ANTIVAXXERS RISE UP(oh right they cant because of Polio)

1  2020-02-09 by MG87


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reddit vax circlejerk almost wants me to become an anti-vaxxer

I fucking love science

Well it's not like you're gonna have kids

Of course it's a middle aged white woman lol

While I'm completely pro-vax, I'd like to know where this doctor is practicing medicine. When are there numerous patients with measles related complications?

"I'm pro-vax but still retarded." Good job, redditor.

no don't listen to the thousands of doctors with actual medical training and education. listen to Jenny McCarthy, who's qualifications include:

  • taking it in the ass for money,
  • and giving birth to a retard

She's posed nude but she's never been in porn

I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


  1. ANTIVAXXERS RISE UP(oh right they c... -,

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I was never vaccinated for measles as a child. My mom got me exposed. This has made me more powerful.

Hah well I’m told that autism is MY super power 🦸‍♂️

If you’re vaccinated you most likely have super autism tbh. Big pharma wants you retarded.

most like have super autism

Uhh that’s what I said. Autism is my super power :)!

You can be antivaxx all you want but your actions cant possibly injure others. Measles spreads so you need to be subjected to and active case with no support, just like you expect a child to be. If you are vaccinated then you should be subjected to something else you aren't or can't be vaccinated against. Nice purple ocular cyst from HIV and E Coli? Squeeze that pus into the out pouched eyelid. HPV vaccine not for your child cause because she is a good girl! O.K. fuck face hump this speculum just used on that vaginal warts patient. Mom had really mild chicken pox as a baby, wasn't so bad so no vax for her child! Enjoy shingles when your child brings it back from 1st grade. Die a slow death you pink meaty pump hole.


Based strokeposter. I think.


Those aren't antivaxxers they're zombies my nigga

Autism is a BLESSING. Sure I have my struggles, but I’ve always been told how fantastic my brain works.

I love how they think their mom's pep talks represent greater society.

Shitting on antivaxxers and flat-earthers is the lowest possible hanging fruit and only gives their beliefs more exposure. Òvô

reddit pro vaxx shit annoys me like nigga no one important is anti vaxx u just make up dumb shit to feel smart

and then they push for gov regulated vaccines

fucking anxiety disorders, boul be hypochondriacs