greetings i have taken too much adderall and my heart be bitchin out

1  2020-02-09 by FUCKYOURITALIN

200mg adderall and my heart be bitchin out after i tried to lift

am i gonna die

bro if the last thing i do before i die is post on reddit i’m gonna be rlly mad


You'll be fine. Adderall doesn't even kill people who grind it up and inject it into their veins, it's the filler talc in the pill that kills them. The worst thing that will happen to you is compulsive internet shitposting.

He’s gonna go full coomer and jack off for 8 hrs


WARNING: You may end up pizzashill posting. Talk to your doctor if you find yourself winning internet arguments against DDFs and chapos on reddit.

This is the info Big Pharma doesn't want you to know.

Embrace Allah and his prophets Muhammad and masterlawz before it's too late

perhaps but i am pretty sure i am a god

Then there is nothing I can do to help you, enjoy jahannam infidel

As one Muslim thinker said "An-al-Haq", literally "I am God"

There is only one god infidel

i am a god

Stop profession such blasphemy or by Allah I will give you a taste of my shoe

i am allah

You refuse, then you await the eternal hellfire after death

nigga i am the eternal hellfire

you going straight to hell bro it’s over for u

Βδξχκάρ δικό Σόδομα ΣΚ οι κας δόση δ δ!!!!!!!!!!!!!🗣👣👂🧠🙏👻🕋🕋🕋🕋🕋☪️☪️☪️☪️☪️

looking up to a janny


You should probably run full speed to the doctor. But I think you need to take more to get a lethal dose

once i’m done jerking off

You could write Siskel and Ebert reviews of the porn you compulsively watch like the Coomer.

See you in 12 hours

i’ll take more that is lmfao i’m not going to a doctor

Quick question. Is Ritalin more effective than Adderall ?


Do you want to get shit done but feel like a zombie while you're doing it? Ritalin.

Do you want to waste away over days because you haven't eaten or slept, instead you were too busy jacking off? Adderall.

Are you looking to write an the worlds newest-worst story about transcendental space wizards, then feel like you're actually dead after it suddenly wears off without warning? Vyvanse.

I'm told nothing compares to IV meth - I mean, it is the high of choice among those who earn their drug money providing dick sucking services to the community - but the problem with meth is you can't really separate it from the redneck bathtub it was cooked in.

What you really want is Dexedrine, same active ingredient as Adderall, without the 'my heart is about to explode' 25% filler levoamphetamine bullshit. Best taken sublingually in 10mg increments while sipping caffeine.

fuck vyvance imho

Why? About to see my psych and ask for one of those and want my facts straight

it metabolizes into the same drug as adderall, so its basically a slow release version. while adderall has a sharp drop off when it wears out, vyvanse keeps you feeling restless for many hours after it starts to wear off. i think its definitely worth trying, but if its keeping you from getting good rest it can just end up tiring you out. in summary, adderall will drop off and let you get tired and sleep. vyvanse doesnt, but it hangs around and can disrupt a proper sleep cycle and end up being more harmful than helpful

it metabolizes into the same drug as adderall dexedrine.

Adderall is 75:25 dextroamphetamine:levoamphetamines, Vyvanse breaks down into pure dextroamphetamine.

Vyvanse is a thing because people don't want to dose their own short term stimulants. It breaks down in the bloodstream - at rapidly different rates for different people.

Some people love it. Me and it don't get along, because I it hits hard and fast, and fucks off without so much as a thank-you note on the nightstand long before I've gotten what I was after.

Vyvanse is not only an expensive whore of a protodrug, sometimes it fuck you instead of the other way around. But as I said, it works for some people.

My advice when it comes to psychiatrists: 1) Don't let them tell you what to take, and 2) don't let them answer your question by repeating it back to you for you to answer.

It's taxing being on amphetamines a lot. Ritalin is baby food in comparison, but it also takes less of a toll on your system.

The first three hours are pretty great. The rest of the day not so much.


adderall releases and prevents reuptake of dopamine and the other chemical

ritalin just prevent reuptake

Methylphenidate crashes are a nightmare.

Ritalin is kiddie adderall.

You’ll be fine. One time I took too much addy and had racing heart and threw up a bunch, so I think as long as you’re not throwing up you’ll be okay

We're all gonna die some day. You might die today.


Based and fatalist-pilled

meth is better

adderall is literally amphetamine salts

yeah, and amphetamine is nowhere near as good as methamphetamine.

