
1  2020-02-09 by MG87


“The guy was telling us we were a bunch of idiots waiting online for beer, so I said, ‘Oh what, is this the only Airbnb you can afford?’

“Then he got super pissed and threw a White Claw at us, which was the funniest part of the night.”

Lmao they knew which button to push.

Good title. And absolutely based guy

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Has a gun in NYC and hates IPA drinkers and their inherent smugness. Based.

He threw White Claws at them too. This man is a hero.

Best part of the story

an apparently annoyed craft-beer hater pulled a gun on a long line of people who were waiting to buy the latest designer IPA

I can see myself in this.

Dont anybody tell him about the absolute state of northern CA/bay area when Russian River Brewing releases Pliny the Younger for 1-2 weeks every year, which is right now. Purchase limits, waiting 30mins-hrs for a taste, only the chosen pubs get kegs.

it's just another IPA they all taste the same leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Funky Buddha in South Florida throws a launch party for one of their seasonal beers. The beer itself is pretty good but no way in hell am I driving over there for that

I wont go to those unless they give out free shit, and even then it's gotta be something actually special, and I won't make a roadtrip out of it. It is just beer.