First we had people without inner monologues now we have people without a mind's eye

1  2020-02-09 by amanrobbedofhisdrama


Definitive proof souls exist, now is the time to embrace Allah and his prophets Muhammad and masterlawz.

if shoes can have soles, why cant we?

Fucking Neil Gaiman just comes in and dunks on them with his delicious Granny Smith Apple

Too bad he married such a bitch

Nice, another things morons can feel special about...

lmao i love all the people that overcompensate by claiming they immediately know all sorts of unrelated information about the surrounding scenery and shit when asked about a very specific thing

Retarded. You don't need to actually close your eyes to visualize something that isn't there, the point of visualizing something is to see it without visual stimulation, it doesn't matter what youre actually looking like.

Its like asking people to be aware of the silence around them and everyone says they hear a faint buzzing. Hyperfocusing on something you typically do unconsciously doesn't work well.

Dude... What the fuck is going on in this thread?

Can you help me right quick, are people unable to do this? Eyes open eyes closed... Any which way you do it, these guys have a hard time visualizing an apple?

Everyone can do this, right?

What in the fuck is this????

This has to be some sort of trolling thing, there is zero chance their replies in this thread are legitimate, like being unable to do this

Aphantasia is a thing, but its pretty uncommon. The test in the tweet is more like asking someone to do something they do unconsciously and then finding it hard because it's an unconscious action they are hyperfocusing on. Its basically the same thing that causes choking in sports. Theres no physical difference between hitting a free throw in the gym, and hitting one to win game 7 of the finals but the situation changes how you perform.

Basically thinking about doing something distracts you from actually doing it. Telling someone to close their eyes and visualize an apple basically makes them think about closing their eyes and visualizing an apple which distracts them from just thinking about the fucking apple where as just mentioning a crispy, juicy delicious apple will make them picture one involuntarily

Hypochondriacs basically.

They probably have also diagnosed themselves with 17 other rare neurological or mental disorders or whatever.

I am kind of a hypochondriac but Ive though I had kidney cancer for years now. It was just a hunch. I get these random fevers all the time. My left flank always feels pressure. but no one believes that someone my age with no family history would get it. Well in the last 8 months I lost 25 pounds out of nowhere. Now this past week they found blood in my piss. Doctor is still saying it much be kidney stones. They scheduled a CT Scan though. If I have kidney cancer though. I am gonna be so fucking pissed and I am going to rub it in all my family and my doctors faces for beiing so fucking condescending and pretending I am a hypocondriac. Sorry I just needed to rant about that.


You can't imagine a ball getting pushed off a table without inventing a whole soap opera around it and knowing who did it and what they were wearing? Typical foid logic. šŸ¤­

But seriously, it sounds like a pretty bizarre series of questions to me. I could visualize all of those things if I was asked to, but I'm entirely capable of imagining a ball rolling off a table without any storyline accompanying it. If you told somebody to do this and they gave all kinds of definitive answers about the person rolling the ball, I would just assume that was confabulation.

It's easy to visualize all those things so long as you're told to do it yeah

The ball is yellow with a red star and a blue stripe just like the balls from toy story, the table is a rickety foldable card table with a blue-green top and light gray metal frame, my father is the one who rolled the ball, it bounced off the black and white tile floor, and rolled to a stop against the baseboard. This all took place in something that looks like the kitchen from The Simpsons lol

I mean this is all very normal to visualize, don't even have to close your eyes.

These cats are weird.

Yeah, but there's two different questions in that post. Did you visualize all those things when you were just told to roll a ball on a table, or did you visualize them when we asked you to?

A normal person (I'm normal, right? šŸ˜§) doesn't visualize that stuff when they're not asked to, but they can do it when they are asked to.

The most bizarre thing here is that there's a whole goddamn subreddit dedicated to this.

Please tell me there arenā€™t people who literally see the apple when they close their eyes, right? The 5 is for people who straight up canā€™t have that fleeting mental visualization thatā€™s sort of foggy, right?


your actually subhuman btw

Do you literally see a fuckin apple when you close your eyes?

My point being I can visualize objects but I donā€™t literally physically see them, itā€™s just a visualization

do you literally see a fuckin apple when you close your eyes

yes, but usually i just see a kaleidoscope of colors or shadow ppl

I mean I see the colors in general but when I visualize things itā€™s not a 1:1 as if I was seeing it with my eyes, itā€™s like a sub level of perception where I can point it aspects of it, rotate it in my mind, mentally think about interactions to it (how would it look with a bite out of it?) and sort of ā€œseeā€ it, but not in a literal sense

maybe ur just retarded sorry bro šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜

I am the same and I entirely assume this is normal. I don't think people are capable of literally obstructing their vision with what they are visualizing. Its a subconscious thing where I can "see" it but not cloud my actual perception with it. Can you watch/visualize a quick animation of spongebob or something? I can with no effort describe every detail and color, but it's not like it is overlayed onto my vision. I think of it as switching tabs momentarily to a different vision.

Oh hey i have that

We imaginationcels will rise someday, once we visualize a plan

Just found out that I'm married to an NPC thanks to this twitter bullshit.

She made me do the test and I pictured a 4K HDR image of a juicy Gala apple, stalk attached, shiny reflection and slightly bumpy skin.

She goes "LOL I see absolutely nothing!"

Could have told me she was a retard 10 years ago. Seething so much now. I thought her lack of creativity and total lack of any kinky sex fantasties was just standard foid inferiority.

lmfao you might as well just go marry a sex AI at this point.

It'll be over for foids once sex AIs are perfected.

People with PCOS who are too fat to defend themselves or run away are fun to abuse. I like to take a spoon, heat it up until it's glowing hot, then place it on the skin while they're asleep. The reaction when they wake up after the 25th time of being burned by a redhot piece of metal is amazing. You can literally piecemeal their mental stability down to complete insanity, then leave them in their own homes helpless and alone. :DDDDDDDDDD


  1. First we had people without inner m... -,

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Itā€™s okay, it just means you donā€™t exist.

I actually can picture things pretty vividly.

Good for you, you grew a soul overnight. Half the people in those replies can picture things, they're just being retarded because they're not seeing it with their eyes and it gets trippy if you think about what you're actually seeing

It's a real thing in the sense some people have fuck all visual memory or more likely access to it as everyone dreams even if they can't visualize things.

It doesn't give you superpowers unless you consider being a whiney bitch one in which case your in luck.

R/Tulpa users are at -5 on that scale

Sometimes my visualization gets caught on bizarre tics. Like I try to visualize myself reading a book but for some reason the scene wonā€™t stop swaying like a ship, or sometimes scrunching in and out over and over rapidly

I would test my minds eye by closing my eyes and actually imagining myself walking around. Like down the stairs. That damn shit be doing 360Ā° spins all over the place, suddenly im teleporting instead of walking and everything is zooming.

Imagine having no imagination, or donā€™t, I guess

holy shit these people arenā€™t even human

also lmfao @ needed to close your eyes to visualize something in your mind

I'm a 1.
