All European countries are now at below replacement level birth rates confirming that the great replacement is an alt-right conspiracy theory

1  2020-02-06 by Nergaal


A downvote from a commie is the equivalent of an upvote from someone with braincells. So thanks, man.


  1. All European countries are now at b... -,

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You're 25. You're not old enough to make a god damn educated decision about Time Cube. If you're dumb, stupid and evil, you can learn from the lessons of Nature rather than accept deadly math:

1- Cubic Time is above 4e math.

2- Time Cube is the same everywhere. Same for

3- Time Cube is Omnificence (no God). Cubic math is proof.

Educated adults of Earth have no choice but to accept the truth of Time Cube.


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Exactly. It can't be a real conspiracy of nonwhites are also being replaced

There is a reason it’s called bongastan

Because it has like a sub 5% Muslim population?

Exactly. The US is 1%

That's too much

Economical development tends to do that, however I'm not sure we are mayos or European

Turks are the Italians of Arabs. Once the Turks ruled over almost all of them, in a vast empire, and now they’re a joke

Insights like this are why I keep coming back to this sub. Incalculable IQ.

Imagine being the Arabs of Arabs 😂

You crossed over in the 1200s so the Hungarians hardly even beat you.

My favorite is that the same people who upvoted a reddit post to +15k of someone holding a sign saying "We're getting queerer, browner and witchier and we're going to watch you dinosaurs die out" definitely call the great replacement a conspiracy theory.

I despise this new age witch crap. They dont sacrifice animals or have mushroom fueled lesbian orgies in the woods or anything interesting. Its all just astrology bs and casting spells to own drumpf by thinking at him real hard and rereading harry potter over and over while diddling yourself with a 'wand' you bought for 50 dollars off of etsy

I would genuinely rather hang out with islamists, at least some of them like guns and explosives

"New age witch crap" Excuse me, what?