28 year old, who wants to become an eceleb, attempts to become viral by saying he has came from Wuhan and has Corinavirus on a plane filled with over 200 people.

1  2020-02-05 by TheColdTurtle


I may be a šŸŽ… white šŸ³nationalist šŸ‘ but If šŸ˜ I see šŸ˜˜ a fine šŸ‘Æ asian šŸœ ass šŸ‘Œ my bloodline šŸ’¦šŸ’¦ bout to šŸ’†become šŸ˜ a šŸ™ riceline šŸ±


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Committing bio-terrorism to own the...?

Industrial revolution.

Teddy pls

Yea. As it turns out ADX Florence is pretty lenient with it's computer time policies. Now I get to spend time with all of my friends on my favorite subreddit, r/Drama! :D


The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

Sidenote, my phone keyboard has those 14 words as first suggestions once I type "the". I might spend too much time here

A downvote from a commie is the equivalent of an upvote from someone with braincells. So thanks, man.


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Here is an interview that the guy did.

And here he is apologizing for it in another interview

He never said he had Coronavirus, just that he came from Wuhan. Which makes this entire thing hilarious as shit.


Thats only what he says. Witnesses said he said he had coronavirus and he was feeling really sick so everyone should stay away from him. Livestreamers need the rope.

IRL streamers are like the waffen ss of livestreamers. Its basically impossible to do it without comitting crimes against humanity.

How long before he ODs on benzos?

you cant od on benzos

u only die if u mix other drugs with it

worst thatā€™ll happen if u donā€™t is that u wake up in a murder charge

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Bitch no one at the benzo level of druggieness is just doing one drug. Especially since one of the other drugs is alcohol.

u arenā€™t gonna die from alcohol unless u got a whole script lol u gotta mix like opioids

Benzodiazepines taken in overdose in combination withĀ alcohol,Ā barbiturates,Ā opioids,Ā tricyclic antidepressants, or sedatingĀ antipsychotics,Ā anticonvulsants, orĀ antihistaminesĀ are particularly dangerous.

Dude antihistamines make them dangerous. I get that druggies aren't smart, but come on.

antihistamines arenā€™t gonna make them dangerous unless you get antichlorenginic poisoning, but thatā€™s separate and youā€™d have to do 600mg+ of antihistamines

some brands of benzos are comboā€™d with antihistamines/dph for this reason

see above reasons for trylatic antidepressants, but even less due to the reuptake of norepinephrine

this is the case for sedating antipsychotics aswell, but they lower dopamine and all that shit so its gonna be way more profound

still not gonna kill you

most people are on the above combination of drugs

most anticonvulsants work the same way as benzos and this will actually kill you depending on the anticonvulsant

barbiturates are notoriously dangerous, benzos phased them out

opioids will kill u lol no big suprise

alcohol might, u just gotta be careful, more at a risk for blacking out and catching a DUI then dying from OD on this combo tho

google is fucking retarded for drug overdoses, itā€™ll say taking addy and xanax will make u die

Lmao all of this implies that drug addicts make reasonable decisions while high. Do you really trust a junky to act in their own best interests. I get that you have to defend your drug like all junkies do.

lol bro iā€™m not even a downer guy


junkie is for like heroin addicts, bartard or wine aunt is for bartards

seeing as how only 9,000 ppl died from xanny ODā€™s and 50 million prescriptions were written, iā€™d say ppl are gonna be ok

lol bro iā€™m not even a downer guy

Hey bro we've got tons of downies here. It cool bro, just own up to it.

seeing as how only 9,000 ppl died from xanny ODā€™s and 50 million prescriptions were written, iā€™d say ppl are gonna be ok

Most people that are prescribed benzos aren't druggies so of course they won't od.

most people that are prescribed benzos arenā€™t druggies

thatā€™s where your wrong

All degenerates think everyone else is as degenerate as they are.

i know for a fact that if you have a xanax, adderall, or any other prescription for a drug that isnā€™t ssriā€™s your a druggie


A true 4k proyector

itā€™s true

Dude Benzos alone can cause respiratory depression when you overdose on them. They can absolutely kill you if you take enough

no they donā€™t lmfao

Are you trolling or just straight up retarded?


Benzodiazepine overdose describes the ingestion of one of the drugs in the benzodiazepine class in quantities greater than are recommended or generally practiced. The most common symptoms of overdose include central nervous system (CNS) depression, impaired balance, ataxia, and slurred speech. Severe symptoms include coma and respiratory depression

CNS depression and respiratory depression can both lead to death and are possible symptoms of pure Benzo overdoses. Where the fuck do you get your bullshit misinformation from?

show me some case studies of people dying from a benzo OD

they donā€™t exist retard

b-b-but wikipedia

Aw man you're actually retarded.

so u canā€™t find one lol

Well find me one that proves Benzo ODs are harmless

Obviously most Benzo deaths are in combination with other drugs so it'll be hard to find an isolated case and I won't make an effort to search. But it's a fact that you can die from it

nigga u find it

how am i gonna find a case study about how someone didnā€™t die tf



now divide the dog LD50 (1,000) by 1.8

this puts most benzos at an LD50 of 555.6mg/kg

that means if you weigh 50kg or 110lbā€™s it would take 28g of benzos to have a 50% chance of killing you

and xanax comes in 3mg at the absolute highest strengths

you would at most only get 180mg out of a 30 pill script (the 3mgā€™s are XR so no need for a 60 day script)

TL;DR: fuck you retard

You know what fuck it, you're right

the drug has almost an identical pharmacology to other benzos

Yeah you're right


Worst thing that will happen if you don't OD after mixing with alcohol or if you don't mix it with alcohol in the first place?

You can itā€™s just hard as fuck. Add alcohol or opioids though and youā€™re toast

Literally just had a Xanax OD in the ER here the other week. Absolutely is possible and deadly.

is not deadly unless you mix things or have pre conditions

Or if you stop breathing like that kid did because of his benzo OD

What a fucking stud. Mod that man, ASAP.

What a fucking stud. Mod that man, ASAP.