Science proves men are better than women for the millionth time and hoes are still mad

1  2020-02-07 by unrulyfarmhand


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I may be a 30 year old virgin who has never had a relationship but at least I’m not an incel


  1. Science proves men are better than ... -,

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I love how the existence of troids has shifted the arguments from "You can't say women are weaker than men, there are many strong women" to "You can't say trans women aren't women, they can totally be as weak and feeble as real women"

Maybe once trans athletes get more common we can return to the glory days of all-male Olympics 😌


we can return to the glory days of all-male Olympics

Wtf this is beyond based.

I think it's going to be that way unintentionally a lot sooner than anyone thinks.

Under the current IOC guidelines, issued in November 2015, athletes who transition from male to female can compete in the women’s category without requiring surgery to remove their testes provided their total testosterone level in serum is kept below 10 nanomoles per litre for at least 12 months.

However, others disagree, pointing to the emerging findings from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, which show that testosterone suppression for transgender women has little effect on reducing muscle strength even after a year of treatment. That indicates that at least some of the physical advantages of those who have gone through male puberty are maintained even after transitioning.

Those guidelines, used by most sports federations to draw up their transgender policies, have proved controversial, given that women’s testosterone levels tend to range between 0.12 and 1.79 nmol/l, while men’s are typically between 7.7 to 29.4 nmol/l.

The Guardian understands some scientists on the IOC panel have argued that reducing the permitted testosterone levels to 5nmol/L – below most males – would provide a reasonable compromise between inclusion and fairness, ensuring that trans women could still compete in the women’s category while taking away most of the advantages of undergoing male puberty.

Implying there should ever be a compromise between fairness and inclusion in the fucking OLYMPICS


The /r/mma thread is great

Jannies cleaned it up though

Honestly I'd be on board with whatever political movement that puts janitors on the wall.

lmao I forgot how much Rogan shilled for Rousey back in the day. He seriously thought she was capable of beating half of male bantamweights?

Yeah but women have tits and more women contribute to the mayocide than men sooooo

This is true murder suicides are a 2 for 1 where a suicide is just 1 and done.

Lmao they always get so booty-blasted that some middling pro tennis player wiped the floor with both Williams sisters in between smoke breaks

I wasn't aware people were actually stupid enough to think that the gender difference of strength was up for debate. Like the whole nurture>nature memeplex is strong but this is something so obviously bullshit as to be incredible, while proving things that are obvious is still good science this seems like doing an experiment to prove the earth is round and having people who say they love science being surprised by the result.

The most common weightlifting steroid is literally just more testosterone

Cite your source(s)

Genetic biologist here. It's not just testerone. There's a lot more going on at the molecular level than just testosterone signaling. It's significant, but the genes are still different. You can't just so testosterone therapy on a female at adolescence and expect her to be identical to.male performance that is natural. Just natural biological differences that cannot be simply made up by adding a single hormone into the mix. There are massive genetic differences in protein production that play a part.

Because as someone who does bioinformatics research, I don't find this to be the case. The genetic differences would have to be isolated to the typical y chromosome, which does not have a lot of genes on it (though admittedly maybe introns play a factor).

Either way, you shouldn't make a claim like that without a source backing it up please and thank you.

A troid thinks they can argue with a actual scientist because he learned to make estrogen in his kitchen sink using household cleaners and a guide made made by a communist furry on tumblr

Why do so many r/science threads get y'alled?

I am sorry, you're saying there are people stupid enough to unironically believe there isn't evidence men are stronger than women and we needed a study to convince them??