German political drama continues: Merkel demands a reelection

1  2020-02-06 by RedditorsFartToo

From yesterday. Merkel says the results are inexcusable and that the election should be annulled.

But there is more: demands for the end of the grand coalition are coming in.

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  1. Merkel - Outline

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  1. German political drama continues: M... -,

  2. From yesterday -,*

  3. Merkel -,

  4. in -,

  5. Bonus pic -,*

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What exactly is 'inexcusable' here?

Free election.

Free elections are alright as long as I like the results.

To summarize, until the last election in Thuringia the leftoid, Green (Greta) and Social Democrat (centrist/leftoid/neolib/neocon/retard) Parties had a "Red Red Green" Majority, but now the liberal democrats (FDP) and rightoid (AfD) parties gained enough seats that no sensible coalition can be built, because nobody wants to work with the AfD and everyone else lacks seats.

That is until the CDU and FDP somehow elected a Minister-president by using votes from the AfD, which is the second strongest party there.

You have to remember it is Germoney though and the head of Thuringia AfD kinda called for some sort of civil war to weed out "the weak" and gives Richard Spencer a run for his money on how much of a rightoid you can be, so it is verboten to ever associate or work with them politically.

tl;dr Some guy channelled white power to become minister-president even though everyone agreed not to do that again.

Weltkrieg 3? Es ist zeit fur Kaiserreich 4!

Third reich was no Kaiserreich


So does Merkel have that power or is she just blowing smoke?

just blowing smoke.


Because as we all know, there's nothing nazis hate more than rapid fire emergency elections caused by the establishment failing to form stable coalitions

Parliaments sound fucking awful. A party forms a mandate, and then basically has supreme power until the next election. If they don't have a majority, they make an agreement with another party to wield supreme power with. Is there any point at all to minority parties?

Well minority parties might gain more influence than they have votes. For example in your example one party cooperates with another to gain majority, that means the lesser party gains a big influence by becoming a government partner.

Germany has this weird thing where they assign the label “democratic” to the established parties and “democracy” therefore becomes your duty to vote for these parties. So then you get this situation where they unironically call fair elections “the death of democracy” and it only makes sense if this doublethink is hammered into your brain for years every day.

That's because you have to pretend that Nazism wasn't democratic in order to legitimize the current regime.

Source: German

Do they teach you that Germans voted in Hitler? Lmao

Hopefully. That's what happened

It's undeniable that Hitler's regime was immensely popular with the vast majority of Germans. Even if the elections after his takeover were a scam, but if you define democracy as "rule by the people" or "by the majority" it certainly was the most democratic regime Germany has ever had.

That's only true if you strip out the inherent electoral or direct representative beholden to an electoral process part of democracy and change it to mean 'regime is popular with the masses'. But then you could class a popular monarchy as 'democratic', and words have lost all meaning.

Well at least Germany's being consistent then.


vast majority

They held 33% of the seats of parliament before democracy was suspended in Germany. Even with the coalition, that leaves about half--if you're being extremely generous. The coalition wasn't at all friendly, Hitler didn't have true power here. He came to power by political ploys and terrorism by his gang of thugs.

Nah the collation was very willingly gave Hitler power. They hated commies more than Hitler and the country already ran from dictatorial style even before Hitler

Governments before Hitler relied heavily on dictatorial powers of the President.

They hated commies more than Hitler

everyone does in the end

Yes, they became vastly and extemely popular a few years later, not right away.

I don't care if lines of Germans lined up to suck Hitler's cock once he was fuhrer, this was about whether they made him fuhrer in the first place.

Nah, I just said whether the regime was democratic and it was extremely well supported. I wasn't referring to the election on purpose because I know he didn't win a landslide at first.

Yeah, his party was a Socialist party. Of course it involved murder and not free will. Is any of this surprising?

being a kraut

I'm sorry.


One of these days I'm going to learn enough german to fill out the NetDZG reddit complaint forms so I can dunk on any german who says anything even remotely out of line.

Only voting for the established parties and having a meltdown about the state of democracy any time you don't win sounds a lot like the US tbh

Only hardcore retarded partisans even care about politics in the first place. And the internet in general leads you to believe there are more than there really are

Seriously what basis does she have for delegitimizing the result of a free, fair, and constitutional parliamentary vote?

Isn't this an example of the system working and moderating the voice of an extremist party? I doubt anyone in AfD came in wanting a classical liberal as the head of anything, much less a state government. The FDP isn't even a eurosceptic party, they're explicitly pro EU. Merkel literally has no reason to dislike the ultimate outcome here.

