elected because he is a NeverTrump Republican so he'll be fine.

is Utah really that NeverTrump?

he just won because he was the mormon guy.

he's done

Mormons are weird. About half of them don't support Daddy even though they're rightoids. Mittens will be fine

What are the odds he switches parties. 2012 Mitt could honestly pass as a moderate Democrat these days

No way that happens. The Mormonbots will forgive Mittens for voting against Daddy but they'd never forgive him for joining the baby killers.

He pretty much came up with Obamacare here in MA. That’s pretty much his legacy

No he got elected cause he’s a Mormon. But yes he will be fine for that reason.

Mormons do seriously care about the whole decency of character and adultery thing whatever else you may think of them, so it's not hard for them to be against Trump and for Mitt Romney

They voted for daddy before and they will do it again cause they really only care about abortion.

They also hate the gheys, remember they funded prop 8

Mormons aren't the biggest fans of Daddy despite being reliable Republican voters. He only has 55% support among them. I think they care more about their presidents actually bring religious than the average Evangelical who just needs Daddy to pretend to care about Jesus every once in a while.

If Trump didn't have a pro life stance/mike pence it would be 0% support.

You actually think Mormons are gonna vote for a Democrat in 2024 lol no.

No retard I even said they are reliable Republican voters. They don't like Daddy but they sure like Pence and all the other super religious Republicans.

I’m literally from Utah lmao I know dozens on Mormons. I know how they think and the younger ones love trump

Well there young and Mormon so it shouldn’t be shocking cult members like other cults.

Can’t argue with that

I’ll be observing your comments henceforth to determine if you’re a Sugarhouse Queer or a Park City Chad.

In solidarity,

Your Fellow Utard

what do they think of mittens?

Polling shows young Mormons are much less supportive of Trump than Boomer Mormons (48 vs 74 approval) but I know rightoids are allergic to (((polling)))

Lol you just told me hardly any Mormons support trump but then you show polling that does. You can’t make this shit up.

Holy shit are you dense

I’m not the one serious posting on drama lol. Nigga I’m not from fucking Utah. Holy shit, who the hell is actually from Utah

This is a pathetic troll. I didn't even buy your bullshit about "knowing a lot of young Mormons"

It would have been sad if you did fall for it tbh

Romney won't face re-election until 2024, he has time.

to what? bend over for daddy?

his endorsement for the next gop candidate will be more important than daddy at that point.

if you think his endorsement will be worth more than daddy's endorsement you are nuts.

i mean, unless Ivanka runs, at which point a dad putting over his daughter isn't worth much.

I want Ted Cruz w/ daddy's blessing

it obviously won't, that's not what im saying, im saying it doesn't matter much for mitt's reelection in 5 years.

if Trump or the GOP itself (looks like they might) promotes another Republican for the primary, that won't matter?

i'm legit tryna understand what you mean

im saying 4.5 years is a long time.

if you're implying it's long enough to forget about this, then I would only agree if he flops again and stays flopped


Yeah, these people fail upwards.

Romney never stopped flip-flopping since 2012.

Invariably based

So many scam bots in the replies holy shit

😏 🍁 🍊 ❤️

Leafs are culturally approating our electoral memes

this is the sort of shit that cracks me up because hes obviously just reposting some dumb shit someone tweeted at him

but resistards and the media will probably start saying hes serious and intends to rule for 20 thousand years

I can’t believe we have a president that SERIOUSLY learned how to use Final Cut Pro to make this MOCKERY of DEMOCRACY!

time magazine replied to it and said warning its edited lol

The fucking President of the United states tweeted that out. I hope to god I get to scroll through all his best tweets on a 400" screen in his Presidential Library in a decade.

Boomer daddy can meme

Haha dr anti trump is selling services in the replies, daddy well and truly broke him

Let the seethe commence

Now when someone brings up russia or ukraine you can ignorantly be like "but I thought trump wasn't guilty that means what you're saying are just lies" since it's plausible that normie people would think that way.

