MDEfugees come one, come all! I have found your new home! You may now leave arrdrama and never come back since the sub is at least 4 years old lmao

1  2020-02-09 by byobombs


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They have to go back.

Fuck that users name is so close to being st. bagel.

You can't just go around hating jews so unsubtly and unironically.

These guys deserve to be banned for their crude methods if nothing else.

I've seen T_D threads naming them like its 1933 recently.

a final solution to the MDEfugee question.

Have you posted bussy yet?


  1. MDEfugees come one, come all! I hav... -,

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Nvm there is a 7 year old post lmao the reason I said 4 was because I noticed the sub mentioned in that old admin post about banning subs like Fat People Hate. I’m on mobile so I noticed that r/IHateJews had a little circle image next to it which means it’s still active lol