That's a hell of a take for someone who isn't browsing Reddit from under a bridge.

Or maybe you are. In which case, I defer to your superior knowledge of the subject.

adderall is meth without that pesky neurotoxin or serotonin

also its gayer

I used to get insanely geeked on Addie's I think my Max was like 120 where my face would go numb, you may be in trouble buddy

it’s ok bro i peaked i’m pretty sure i’m a fucking god or something i redosed too lmfao

i am invincible i cannot die this is facts

Have a “loved one” (lol) post the location of your grave so I can piss on it

i can’t die

There's a point where it really really stops being fun. You might reach that today. So, uh, good luck.

yeah i’m scared of fucking my dopamine up

talk to your doctor and try zoloft, it could honestly be really helpful

he fell for the serotonin meme

just speaking from experience. nothing to lose from trying it out, trust me it can be extremely therapeutic if your nervous system is chronically overstressed and your mind unable to disengage and relax

yeah bro getting fat as shit sounds nice

ngl ive gained a ton of weight from the Phenergan that i have to take for nausea and migraines, it turns my appetite 180° and makes everything delicious af that i cant stop eating ice cream and crackers and shit.

i get migraines too

they don’t hurt bad but i get the aura

does phenergarn or any of the other shit stop the aura cus i hear the aura causes like white matter lesions and shit

its worth trying. if my migraine wont break ill get a Toradol + Phenergan injection at my family doctor and that can help a lot. but as far as migraine prevention you should try the new Calcitonin-Gene Related Peptide Inhibitor stuff that just got FDA approved. its a once-a-month injection that can pretty much cure you of migraines. theres two of them currently, Aimovig and Ajovy. didnt work for me cus i have MS but is apparently very effective at preventing migraines for most people

i’ll look into it

i have no clue what causes my migraines i’m getting my brain tested eventually

so they stop the migraine and aura? what about triptans!

my migraines aren’t too frequent but they been getting worse

triptans are used to abort migraines right when you feel one starting. the CGPT injection is a monthly shot you give yourself (not painful and very easy) that prevents migraines from ever being able to trigger. i think there is an oral pill version of it thats set to be approved this year.

get a referral from your family doctor to see a neurologist. tell him about your migraines and ask about the CGPT shots, he will likely have free samples.

What's your BPM at rest right now ? Not asking for blood pressure, i guess you zoomers need an app that don't exist for that yet.

If it's less than 140, you're young, you will be fine.

Edit : if you feel physical pain in the chest left side , call the ER, they have been called for less. It's not like you have a giant dildo stuck in your ass.

i got 130 bpm this is after jerking off thro so it might be skewed

jerking off on addy like some strenuous excercise on god

40mg per day is the MAXIMUM dose a doctor can prescribe. that being said, ive taken 160mg in a day and was fine, you will just be restless for a while and unable to sleep and start to have memory problems and difficulty disengaging from anything or ignoring anything irritating, but nothing that will actually harm you or kill you. just take some central nervous system depressants like valium or get drunk on liquor, that will help your nervous system calm down

skrrt skrrt my heart hurt

this comedown gonna suck brooo lmfao holy shit that’s scary to think about

ignoring anything irritating

When you pulled an all-nighter for a nasty exam and the dude behind you keeps sniffing approximately 3 times per 7.4 seconds.

40mg per day is the MAXIMUM dose a doctor can prescribe.

I've known several people who are prescribed 90 a day.

what the fuck how are they alive

junkie fags smh

200 mg of study buddy


What do you got against italians

fucking wops

Lmao I take 60mg and I’m filled with energy for the day. Junkies 🤢🤮

at a certain point if u take enough that energy evolves into pure euphoria and instead of being productive your mind is moving to fast and you just jerk off for hours

How do I get an adderall prescription?

I have an appointment with my psych next week. I am phenomenally unproductive, at work but especially at home. I accomplish like 3 chores a month

if u get a prescription u gonna get an addiction bro

google some adhd symptoms it depends on ur psych

Yeah, but I'm 30 and I haven't accomplished anything, I make $18 an hour at a crappy career ish job, and have a hard time doing anything that isn't the bare minimum

that could be worth talking about

i got prescribed at 7 and i don’t remember any of it

Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


  1. greetings i have taken too much add... -,

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ok yeah its obvious ur wired out of ur mind rn lmao, dont stop impulsively posting cus its great fun to watch


I guess this is watermark's alt then.

lmfao 200mg relax retard you could take 5 times that and not die