I'm so mad every day I literally only watched the SOTU to fuel my fury. Beginning to lose Net neutrality was the start, for me, and since then I have been angry. I have a 3 year old now, that I didnt have before, and now two 7month old twins and I'm still angry. It transcends time. I follow the news every day. It's so tiring. I simply can not understand how people dont care. I dont understand how people can hear my wifes and my story about our 21 week abortion of our non viable fetus and demonize us. I dont understand how my father in law, my wifes whole family, most of my family, all vote red without thinking and dont want to discuss issues. For some its single issue guns. For some its single issue thinking they are rich when they are poor. For her alabama extended religious cult family its abortion. I simply can not understand how I havent had a heart attack yet. And people are turning out less?

Some people joke about moving from the country for political differences. If the executive branch doesn't go blue I'll probably have to move for my actual health.

Please tell me you have a link to the original. I need this 🥺

motivate them. Do it for Bernie

Oh my god 😂😂

Reminder that the only result of the whole net neutrality thing is now your cell phone or cable provider can give you free Netflix or Disney or Hulu when you sign up

Duh republicans are to afraid to vote guilty and it takes 2/3rds to actually convict.

Americans are now too afraid to vote against their tyrant 😥


Yes and

voting is fascism

lol all the senators should be afraid, the second american civil war could have started today

in b4 you say the army would squash it without realizing that in actual military simulations of this, half of them defect to join their cousin Cletus

sure that guy was a heavy ree, but nobody can even remember the context for him doing that.

the surprise removal of a president with +95% party approval is not so easily forgettable

What would they do about it? The staunchest daddy supporters are just as many losers as the far left. I wouldn't mind a reason to do things I can't say here.

virginia rally x1000 with bodies

lol I would lose no sleep

you'll sleep a bunch when you're [thing I can't say here]


Yeah 0x1000 = 0 ya moron

Is that Sam hyde?

no, he didn't get away with it

You’re a delusional leaf. Even if he had been removed we all would have just went to work tomorrow like normal.

YOU would have tried to go to work tomorrow.

YOU are not several million angry Republicans with guns.

You’re right, rightoids would have gone to work like normal and then seethe posted all day

you wish, stupidpol

don't forget to #votebluenomatterwho after your kike socialist is cucked again

Don’t forget to change your panties after you cream them fantasizing about mobilizing the DDF infantry

duh, how else are you gonna sniff them?

Sorry, I’m allergic to 🍁 syrup

If steppers took over you’re damn right the big igloo is fuckin on

This is actually a pretty reasonable take, and the army swings hard right, defections are crucial to any civil war




Based Romney voting guilty and not guilty is showing us the centrist way forward.

Oh my God who could have seen this outcome

Acquitted forever

BREAKING NEWS: Republicans cover for Republican president.

A local man was shocked today when Trump was acquitted in a party line vote plus Mitt Romney. "I never could have believed they would do this." said the naive man who was born yesterday and just crawled out from under a rock.

Neither side cared about whether or not he was guilty or not in their opinion, they just wanted to keep their careers, so they voted along party lines. Politicans don't have values or dignity, they only care about themselves.

You are a smelly Hungarian. Why do you care lol

Politicans are the same everywhere.

Yeah but yours are smell worse.

Sure, but mine screwed your mom.

My mom is Hungarian. So it’s possible.

You have half Hungarian ancestry, brother? That's pretty cool.

Yeah I’m actually being serious about that lol. Her grandmother so my great grandma (never met her) was the first one over.

Good, now send bussy to each other

Did they years ago

My bestie at my old job was Hungarian, and we enjoyed making fun of Indians in the office.

If Democrats weren't massively incompetent and less focused on political theatrics maybe they could actually oppose Trump instead of getting btfo and looking like retards every other day.

It. Is. Not. Over.

It's time to fufill our civic duty to be informed and vote.

Get annoyed. Get mad. Get pissed.

We have 10 months to campaign, get informed, and spread our knowledge to family and friends.

Don't get angry at them for their beliefs, don't be condescending, but stick to the truth and hammer the facts.

Call your representatives and senators. Be active regardless of what lip service they give you.

We. Wont. Accept. Defeat.

