Rockstar Games brought Danny Brown to their studio to do a live stream of their new GTAV DLC. Danny gets drunk, calls gamers incels, and basically tells kids to carry a gun to school if they're being bullied.

1  2020-02-07 by HodorTheDoorHolder_


i thought danny brown was a legit crackhead

I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


  1. Rockstar Games brought Danny Brown ... -,

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This man shall have his own grand tomb, almost as grand as Caliph Tariq's.

Truly, the ebony king is the most based man imaginable

Bitch pussy smell like a penguin

Wouldn't hit that shit with my worst enemy's penis


Smack my bitch up in the mouth with my dick

And it’s not domestic violence cause she likes that shit

There's way more stuff going on in this video than what I mentioned

I can tell these guys are from terrible coastal cities. They've never been to bumfuck arkansas where all the kids have shot a deer by the time they're 8.

Danny Brown is from Detroit you dumb bitch

And I'm pretty sure they hunt in Michigan

What do you think they hunt in Detroit?

Shit idk rats and pigeons.

Wait Detroit is in Michigan? I thought it was in Quwait or the Ukraine or something.

Actually black people hunt deer in midwestern urban parks and cemeteries. It’s legit. Not uncommon to see a deer hung up in the hood in the Midwest.

Danny Brown said that raccoon is a hood delicacy

dude seeing a deer hung up in the hood would be like the color swapped version of deliverance. if you are white and you see that shit you have fucked up and need to gtfo.

Government cheese.

I'm from this area. Basketball Americans in detroit do not hunt. Maybe they do somewhere down south, but not there. There are two main issues here - first, it's hard to hunt deer with that stolen 9mm you bought for 100 bucks a pack of Newports and secondly hunting is perceived as lame and mayo, much like other activities such as being able to speak english, paying child support, or holding down a job. And let me tell you something sir, there is no greater sin in the Big 'D' than to be caught acting white.

Mayo moids are basically the only ones who hunt. Look at r/hunting - almost every picture is a white man (or white male child) and the occasional post with a foid or a minority are instantly upvoted to the top of the subreddit. I'm pretty sure that there's literally never been a picture of a black woman posted on that subreddit and if one was posted it would become the #1 post of all time in about 30 seconds.

(Dude) Niggers (lmao)?

So the north coast" along a large body of water connected to the ocean, and a large terrible urban city. That gproves my point.

Yeah it does prove your point

presses play on a nearby boombox

"We are the champions, my friend..."

Midwest Coast, Resisting Arrest Coast

what's up nigga✊🏾

You're a white dude with red skin from all the corn and grains you are addicted to.

Don't forget the cherries

The only cherry you have encountered is your own eternal cherry.

Fucking based. Keep reppin the big D my dude.

I'd rather live in Cleveland than bumfuck arkansas

At least in Arkansas the sodomy is non consensual

I'd rather live underneath a manufactured home in Arkansas than set foot within a 50 mile radius of the Rock N Roll hall of fame.

i didn’t listen to any of it but danny browns songs are pretty good so he’s probably in the right

Based Danny , You didnt mention jpeg mafia (who is the biggest edge lord) was there too

The virgin jpegmafia, the chad danny brown

Yeah but JPEG wasn’t expressing deep emotional issues about his childhood on a live stream for millions of kids to see

Jpegmafia is sooo lame.

Epic bacon aas bitch 😒

Doesn't he have a song with audio of a cop being murdered in it?

Damn, you’re really trying to make me watch this.

This audio would be awesome to put on the radio in game.

Could see Danny Brown Radio in gta6

Danny Brown is one of the hosts for a GTA radio station. However the “intellectuals” of r/gtaonline are crying about how there isn’t a classical music or metal station.

They know Spotify is a thing…



Bruh. They literally brought him on stream BECAUSE he's a host of the new radio station introduced in this update (iFruit Radio) and because he makes an appearance as a character, also in this update.

I was just saying he’s already a radio host. Also wtf is it with you GTA teenagers saying bruh nonstop. “Bruh I need money” “Bruh any modders” “Bruh Money Drop” every goddam lobby.

Bruh shut up bruh idk what Ur talkin bout bruh

Also, I hate those people myself. I have loads of money without cheating or begging some mod menu user.

He's in GTA 5. It's part of the reason Rockstar brought him on stream - he hosts the new radio station in this game update.

dude nigger lmao 😂


Friendly reminder to leftoids everywhere that niggers literally look down on white people for getting real jobs instead of taking guns to school and murdering your fellow classmates while dealing drugs.

But keep telling yourself it's "muh opression" that these "people" don't succeed and end up in jail instead.

