Children of /r/news hate their dad for making them clean their room so much they hope he dies.

1  2020-02-09 by I_DRINK_TO_FORGET


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unironically people hate JP because he said that they could actually take steps to help and end their mental illness that isn’t pills

this is literally what /r/thanksimcured is

unironically people hate JP because he said that they could actually take steps to help and end their mental illness that isn’t pills

How is that unironic in this situation? hahahah

it is pretty funny that he got addicted to pills lmfao but his wife is autistic or smthing

i’m more talking about people without real issues tho, ppl who say “my brain doesn’t work there’s nothing wrong with my situation” like nigga ur brain don’t work cus u sit inside and never excersice

In his book he mentions specifically: take your damn pills and goes on about that people are more likely to give the medication prescribed by a vegetarian than one prescribed by a doctor and how that is a bad idea.

They hate Jordan Peterson because he is motivating the people they want on their team: loser NEETs with no drive. They consistently push the idea that nothing you do short of overthrowing the system can solve any of your problems as long as you're on the right side of the progressive stack. People are fat? It's because of food deserts and poverty, obviously. You're not satisfied with life? It is because of capitalism and there's nothing you can do to improve things for yourself. You have no agency except being on the right side of history

t large part of this outpouring of schadenfreude is rooted in the massive irony here.

tbf his wife did have autism

We all have autism. So what?

an autistic foid

so what

You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


  1. Children of /r/news hate their dad ... -,

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How does he do it?

Can someone explain to me why people think JP is the antichrist? Like sure hes a shitty self-help guru who just produces platitudes, but there are hundreds of those around.

he has the gall to be Canadian and use trannies’ birth names, also he says Christianity is useful for social cohesion and life planning

He is worse than a Canadian. He is, may Allah forgive me for uttering this word, an Albertan.

Christianity is useful for social cohesion

No wonder he's taking drugs if he has such retarded takes.

Yes, replacing a weekly community meeting space with social isolation and posting retard shit on the internet is fairly based.

He should go back to the "small" town in Alberta he grew up and see how well Christianity holds together the meth heads.

Clean your room faggot

I have a wife for that.

Then tell your right hand to clean the room.

My right hands holds on to your leash you naughty boy. You ain't getting free.

He talks about how blighted his town was in 12 rules.

I don't think child molestation is going to bring the community together.

you know what they say, it takes a village

It works for the Pakis.

Only gangrape.

Anti-Christianity was one of Nietzsche's few good ideas


Ever notice they have to defend their retard views with the secondary effects of organised religion?

"Christianity is good for social cohesion", "You need Christianity to have a moral compass" etc

The thing is these justifications just skip past the retarded main part (i.e. needing to believe in a humanoid God ("made in his image"), magic Jesus (miracles), or at the very least dealing with all the contradictory shit in the bible's thousands of pages).

Christshitters will often say you don't have to take it all literally but that's just cope: If you believe in made up shit and you're over 18, you're big dumb. I don't care what social advantages you think religion might have, I'm not so braindead I could trick myself in to believing all the supernatural baggage.

Protip for christcels: Next time you're making an argument for your religion ask yourself if it'd be equally applicable to any Abrahamic religion, and then if the answer is yes, just shut the fuck up, thanks

The main advantage is not eventually turning into some form of atheistic humanism like most dedicated non-believers while never changing your lifestyle.

The main advantage is not having to support feminine penises and children drag queens.

not eventually turning into some form of atheistic humanism

That's what I said

Question, is your brain the size of a pea or of a marble?

big yoshi

I just explained it to you in the title man, come on.

He's kinda like the Gamergate of humans, there's wordswordswords seetheseetheseethe and you'll never fully understand what he even is. Did some ugly people fuck at a conference, or something? Is he a self-help author?

He's a self-help guru for failed males of the mdefuge type.

Like, is there a menslib self-help shmuck? He'd be the opposite of that.

i dont think anyone thinks he is the antichrist

he's just particularly popular among creepy males with socialization problems who can't shut up about whatever topic they happen to be fixated upon that day

also because he is woke to intrinsic wickedness of the female sex, he pisses off the people who want to want to keep us enslaved by perpetuating diversity myths and white genocide

Holy shit that diagram is fucking my brain. What color pill is this???

its the color of truth

I knew it. The shit pill.

I haven't listened to him much but he seems to focus on self worth and self improvement.

Think it's mainly because his target audience are CIS WHITE MALES and helping them is clearly an act of pure evil.

All the things you mentioned. He will taste of my shoe, inshallah!

I heard him on a podcast just sort of talking about normal stuff so I checked out a debate and it was a clusterfuck. He was fuming because someone lightly insulted him and asked a question and when it was answered he would either ask for a different answer, or just say they aren't answering the question. I couldn't take him seriously after that.


What gives you the right to say that?

lmao - they call the guy in to share his opinions and then get at him

I'll agree that what he's saying is not something spectacular but for a young man - anywhere between 13 to 33 - they may have heard for some things for the first time.

Also, that interviewer is such a cunt.

Pretty sure she was the one that was fuming

It's not the one that was linked, it was a debate with 4 people including JP. I'll try to find it after work if you want.

Did it have a black dude who called him a racist?

I think so, if he was a priest or something then that's it.

Yeah I saw that one. They were having a debate on political correctness and the black pastor just goes off on Peterson and calls him a mean white man who's just swimming in white privilege

Black dude is a racist black dude if you ask me

I find it annoying that he keeps claiming he is going to lose his academic job....

The dude has tenure. He would have to murder a student on live TV and it would still take years for the University to shitcan him.

You're largely right about him - it's his fanbase that people dislike.

Damn, lobster crew and those crocodile tears. Mmmm delicious.

There is a reason why redditors use “boomer” as an insult.

Imam Jordan Al Queda Peterson