It turns out that British moids are particularly stupid.

1  2020-02-07 by thowaway_throwaway


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You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


  1. It turns out that British moids are... -,

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Imagine stepping back and letting other people be in charge simply because they will say you're mean if you don't concede them power.

A 40% failure rate for english and maths is pathetic.

40% failure rate occurs a lot in nature, really makes you 🤔

Women are better than men. It is important that Brits get more women I positions of power like Margaret Thatcher and Theresa May.

I'd say, women know they can just take men's achievements and because pussy and men are thirsty, they will give it to them. Why work when you can get others to do it for you and demand they give you credit. It's genius. What they don't realise is men only worked hard for women, knocking men down means they will quite happily let women do all the work. Most careers aren't that fulfilling. It's the most successful lie of the 21st century.

Margaret Thatcher doesn't count as she was clearly a man in drag and Theresa May just needed the tax breaks for her husband's company.

A not unexpected result when you pander to the bottomless pit that is women's self-esteem.


Most of that thread is self hating men saying how stupid the average male is. If education was focused on being huge faggots men in the UK would be light-years ahead.

How is this news to anyone even dumb and/or irresponsible girls are more likely to make better students than their moid counterparts.

Nobody is going to point out that everyone in that thread is a retard thus proving the study?