Dean Koontz predicts Chinese bat/pangolin flu in the 80s

1  2020-02-09 by hyledog


"I was forced to reconsider everything I'd once believed. I developed a profound distrust of government regardless of the philosophy of the people in power. I remained a liberal on civil-rights issues, became a conservative on defense, and a semi-libertarian on all other matters." - Dean Koontz

These sound like the same symptoms of chronic fent use

Koontz confirmed pedophile

ahhhhh oh godddd im gonna KOOOOONTZ

the based Koontz has ensured all Koontzers are protected from all damage, psychological, spiritual, and physical

Koontz has some alright books

Phantoms and Dragon Tears were decent but Intensity is his best work imo

Wasn’t that film Contagion also basically caused by some dirty Chinese chef not washing his hands?

yeah the chinese chopped down a forest where bats lived, the bats started sleeping in pig pens, pigs ate infected bat shit, and like you say a fat chink chef cooks the tainted pig and shakes gwyneth paltrows hands

Probably because diseases originating from China isn't new

Isn't that where they go to figure out what type of flu vaccine to make every year?

Why were you reading this book?