/r/sanders4president decides that Qanon wasn't retarded enough, come up with their own conspiracies.

1  2020-02-06 by Platycel


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I don't understand any of this, but what I do know is the Russians did it

>letting k*llary off the hook this easily


Implying Killari rodkhenova clintoviy isnt a secret child of Putin

Wait a sec, both Democrats and Germans want to redo elections after they didn't like the results, literally on the same day?

I don't know what's going on but I'm investing in Dramacoin.

Sounds like that anti-bussy lady will be able to change her vote after all! :>

He followed up:

A recanvass is a review of the worksheets from each caucus site to ensure accuracy.

They're just rechecking the vote totals. Which they'ed probably have to do anyway given how close it is.

Let's face it. The problem is that you've got a bunch of boomers running the caucuses and they don't get the app they were trying to use. Incompetence is always a more realistic explanation than malice.

Incompetence is always a more realistic explanation than malice.

Explain why when mapped the inconsistencies overwhelmingly are against Sanders and only target Sanders won districts?

Why did they release the data like they did? Why are they refusing to correct data when we have the raw data that shows that Sanders should actually be ahead of Buttigieg in SDE's?

Fool me once sure, incompetence, but EVERYTHING in Iowa, we're talking situation after situation after situation just happened to all be against Sanders and useful for Pete. There might have been an initial fuckup, but there is no way in a billion years it wasn't taken advantage of. Also now we're seeing the IDP turn on the DNC now the IDP has been thrown under the bus and we've learned that the DNC were far more heavily involved in the process than what was thought before, even high ranking IDP officials are basically hinting at the process was rigged.


Implying Q didn't take advantage of boomer's incompetence and rigged the election in absentia

Speak English, fence-hopper

Ceterum autem censeo Judeam esse delendam

Ceterum censeo the industrial revolution and its consequences sunt a disaster for the human race

Im so excited to see the sub sanders4president to be active again. It was always an epicenter of coping and seething.

That's the only candidate sub I'm not subscribed to. Their level of circle jerking is too much for me to handle. Plus the mods are weirdos and remove posts at the same level as the_donald. When you automod out any mention of "heart attack" after your 78 year candidate nearly dies, you got some serious cognitive dissonance going on.

Streaming is the dumbest thing to ever get popular that I hope this venture does as much damage as possible to the entire platform. I will support any and every cause to nuke all streaming platforms. It was a mistake to dabble in these dark arts, and it must be dealt with.


  1. /r/sanders4president decides that Q... - archive.org, archive.today*

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Bernie bros just can't handle the pure energy of Mayor Pete in Iowa

I seriously can't wait for what's to come. Berniebros are going to get a cold reality check soon.

It seems they're at the "seethe" stage of grief now. Soon they will enter the "dilate" stage, where they will throw more and more of their student loans at Bernie (match me!) In hopes of their candidate finally being accepted.

That’s a nice high IQ play you’ve got hidden in there. Take out massive student loans and donate the entirety to Bernie’s campaign in hopes that he forgives your loan.

They do reuse that here are a bunch more primaries right and that Iowa is only the first one?

Hopefully an election that will have me choose between either these idiots or MAGAhats will finally be what inspires me to keep myself safe.