There is not a homeless problem in northern California. REPEAT, THERE IS NOT A HOMELESS PROBLEM IN NORTHERN CALIFORNIA

1  2020-02-06 by charming_tatum

This is all from the Chico subreddit which is a small town in North Eastern Ca. For years the bay area has been relocating homeless and poor people to Chico and other small Ca towns with promises of their own paid for apartment and food stamps. That was always a problem but things got out of hand when the paradise fires happened a couple of years ago destroying a whole town. Chico was the closest city so it took the most people in which included a lot of seasoned and newly homeless people. Also, the rental and housing market skyrocketed so the vouchers that the bay area transplants got from the state no longer covered rent which created even more homeless people. This is mostly rightoid/leftoid bickering with the homeless situation as a backdrop

This post is.mostly conservative and liberals bashing heads over city council and how popo is dealing with the hobos. Apparently there's was a protest by rightoids

Homeless hurting small business owners

Police confirm they are aware of a sexual predator named Pirate in the Redding area

A post about a new homeless shelter opening up in chico

This now famous video happened in chico


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


  1. There is not a homeless problem in ... -,

  2. This post is.mostly conservative an... -,

  3. Homeless hurting small business own... -,

  4. Police confirm they are aware of a ... -,

  5. A post about a new homeless shelter... -,

  6. This now famous video happened in c... -,

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The program doesn’t make it “easy” to exchange a needle. You just need one needle to “exchange” for as many as you want, including getting anything to make your opioids easier to intake.


Imagine not giving out free needles to junkies to fight drug addiction lmao

Dude opioids lmao

stops the spread of HIV, aids and stops homeless ppl from leaving their needles everywhere

idk how this is bad

Weird tho, so they just let them be junkies and homeless?

not every heroin addict homeless bro

stops homeless ppl from leaving their needles everywhere

In chico you can exchange 1 needle for as many as you want really work like that there

ok but needle exchange programs have proven results of stopping needle trash

I agree, they just need more oversight

nigga what more oversight do you need

you trade old needles for good needles

having more clean needles is better irregardless, it stops HIV spread

Oversight as in not giving 1 tweaker 20 needles for trading in 1 because right now that's what going on and they litter them like cigarette butts.

ok or better idea give them a rubber stopper and a plastic case with the needles

this stops accidental injections and stops HIV spread

Cleaning up the human trash that creates needle trash would be a more final solution to the problem

hitler was an opioid and meth addict 😜😜

Yeah and he thankfully shot his junkie ass


I know this guy that was a cop in the 70s and 80s and he was telling me about how he used deal with the homeless people that would sleep on the beach in his town. He would pepper spray their sleeping bags when they were away so when they would come back it would stir up the pepper spray and get in their eyes. He would throw their carts and bags into dumpsters. If they were gonna arrest one of them he and his buddy would batton them until they had to be dragged to the car because they couldn't walk.

That is the kind of community policing we need these days.

Nice, they deal with them in the southeast by buying them bus tickets. If it weren't for sisterfucking wetbrains from Mississippi Ca wouldn't have a homeless problem

Now that's what I call tough on homelessness.

A golden age.

Cope. Nuke california.

California spends decades making it as easy and accommodating as possible to be homeless in the state, and then is shocked when the homeless population continues to surge. Makes sense.

Apparently if you're homeless in CA you get to go to the front of the lines in hospitals and stay over night/free meal all that. The same people come back complaining about chest pains every 2 or 3 days for that. $80000 starting salaries and they can't find nurses

They wouldn't care about bums taking over, if it hadnt gotten to the point where they arent even safe in their ivory tower of upper/upper middle class communities where their only interaction is with "model" minorities/bums/etc. And suddenly face the same reality "bigoted" plebs had to live with the entire time.

Inb4 cope/seethe/dilate. That's my serious post for today.

Yeah, but why no other woke mayos who have not yet faced this reality are taking them to task? Smdh, do I have to go and write some screeds about how the idea of "homeless" as somehow less capable or deserving human beings is bigoted and how statistics show that homeless actually commit less crime and produce more value than native population?


FOR FUCKS SAKE, first we got stupid ass latinx and now this

Transient is just the scientific term for hobo. Homeless to me implies someone who has taken up permanent residence in a town or city while a hobo,or transient, is someone who moves around from town to town usually by way of freight train.

Want to watch a grown man shit himself and then attack other people with shit smearing everywhere? Enjoy sunny California.

I thought Cali was the one nice warm arid climate first world place I could emigrate too. You’re really gonna destroy my refuge huh

Is that really what you flyover elites think?

Fly over elites? What.

Could you not understand me over the sound of your $500k diesel tractor running? You people voted a billionaire into office, no wonder you cant relate to the hardworking, brow beaten, salt of the earth caucasians that populate the coastal cities

Miss, this is Wendy’s.

What even makes you feel soooooo at risk for harm? I'm a female and I feel totally confident to walk downtown on my own at night. In fact, I do it often!

This is the kind of women who goes to somalia to prove how nice and safe it is and gets her head chopped off.

Typical professor daughter

This is also the woman who participates in those retarded “take back the night” walks


tbh there is some kind of cosmic lego-like fit in being a sexual predator named Pirate in Redding.

Free Jefferson!