BPT is about to cooooom

1  2020-02-06 by Oreu


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They targeted gamers. Gamers.


  1. BPT is about to cooooom - archive.org, archive.today

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Nice to see niggers fetishizing a ten year old white hild, that's not gross or fucked up in any way at all.

Fuck off edgy bigot

posts on r/nba

Do you only hang out in minstrel subs?

You took a real stand for pedophiles everywhere today.

But especially the black ones.

How stunning and brave.

Let’s do a run down see if I can figure out who you’re role playing...

Obsessed with pedophiles - check
Edgy bigot - check

Are you ... an incel youth pastor from Alabama?

Oh yes, the ol no-u

Never get tired of that one

Pointing out the nigger pedophile fetishizing white children totally makes me the monster, you got me.

you got me.

social justice wins again ✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿

It's noble work you're doing for your fellow pedophiles.

The fact that this gets downvoted says a lot about the PH balance in this drama pool. I say we ask AHS to brigade here for a couple weeks, sort it right out

We need controlled burn, not blanketing the forest in anthrax.

Those aren’t black people

BPT is mostly white 10 year olds themselves

People in BPT talk like Jrock in the Trailer Park Boys.

Yeah fo realz

Iono what your talkin bout, Dey jus tryna make their pasty asses seem a lil more black

You're worse than Lawlz and Shill combined, you know that, right?

Actually you're a horrible person, fuck off and eat shit.

Did you know that by 2050 white people will be minority? What do you feel about that?

How do you feel about defending a pedophile?

I guess pretty good?

Yep, pretty good. However you didn't answer my question you future-minority. How do you feel about inevitable mayocide?

How do you feel about defending a pedophile?

Yep, pretty good.


Don't seethe too much, it's bad for your health. Come to think of it, maybe you should seethe more.

Only 30 years to go.

How do you feel about defending a pedophile?

Yep, pretty good.

Avoid my question at all cost.


How do you feel about defending a pedophile?

Yep, pretty good.

Mexicans will become white just like the Irish did

I thought we were rid of the libertarian menace


Fucking great.

It's going to be like Mad Max but without the white 'people' and loads more people trying to claim welfare.

Mad max was all white people tho 🤔🤔🤔

Did you know that by 2050 white people will be minority?

Nah Castizos Futurism.

yeah you’re an absolute neckbeard faggot it’s painfully obvious. We’re all pretty fucking whack here but lol every thing you comment is so fucking embarrassing. sounds like you should find maybe take a break from the internet. everyone who posts the kind of shit you do is clearly very isolated. this is coming from someone who posts in r/cumtown and r/drama on the regular. if people in this community think even you’re a faggot I don’t know if there is any help for you.


Lmao is this pasta?

yeah totally


Wait I thought Invictus was Pizza alt. Wtf?

You think there's a single black on BTP?

thinking that retarded comment was talking about the child

thinking people anywhere on reddit aren’t mayos because they say so


thinking that retarded comment was talking about the child

I was talking about the twitter post in the BPT op but thanks for coooming out, bruh.

You just told me last night that hate is bad. Wtf nigga?

Where did I say anywhere that I hated anyone?

I'm just pointing out that nigger is fetishizing literally 8 year old white girls via a made-up story he decided to post on Twitter and everyone posting in that thread is apparently okay with that.

I don't see where not hating people means I have to ignore pedophiles.


Finally the correct answer in this thread.

Its sad that this sub has been taken over by edgy, puritanical rightoids recently. Radical centrism is all but dead here. It's honestly pathetic that you guys cant moderate your porn use.

But pee and poop come from those places, it's gross

Trump is right walls do work can we close the sub again

Yes please! And perm ban all T_D posters

lmfao how tf do u get addicted to porn it’s not even a drug

m-m-muh dopamine

dopamine isn’t the pleasure chemical rightard

Nothing I said was edgy or even mentioned porn nor was in anyway “rightoid.”

Nigger is at least as edgy as ten Billie Eilishes, two Bill Mahers, one Howard Stern and an eighth of a Ted Kaczynski

dude nigger lmao 😂

That didn't happen but it's always funny to see niggers make cumskins mad 😂

Where's the drama?

Black ppl

You messed up on the link.


Do people still post these fake ass "and then everyone clapped" stories in 2020?

Not exactly how and why it works but it does. You will see random garbage tweets like this just pop off first, most likely, at Twitter after which it just gets posted to Reddit and boom.

Well actually kids saying chocolate people isn't unheard of. When I was a kid I said ohhh dad look big chocolate person when I saw a fat black person. My dad told me this like 12 years ago.

Do people still post these fake ass “my dad told me so” stories to explain a "then everyone clapped" story in 2020?

Nobody saying that chocolate man is beautiful especially kids who tend to be uncouth. Look at his face.

I'd believe it more if the child had said something like "that chocolate man is committing a crime" or "why does that chocolate man have kids with so many women?"

you know, realistic things

Lmao who would want a nigger? They're disgusting and this nigger is fantasising HAHAHA

Mayo foids 🤢🤢🤢

The redditty white guy comments saying “black people funny sayings” is so over the top and profoundly racist. If this site were just they’d ip ban anyone using that sub in “good faith”.

As with every thread of this nature, it all comes down to "muh dick"

Mutts law

The mayos of BPT show us that cultural appropriation is cool as lomg as no one can tell what race you really are.
