Pornhub plot gets foiled when judge tells mayo foid to keep her tits covered around her stepchildren

1  2020-02-05 by texanapocalypse33


Sounds like a salty divorced foid trying to get her revenge people treating tits like they're some kinda special shit is why women have inflated egos btw

When her husband’s three children, ages 9 through 13, walked in, she “explained she considers herself a feminist and wanted to make a point that everybody should be fine with walking around their house or elsewhere with skin showing,” her lawyers said in court documents.

The charges against her were filed after the children’s mother reported the incident to child welfare officials working on a separate investigation involving the kids.

Sounds like a wine aunt gone wild

image shows a white woman

Need i say more

Children should be told, not shown

Police said Buchanan removed her shirt and bra in front of the children while “under the influence of alcohol.”

the racism is simply this – why do random people off the internet see fit to tell a fully trained meditation instructor of the highest calibre that he isn’t enlightened because he’s angry?

Answer: white privilege.


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Think about it logically. Is there anything more cucked than living in Utah while not being a Mormon?

Is there anything more cucked than living in Utah


They said Utah’s law on lewdness involving a child is unfair because it treats men and women differently for baring their chests.

This makes me wonder if men and women might be different. Can anyone confirm?

The charges against her were filed after the children’s mother reported the incident to child welfare officials working on a separate investigation involving the kids.

Police said Buchanan removed her shirt and bra in front of the children while “under the influence of alcohol.” Her husband was not charged.

On the one hand, the law sounds extraordinarily retarded (more naked tits out is always a positive), on the other this kinda sounds like theres more going on.