r/Syriancirclejerkwar users explode into serious posting when a Somali Erdogan supporter shits on Assad and Iran.

1  2020-02-06 by Stoicpeace


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Jews did this


  1. r/Syriancirclejerkwar users explode... - archive.org, archive.today

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I want this meme but with Trump in the middle and the text says "Thank you for killing thousands of Muslims" or something.

How are people able to follow what's going on in Middle East and pick a side? I live in ME but don't follow the news aboot it because it confuses me with 80 different terrorist and governmental organizations and whatnot.

Beats me. Jesus reading that simple convo in that thread makes my head spin.

Everyone just simplifies it all by saying "it's us and them". That's the trend I've noticed on r/iranian

Believe it or not but a huge percentage of posters on Syrian Civil War subs are actual militiamen lmao

The rest are salty refugees or 22 year old meets Ala pizzashill who think they know everything because they follow salafist twitter

Believe it or not but a huge percentage of posters on Syrian Civil War subs are actual militiamen lmao


you can hate Iran, Ksa and Israel at the same time. Its called not being 12.

Not being 12 is the surest way of getting downvotes on reddit.

Wait do the Jews hate Iran bc they're white?