But of course, because nazreeeeees are involved, Merkel Mommy had to shit her pants and make the guy step down. Gee I sure hope that doesn't piss off the voters or the local CDU organizations, seeing their national leader blunder in, toss their votes out, and destroy a perfectly good compromise. Peak brain worms at work here.

They can't govern without their help in the first place. It creates precedent to include Nazis in the normal political process and cooperate with them. Slow acceptance and cooperation is how it worked last time as well. This isn't a joke.

Also how it worked under Adenauer in a sense, but I guess the only reasonable reaction is to scream "FASCHISMUS" and override muh democratic norms and values

this’ll be good drama though, something fun to watch that isn’t Burgerdrama

Our (german) political drama isn't as funny tho, because we don't have rampant dementia and sex scandals. Its usually either insane lobbying, white-collar crimes and nerdy obsession with brown people.

Germans not being funny.

Imagine my shock

Wrong. They could govern without the AfD but the other parties have to play along, too.

Well no. They needed either the left party or the AfD to pass legislation, since all the other parties together lack majority.

oh no! they would have to find compromises that are acceptable to both the left and the right? clearly that wouldn't be democracy

They won't cooperate with the left party and they won't cooperate with them, they knew this from the start, hence they must have planned to cooperate with the fascists around Höcke from the start, and yes, this is a problem.

No I'm not saying the AfD itself is fascist as a whole but the Thuringian AfD is

sounds like those left wing parties are less democratic than the AfD.

Höcke is pretty extreme though

But the left party doesn't have a majority as well. So the left has to build a querfront to govern?

They were willing to cooperate with the CDU

I am sure the CDU would have cooperated with "Die Linke" under a FDP minister president.

Reported under NetDZG as soon as I learn enough bavarian to fill out that form.

Seriously what basis does she have for delegitimizing the result of a free, fair, and constitutional parliamentary vote?

she thinks shes the ruler of europe and is a big commie herself

It's even worse: You can't be elected by someone we don't like.

Why is german twitter so insufferable... Seems like all of them are SRDines

Germany really is the SRD of nations.

They overcorrected a bit while trying to convince the world that they totally aren't gonna start another world war

The Gang Starts Another World War

its worse now

Depends where. Bavaria and especially franconia is pretty tolerable. The rest are fucking nerds though.

franconia home of the german chris chan is pretty tolerable




google "Drachenlord" or maybe Dragonlord for an english explanation

Ha ha ha a Frosch

it's funny, every german I've spoken to has said bavaria was fucking abhorrent

aside from the bavarian, of course

I've been told it's the Alabama of Germany. My kind of people tbh.

More like the Texas of Germany.

It's the richest state in Germany, so no, not really. Many germans hate the ruling party there (ruling since 46 btw).

That honor goes to France

Germany makes me want the great replacement to be real


So it was Merkel's own party that went against her wishes and now she wants to call a do-over? That's hilarious. Germany is in for a wild ride these next few years I think.

So Merkel is upset that her party voted with the AfD for a liberal MP? The CDU is center-right, what is she so buttblasted over?

Being any kind of right is frowned upon, so you have to bash the afd if you dont want leftists coming for you

Being any kind of right is frowned upon, so you have to bash the afd if you dont want leftists coming for you

Being any kind of right is frowned upon, so you have to bash the afd if you dont want leftists coming for you

Höcke. Germany and Nazis don't compute well.

Imagine the reaction if Trump said that

Burger shocked that politics works differently in a different country

Imagine the reaction if Höcke said that.

Die Wahl dieses Ministerpräsidenten war ein einzigartiger Vorgang, der mit einer Grundüberzeugung für die CDU und auch für mich gebrochen hat, dass nämlich keine Mehrheiten mit Hilfe der AfD gewonnen werden sollen.

[...] deshalb das Ergebnis rückgängig gemacht werden muss. Zumindest gilt für die CDU, dass sich die CDU nicht an einer Regierung unter dem gewählten Ministerpräsidenten beteiligen darf

Wenn Höcke sagen würde, dass seine Partei eine Entscheidung zurücknehmen soll, von der er der Überzeugung ist, dass sie gegen Grundsätze seiner eigenen Partei verstößt, würde das wohl kaum jemanden wundern.

Aber genug seriousposting.

"I don't know if you guys are history buffs or not..."

Wait do non Germans give a fuck about this?

giving a fuck might be pushing it, but i think it's kinda funny

German political drama doesn't happen often but when it's happening it's very funny.

German Twitter is one giant REEEE and nobody understands sarcasm or humor, so it's a free for all lolcow farm every time something goes down.

how is that diffirent from regular twitter

German twitter is more concentrated REEEEEEEEEE.

Everything Germans do is more concentrated.

We've got camps for that.

