
1  2020-02-07 by The_Reason_Pete_Wins


In some Asian countries, being called a lizard it's similar to our being called a rat. I think they know about the lizard people.

I have no respect for a politician that doesn't snitch, rat out, betray their own circle, play unfair, pocket the citizen's hard earned money, mock their own voter base, act spineless etc.

Can some native speaker tell me if my grammar is correct? It felt somehow off when writing.

It's good. You could have added an "and" before the last listed example but it still read fine. What's you native language?

Turkish 🇹🇷🇹🇷

So I used to work at a Turkish restaurant. One day I decided to fuck with the new waitress from Turkey with an anti-joke.

The waitress walks up to check on an order. I look at her and say, "What do you call a Turkish man flying an airplane?" (The answer is: a pilot you racist)

Without missing a beat, the waitress looked at me and said, "A terrorist" and then walked away.

She was awesome but also a manyak

LoL, probably she thought you were going to make an offensive joke.

That's the joke. But she flipped the script and best me at my own game.

Beaten on your own game by a foid.

Never began for you, friend. 🤭


is that turkish for tranny?

Lol "maniac" sooo



Ah a mudslime

I'm an atheist 😤😤

Infinitely worse

I'm telling Erdogan

Fucking takfiri detected. You need to get down with some mainstream madhab before you are removed like the kebab.


You probably smell like a kabob.

And that's a good thing 😎

Based turk

I don't get why did everybody upvoted me & Pete's conversation it wasn't funny or anything sometime this sub confuses me

That's our chaotic nature in display.

It's because we're the most accepting multicultural community on the internet. 🤗🤗🤗

This is how it stars my karaboğa

Fuck I forgot I'm sorry!


Prescriptivists would say you should have used “who” instead of “that”, since you’re talking about a person, but many - probably most - native speakers wouldn’t take an issue with it.

You follow the authority only of people who have shown themselves to have, for all intents and purposes, no authority?

Yeah, it makes you question why they entered politics in the first place.

To serve the country and not their party probably. What degenerates.

Big Bernie fan, then?

I hate commies too

How many innocent Kurds have you slaughtered?

Trick question, there's no such thing as innocent Kurd!

Based Turk

sounds like /r/neoliberal in a nutshell

The asshurt when Bernie gets cucked again will be palpable. Imagine if he wins a slim plurality but the superdelegates give Pete the nomination instead, it'd be absolute poetry. ôvô


You're newly relevant, unfortunately this entire week will be the_reason_trump_won x a billion if Pete actually Buttmentums his way to the nomination.


I can't wait for Buttplug to win the Dem nomination.

Make Republicans Hate Faggots Again.

unironically hilarious.

I used to think the US was a democracy and the repubs were the 'bad guys' but radical centrism has taken this sweet summer child and blackpilled him into being gay with his dad.

The true ass hurt is a Bloomfberg win. Imagine the salty chapos being forced to vote for a billionaire or embrace 4 more years of Cheeto Dorito Magneto.



I feel as though the agenda is to cheat the progressive wing of the party SO HARD that there is some violent reaction at the DNCC. Hillary comes out on top, because Pete is a literal ratfink uncle fucker. They blame it all on HillDawg and the extremist left. Let Trump have another 4 years, and come back with Buttigieg2: Electric Bootyloo. Best plan they can do. Make Berners look like raving lunatics, because you actually made them raving lunatics.

I think this is brilliant because its a pro drama take

We have the best takes, folks.

tHe sToLe iT fRoM hIm AgAiN i dOnT uNdErStAnD wHy tHe bOoMeRs DoNt WaNt To pAy MoRe tAxEs

Or wins the nomination then dies from another heart attack

Let's be honest here, there is absolutely no difference between democrats and republicans.

Kinda feels like a mini Nazbol gang.

It's a based and blessed alliance. Laissez faire capitalism leads to greed and kufr, so true Islam aims to reduce inequality in society and help the poor. In addition, Earth is a gift from Allah and should be treated well.

The left: wow ut stupid how could democrats and Republicans be the same if they both vote differently!!!!

The right: wow ut stupid how could democrats and Republicans be the same if they both vote differently!!!!

Bruh that's what I said!!!


Good thing bernie isn’t a Democrat

Good thing bernie isn’t a Democrat

Then he shouldn't be running on the Democratic ticket.

That’s political suicide in amerimutt land

Oh I know. He needs to get with the programs or gtfo.