Do you also blame genetics for why you are socially stunted?

Actually I'm very popular, in addition to being handsome, successful, and tall.

Sorry that upsets you.

Why would something your mom tells you cause me to be upset?

Calm down little fella, no need to get mad.

It certainly made you upset enough to write that assmad comment, so clearly it upsets you. Shorties like you tend to be emotional, though.

Why would you change your comment from this? Were you getting a little emotional?

What's that shortie? I couldn't hear you from down there.

Maybe you need a better speakers or glasses or something. Are you hearing impaired and blind?

Take a step back everyone, the short stack's getting ready to blow.

You're really trying to force the short jokes today.

We can't all be Kevin Hart, Kevin Hart.

I think it is great you're trying out some new material here. However, given the context, they don't make much sense. Seems very ass burgers of you.

Passive aggression is a bad look on such a tiny dude, you should try to butch up a little.

Do you have a twink fetish?

Lmao, being a manlet may make you practically a woman but that doesn't mean I'm gonna fuck you, lucky charms.

Says the "person" who obsesses and fantasizes over small men.

Aw, did I hurt your itsy-bitsy feelings?

Were you trying to? Wtf?

Whoa little dude, no need to get mad about it.

Is that the nickname for your harvey weinstein?

Nah, in addition to being tall, good looking, and wealthy, I have a really big dick.

Don't be too angry, little man.

Tell me more about your fantasies!

I fantasize about a world of equality, where tall men and manlets alike are just as good as each other.

You know, unlike the real world, where I'm better than you in every way.

You do fantasize about twinks!

Nobody, anywhere fantasizes about twinks.

That's exactly what a closeted twink lover would say.

That's exactly what a desperate unwanted twink would say.


I'm glad ur finally being honest with urself.

Is what you say to the desperate unwanted twink in the mirror.

no u

Stripped of all pretense of dignity, the sad little shorty can at last only cry

"no u"

You sound like someone from /r/ short

Danny Brown is a millionaire and highly acclaimed artist. Sounds like he's onto something if you ask me

He's onto repeating "nigguh nigguh bix nood" repetitively over a beat.

I'm not pretending there isn't money in it, but I'm also not pretending it takes talent or skill. You just have to be a nigger and put your ticket in for the rapper lottery.

The ones that lose end up in jail, and then leftoids cry about it and say it's so unfair.


Your most retarded take pol, and you’ve had a few.

Prove that it takes no skill by dropping some bars you bitch. I double dare you.

Tell you what, if you do, I’ll respond with my broken English. That’s how sure I am you are not capable of doing it.

Nigga nigga nigga

I have a big dick and I shot a guy

Took a shit on his face, made his momma cry

Nigga nigga shit

Waiting on that record deal, any day now I'm sure

I'm not a nigger and I haven't actually shot anybody for dealing drugs, so sadly no, I can't get in on the lottery to be rewarded kabillions for making words rhyme.


My boy, I want a 1 minute recording of you trying your flow

Or are you dumber than blacks

I'm taking a shit pretty easy these days but thanks for your concern about my regularity.


Pol invictus

The sickness

The rictus of death

Spit blood on you with cancer on my breath

The best

Leave you dressed and pressed

Fresh corpse, flowers on your grave

Before I dig you back up and get depraved

No victims survive an attack

I'm like crack

Kill your whole community

Immunity for every single one of my crimes

r/Drama undefeated heavyweight of all time

Rhymes this poisonous

Make hostages to lunacy



You were never a match for me.

Do it man

highly acclaimed artist

lol maybe to /r/hiphopheads and all the other young white american teen hip hop fan subs

go back to listening to marvel movie soundtracks and let the adults talk about music

lol i listen to hip hop just not trash tier hip hop that american teenagers like

let the adults talk

t. streetwear poster

I'm neither a teen or white, I subscribe to it for the memes and I don't even like streetwear

but you still got defensive about danny brown for some reason which makes me think the hhh stereotype is p true

dude is basically a hipster and dresses like a 15 year old emo, also has half his teeth and his music is trash because of his voice

danny brown is usually circlejerked by general music fans as well. It's more of a pretentious jerk than a just a hhh jerk


I'm neither a teen or white

Sounds like 20 yo cumskin with 0,3% arab in himself

Mayocide will come for you too

im no mayo, from a nowhere country in the middle east

Why are you condemning him for exercising his right as an American? Commie scum.

Lmao iconic

sheeet dawg I brought a gunn cuz I sicka gettin jumped, nigga.

Danny brown is ascended levels of based

I fucking love danny brown


Based guy with amazing music, mod the man

Danny been the GOAT