"A Republic, if you can keep it"

Get annoyed. Get mad. Get pissed.

Notice how even when fighting "literal fascist" the best they can do is get angry.

Don't get angry at them for their beliefs, don't be condescending, but stick to the truth and hammer the facts.

LMAO, good luck with that.

Our country has fallen into tyranny at the hands of Lucifer himself


Right wing death squads are cleansing POC’s and poor people door-to-door

.... >:(

Remember the first law of /r/politics drama: the amount of essayposting in a thread is directly proportional to the amount of cope found in a thread.

I know someone who cried over this


You know she's terrified that he will change the law and go for 3 terms I was gonna do it anyway but if I manage to convince her it will, I'm still not gonna record it for you to jerk off to it sorry

Fuck you man dont blue ball us

And no one will learn anything from this. The rightoids will get more retarded and the leftoids will just repeat the same mistakes they made the last election. Trump is a fucking lock. All the Republicans have to do is to keep that stock market high across that November finish line and Trump is in. He truly could shoot someone on live TV and literally nothing would happen to him.

All that to say... This is going to be a great fucking year for drama coin, boys.

I wish he would shoot someone, just to prove that true lol


On his first day of his second term.

I hope Daddy and Daddy biden get caught backstage at a debate on a hot mic talking to each other about fucking 20 year olds.

One mic couldn’t handle that much sundowning

This proves

if the paper has a tear, oj was there.

Surely this is the end of Drumpf.

Number of presidents removed by impeachment: still zero. Utter shock that the status quo continues lmao.

8 more years of Trump!


if it makes you feel better a congressman quoted Dumbledore this week and I'm sure someone mentioned Harry potter in that megathread

Capeshit was a mistake, and we're all gonna pay for it.

Can someone please explain this to me in Harry Potter terms please?

E: 2 comments in and there's already starshit references lmao

I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


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lmao this is so funny. I have work to do and I need to just shitpost and watch the show dammit.

I love it lmao

Trump or you of child porn charges?


literally who

NO collusion

Can’t wait for the salt in 2020!

word is he was deemed unfit to stand trial on account of his debilitating dementia

everyone acting like this is a surprise lmao

seriously how did they think it would go

Can we get a wellness check on mcfluff?

The 2020 election will bring about the end of coping and they will be unable to cope.

They will have to cope themselves


The amount of Xanax, Franzia, and bad dragon dildo lovers in that thread is unreal

This actually went more in the dems favor than I expected.. obviously it was going to be split on the party lines, but they actually got Mitt "binders of women" Romney to vote guilty.

i made this thread first

ya but you gay nerd.

fuck you i made my shit like 10 mins before it was even announced

i’m on some psychic shit

but your title was trash and your bottom text was trash

that stupid fucking mod (not gonna mention names since he/she lives off attention) makes worse shit all the time and gets all the r/drama bussy

how am i any different

I can’t wait for leftoids to start idolizing Mitt Romney now because he voted against Blurmpfler just like they did right before McCain died.

He's gonna take Bidens spot 🤡😂

2020 year of the dramacoin

Comedy. I hope it's good for comedy. I hope fun awaits.


Trump himself has said he did it. His lawyers have said he did it. Everyone around him said he did it. The mountain of verified evidence said he did it.

Yes, the phone call. Which was not a crime. At all.

i can't wait to hear the republican arguments in a few years when they impeach a democratic president for, i dunno, existing.

That's literally what democrats have been trying to do for the last 4 years, lmao.

Two accounts or one dude with bots copy paste a saga of the timeline as if it matters in multiple posts meeting the character limit.

That sub deserves longpost-bot.

I used to argue against people who claimed idiocracy was becoming real, but now I have to concede it’s true.

Oh my god, shut up.

This dude starts writing a lord of the rings novel about comparing hitler and trump rising to power.

There is just too much in this salt pile.

literally the least surprising development in American politics since Trump was elected

And it's over. Let's move on to the only real way to make some change in the US political landscape: 2020 elections.


move on

Kek. If you'd done that 4 years ago, you might not be looking at another 4 years of Trump now.


All it took was blocking witnesses from testifying.
