I will never get sick of reading these broads whine about their coomer husbands cucking them with pornhub.

1  2020-02-08 by TeeEssDoubleU


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I still can't believe that sub exists at, it's cool to see legit psychotic people have their own feedback loop communities.

I'm single and sometimes I get lonely. One look at this sub and I'm so thankful for my independence.

I’m single and I’m lonely

Yes, we know, you’re on Reddit

Lobsterman was right, women that go for these betas are truly unhappy

Women settling for some beta provider is horrible for them. Because even ugly women usually Atleast get a crumb of Chad cock in their life. Some drunk football player fucked then in college and This leads them to believe they deserve to have a lawyer husband with a 6 pack.

Ugly men Atleast know they can never get hot pussy without paying, so they are actually ok with settling, it’s why you see this mentality

This is why we need mayocide.


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Buying porn while your wife is in labor is fucking incredible lol. Pure cumbrain

that’s literally the most chad shit ive ever heard of lmfao

Sheeit nigga. She wasn't popping out the second coming of Jesus. And even if she was, thats gotta be stressful. Sometimes you need a release and those maternity wards are full of fresh-faced buxom nurses. That's worth a special request. It's a time for celebration you dry-ass prude.


buying porn for any reason


My man knew the punani was gonna be all stretched and tender after so he gave his girl a break

👑 King shit tbh 👑




I completely understand. During disclosure I found out that during out 17 years together:

Every time I was in the hospital and he couldn't come see me, it wasn't because of the excuses he gave, it was because he was binging on porn, even when he was on the phone with me, he never took a break.

When I went to help a good friend thru a difficult recovery and was missing him so much I called him 3Xs a day, he never stopped binging.

When my sister was dying in hospice, he didn't come because of his binging. He was late to the wake because of his binging. He left me grieving alone because he would rather watch porn.

When I was stuck in the hospital by my mothers side for 7 days, unable to leave, he never came to relieve me because of his binging.

He was absent in so many ways because of his need for his drug: dopamine. If only I had known, and not been so "strong". I regret the lose of my past.

lmao baste coomer

Messed up if true

That's kind of fucked though

She can't spell masturbated. Gives you a clue on the quality of guy she married.

I deserve better.

Where do they get this idea from?

Foid logic operates on yes (w*)men

We all deal with male anxiety differently.

Why tf is this locked, there arent even any removed comments from dramatards?

I just casually watch porn with one of my 7 wives and we just laugh at how bad the acting is and how tiny the dicks of the men are compared to my big, big penis. It's true.