I made this

🎶Tale as old as time🎶
🎶Song as old as rhyme🎶
🎶Reposting OC🎶

This is gayer than Pete

I have a reputation to uphold

Lol how does it feel to get cucked like an app cucked Bernie

This, but unironically

I would normally have appreciated Romney for this but the extreme levels of smug, retarded gloating they're doing over it on r/politics prevents me from taking any joy from it

What kind of self reflection should I be doing? Have I spent too long on this site?

I unironically preferred Romney over Obama.

Why do they hate Pete? He seems reasonable. Is it just because he isn't Bernie?

Genuine fear of a competent poc

Person of cock

He is insufficiently committed to giving neetbux and endless free college to white male feminists

Reddit has gotten used to sucking Bernie's cock and shitting on Trump, so yeah it's probably because he's not Bernie.

He’s done a fuckton if sleazy shit (he donated 40k to the app that ducked up the entire caucus, took a victory lap before any results were dropped, and WORKED FOR A COMPANY THAT FIXED BREAD PRICES) and also constantly brags about being a “veteran” when all he did was borderline CIA shit for a few months, never saw combat

he sucks, but you lost any argument supporting your point because you were mad online.

I’m not really angry t b h

chapos mad x42

I’m not a chapo, faggot

You sure act like one

What kind of chapo would call you a faggot? They’d use some queer shitty insult like LE CHUD

The same kind who supports Bernie Sanders

Ok, stupidpol. Same difference.

why you so mad about bread prices my censored

lmao imagine being so poor that you care about whether the price of bread is $1.00 or $1.05

I’m not actually yelling it it’s just an anti buttigieg meme because he denies it vehemently


Don't know about them but I think he's a glow in the dark and his face creeps me out.

He actually looks like a rat though lmao.

How the fuck did a rat-looking gay manlet even get to this point? Honestly, America is way more progressive than I thought.

It’s only because his competition is senile old weirdos who sniff girls and write essays about communist rape fantasies


People should hate Romney for being a gross Mormon.

Allah strafe Salt Lake City

a fake city, 95% of it is just lame cookie-cutter suburb

Isn't Romney that one rat in rattatoi

You can’t come up with an argument refuting the fact that Pete looks like a sniveling rat, so you have to resort to ad hominem.


God I want to believe that was said ironically, but I don't know if politicscels are capable of himor

Or self awareness

To be fair Pete glows in the dark and deserves to be mocked.

Why are people so convinced that Sanders is the mythical trustworthy politician and won't sell out his base as soon as it becomes prudent?


aside from immigration, where he went from 'but """our""" people are of job' nazbol to a mainstream democrat, or criminal justice, where he voted for the same policies that wokies are slaughtering Biden over, or where he went from nationalising banks to just breaking up the big ones, plus other social issues


I was going to downvote you at first because it looked like your opinion was different than mine but then I realized what you were doing and upvoted you instead.

because he’s the only one who hasn’t held a real position of power

For someone who hasn't held a real position of power, he's sure found a way to personally enrich himself despite that.

Selling a book is based.

Because he’s been espousing the same morals for 40 years now with only a few discrepancies that are obviously to appeal to mainstream Dems

Yes but why do they think he wont sell them out in a heart beat after finally achieving some sort of power? Lol besides, the dude hasn't done jack shit policy wise for 40 years, why do people think hes going to get in and wave a wand and change everything?

Thats an unfalsifiable questions, only retards ask those tbh.

What is certain is a good chunk of people wanna see CNN MSNBC seethe at their most hated boy winning the nom despite their efforts, why shouldnt I vote for him just to see that happen?

Hes definitely dramas DNC pick, I was just trying to get a little seethe outta regal lol

Oh yeah, I got my seethe 😎

Because he may not have another heart beat?

Based af

If you think he’s done nothing as a senator you have no idea what you’re talking about

You're right, renaming that post office was stunning and brave 🤭

  1. Passed so many amendments in the house he was dubbed “amendment king”

  2. So popular in Vermont he’s been elected 8 times as senator

  3. The longest running independent in US history

  4. Voted against military action in Iraq

  5. Helped create a national program for cancer registries

  6. Personally bussed people into Canada so they could afford medication and used it as a rallying point to reform American healthcare

  7. Forced IBM into a settlement to compensate workers for cut pensions

  8. Voted against the patriot act and was outspoken about its infringement of basic freedoms

  9. Expanded funding for conservation efforts and assisting low income housing funds to ensure people had heat during the winter months

  10. Amended Obamacare to allow states more liberty to implement pilot health care systems

  11. Fought tooth and nail to keep veteran benefits from being cut multiple times

  12. Introduced the social security expansion act in 2015

I could go on

But odds are you like Bernie and you’re just baiting me lmao

It was too fuckin easy mate 😎

I concede defeat

Dont feel bad, I baited this retard into unironical"who hurt you?" posting. Kinda been on a roll today lol

So popular in Vermont he’s been elected 8 times as senator

This is why we need term limits.