Thanks for explaining the extremely obvious joke and confirming multiple stereotypes, Kraut.

If our tanks would work I would drive them through belgium to visit france.

As a German I’m torn between not giving one and being really annoyed by these retards 😔

I won't care about Germany until they invade Poland again.

I think it’s kinda funny.

I do. That's just me though.

German elections are quite important because Germany is the heart of the EU. If it sneezes the orbiting countries feel a storm. AfD winning these numbers is a signal to other right parties in the EU that they can push a little more and get what they want.

AfD is this successful after we took in almost 2 million migrants, almost all of them uneducated young Arab men. It’s not really transferable you italiy France Spain or whatever

I'm not asking 'why are they popular', I'm talking about national and regional partisan politics.

As I am a Bong, I am taking great pleasure in seeing all these Eurofag bureaucrats in meltdown as their careers fall apart. Durko Tusk is out on his arse after years of scheming to become EU president & that currycel bussyfan in Ireland is next. Merkel will probably soon collapse in public of some awful bollocks due to half a lifetime eating sawdust, potatoes, corpses and Soviet radiation.

We’re still cucking your fishermen tho

Like I give a fuck about less than a thousand blokes in turtle necks and waders. Like anyone does.

The only reason any Bong cares about North Sea fishing is because if we hard-brexit, there's a,chance some frog, spik or bacon-elf fishing boat getting rammed by the Royal Navy and sent to the bottom with all hands.

I can feel you seething from across the canal

Who's the Irish bussyfan?

Their prime minister.

Lmao why he have 2 mayo first names. Leo Eric.

Leo is probably short for "Leothandukaramuruamiaramiun" or something.

Eric is the probably the gayest name besides 'Butch' or 'Ivan'.

Are u allowed to use those words bong?

No, no, no.

You should have said "Do you have a liocence for those words, mate?"

A Reeeeeeeelection you say?

You know who else didn't like democracy much when it went against them? Nazis, that's who. She almost has her own personal EU state army as well. Someone else did that too on their way to worldwide genocide.

Someone else did that too on their way to worldwide genocide.

Charles de Gaulle?

It's Colonel Charles de Gaulle, you shitlord.

German Chancellor says election results are dangerous and have to be overturned.


i can't really understand german politics at all, too many acronyms and more than 2 parties is just too much for my burger brain not to mention my lack of fluency in languages that don't matter

but cope and seethe are universal so nice links OP

It's 1488 all over again!

And liberal will turn around and say, how did it come to this. I am a liberal and it was disgusting to watch in France how socialists and conservatives compromised to keep Marie Le Pen out of power.

Well people dont like your ideologies you retarded shitheads, maybe try something different. I am pretty sure if Marie Le Pen couldnt improve those people's conditions, then people would not vote for her just like they had realized both socialist and capitalist parties had failed them and did not vote for them.

Hitler's daughter is going against democracy after she went after free speech

See this is why im happy living in Canada, no one gives a shit about our politics here. Guy wears blackface 3 times, still gets elected Prime minister. No one cares and its great.

Can your wife wax my dick and balls now please? If she doesn't I fucking sue.

Also, tell your daughter to come to my pool party without her top on. Remember that.

you got trudeau so not sure id call it great lol

have fun repatriating isis members and shipping all your coronavirus guys back though

you got trudeau so not sure id call it great lol

Yeah, hes an idiot, but the liberal party (the one hes a part of) has won over half the elections for the past 150 years, so the party ovbiously knows what theyre doing, so its not too much to worry about.

the party ovbiously knows what theyre doing

then again, we can all look at canada

Eh, its better than the states, and we dont have shit like Brexit or deadly viruses spawning from our food. Id say its a pretty nice place to live, minus the cold.

the average leaf probably pays more attention to burgerland politics than their own 😂

r/drama brauche mehr Deutschbundesdramatik, etwas mit Deutschland x Turkei x Nazische. Wir wollen chaos!

Just wait till germany gets kicked out in the preliminary round of the Euros.

Wait for a couple months, when snap elections get called in Turkey, Tayyip will call you Nazis again.

I don't follow Kraut politics closely, all I know is that AfD constantly gets called fascist and far-right. Unfortunately for people who actually care about reality, the left has cried nazi-wolf so much that I actually have no idea if AfD is actually fascist or if they're just moderately right-wing.

Someone give the lowdown. Are they actually bad or is the left just crying wolf and moralfagging again?

There are moderates in the AfD but some are not and one of them is the head of the AfD in Thuringia (Höcke). He can be called a fascist because this statement 'rests on verifiable facts' and he is also accused of writing for far-right and neo-nazi magazines under the pseudonym "Landolf Ladig".