The Onion makes a funny article about cringebulls, pibble owners chimp out in the comments

1  2020-02-06 by The_Live_Ghost


It's not the breed it's the owner

So are pitbull owners more likely to be violent and incompetent retards than other dog owners?

Yes. Real shit, they are. I grew up in the south and know plenty of pit bull owners, breeders, unfortunately a few dog fighters too. A handful of them know what they’re doing, have experience raising dogs, do the research, acknowledge that pits take more effort and investment than other breeds, and raise great dogs. The rest are impulsive retards who treat pits like a personality accessory; can’t discipline themselves, let alone an animal literally bred for fighting; and raise fucking public hazards. Something about the breed attracts retards, I think it’s the “misunderstood and dangerous” factor, and these idiots just want to feel special or tough. There’s no reason why dog owners shouldn’t get assault charges for what their dogs do.

Promoting anarchofascism for 9 years and counting.


  1. The Onion makes a funny article abo... -,

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