The longest running independent in US history

This is why we need term limits.

Voted against military action in Iraq

Yeah but he did it because he's scared of war

Personally bussed people into Canada so they could afford medication and used it as a rallying point to reform American healthcare

Literally admitted to being an accessory of healthcare fraud

Voted against the patriot act and was outspoken about its infringement of basic freedoms

Cares more about the rights of drug dealers and terrorists than the safety of American citizens

Fought tooth and nail to keep veteran benefits from being cut multiple times

He only hates them when they're serving.

Introduced the social security expansion act in 2015

Muh senior welfare!

If you actually support the patriot act you are a massive cuckold

  1. I'm not a drug dealer.

  2. I'm not a terrorist.

What do I have to worry about?


His number 1 issue back 40 years ago as mayor of Burlington was supporting the Sandinistas. Really interesting that I've never heard him say virtually nothing about foreign policy in the last 4 years. 🤔

Happy year of the rat! Be mindful of the virus!

The best part is that t_d would say that about Pete as well and r/politics would say that about Romney also

credit where credit is due. There's some minor drama in the comments too

This is why we need four parties. If the two parties split into, for instance, the Progressive Democrats, Democrats, Republicans, and Conservative parties then I think we would see a significant decline in tension. It is fairly clear now that quite a few of the Republicans in the Senate are somewhat frustrated with Trump and just can't say it or they will be called what Romney is. Same thing with democrats and Bernie. You cannot be against Trump and you cannot be against Bernie without causing massive drama. Anyway, I'm high and drunk af so if this is rambly I apologize. Go Bussyjudge, Go Yang, and go anyone who is not over 70. Fuck old fags.

Bro imagine browsing the neolib sub 🤢🤢

Don't be homophobic

Woah, cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks

Hey now Islamaphobia isn't tolerated around these parts.

Stop that HECKIN transphobia!!!

Oh so now you're anti-feminist too smh

I was going to applaud your radical centrism but now you're just being problematic.

The crossover with r/drama is bigger than you think. We're the deepstate of drama.

/r/stupidpol come get this man for reeducation.

Why are communists typically ugly on average?

Cause they're Jews from Brooklyn?

Then what about all of ones everywhere else?

The DSA only exists in Brooklyn, moron.

I didn't know that but I'm talking about communists in general.

Lenin was hot for a bald man.

You know what I mean. Communists in western democracies where the economy is running great, social benefits are available for everyone, etc. yet they still think communism is going to come back.

So my very galaxy brain take is that yes, the DSA podcast commies are probably hotter than your usual MAGA clown. But we should distinguish. The Tumblr woke are not. The actual commies probably are, because they appreciate starvation.

You're a commie aren't you

No I'm employed.

I’m actually gonna vomit

Honestly this is concerning. That both subs see a surge in very generic comments using the same terms against Pete and Romney at the same time is at least reason to be suspicious of an influence campaign, especially when one of the subs is TD.




Haven't you heard? The use of rat as being an insult started with aut right 4chinners and blah blah



you know better

That rhymes

Why don't you participate in the neolib sub?

I'm too neoliberal. If I participated it might cause some sort of neoliberal ideological singularity, the gravity of which would destroy us all

/r/politics is so homophobic

And Mitt Romney is a Mormon rat so....

Linking to neoliberal in r/drama you hate to see it. Haven’t we been calling rats like we see them forever? At least the people calling Buttigieg one have better reasons, 🐴 👟 disproven

Why do you hate radical centrism?

I don’t hate it when it’s funny, but r/neoliberal isn’t radical centrism and it’s very rarely funny

Reported for arguing in bad faith


Are we all just LARPing as r/neoliberal shills now? I think I’ve hate-read enough on the sub to participate, tho I’ve been banned since Bush Sr died and I posted a dancing crab

"horseshoe disproven" is just blatant anti-centrisim and you should apologize 😤

I’m sorry bby

It's okay I forgive you 🤗

it’s very rarely funny.

Retarded takes, an /r/Drama staple.

Look, I just need more pibble posts and less of this political shit

Heretic! The 🐎👟 law is never wrong!

Wow what a coincidence. I used to be in a grindcore band called Gay Sniveling Rat. We had a decent following in Elmore County.

You cant come up with an argument refuting the fact that pete looks like a sniveling Rat, so you have to resort to ad hominem.

My sides

Radical centrist take: they're both right.

Rat cope.


Who would have guessed two differing extremist groups of dumb arses would be at odds