Battle wages in "Drama but with pinging" as fatherfigure-less mayoid calls on AHS to come to the aid of a tramsel in distress

1  2020-02-08 by ReddneckwithaD


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This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


  1. Battle wages in "Drama but with pin... -,*

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Theirs, ours, or AHS' ? 🤔🤔

Your parables cut deep, friend



This is the beginning of the end for the dramasphere. I can feel it. Hold me.

Nah, I doubt it. Birdie the finned friend has a soft spot for deuxcels, it ain't curtains yet

Also the daddy jannies have been slacking the past while, with MDEfugees making/colonising half a dozen subs the past two months. Il y a d'autres chattes a fouter mon ami

Il y a d'autres chattes a fouter mon ami


Ta gueule yank enculé de merde. Va te faire FOUTRE

Je nique ta mère et ton père en même temps

Bar bar bar bar bar bar.

r/drama will never be banned, the admins specially took away our right to ping, and we are the only subreddit that got this special treatment. But I'm still worried about them banning Deuxrama, they were linked by AHS too many times recently.

Barf said it considered duex to be a “troll sub” and not alt right just a few weeks ago.

It's over for Deuxcels, but we'll probably be fine. :v

Like a pibble, AHS tends to latch onto a subreddit and bite down until it stops breathing. I wish our Deux sisters the best in these fearful times. Óvò

Newfaggot here, what is DeuxRamas purpose, like why does it exist? Is it Drama with more alt-right?

it's Drama but with pinging. Since you can't read titles and still type retarded shit, you'll probably fit in well around here.

Lmao were you even around when the real drama but with pinging was created. Duex is nothing like that

Don't gatekeep me incel

Fuck you hoe


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It was a spin-off sub, to be used by unapproved-cels whenever /r/drama goes private (i.e. all the time). It also became a hangout for anyone banned from here but too lazy to hit the new account button.

Eventually it developed its own unique culture based around the French values of liberté, pinging, and begging Asian women for pictures of their feet.

lol that dude that ran to AHS immediately starts sucking up to the troid. Why are chasers a thing, I don't get it.

Fuck off. Its not drama but with pinging. That was a legendary sub. Please do not desecrate its name