How to Determine if a Child is Transgender (with Pictures)

1  2020-02-10 by kurwamacja


Keep in mind that just because your daughter likes to play with trucks does not mean that she is transgender. However, if your child consistently displays a strong preference for things that don’t conform to gender expectations, it could be something to keep an eye on.

What the fuck.

How did we regress from “let your kid do what they want, they don’t need to conform to gender norms” to “if your kid does something typically associated with the other gender, they probably actually are that gender”?

Somebody keeps greasing the slope.


James Nicholas Pritzker

The slope would be mandatory homosexuality (inshallah.) This is a full on troid hijacking

Rightoids were warning us about exactly that like 10 years ago, I don't know if they were just lucky or if that's some Christian savant clairvoyance.

This feels more like a halfpipe

Hey Rabbi, where ya going with that butter?


How do you write this and not realise how contradictory you are being

Listen carefully, bucko. This may be the last piece of advice you will read before you delve into the realm of bigotry and hatred. At the speed at which your mental health is deteriorating, you may not stay around for long.

Your desire for media that portrays people getting killed in intricate and celebratory ways represents the inner darkness that you have been cultivating for the last few years. The involuntary facade of happiness that you have been putting on every time you were in public put a hit out on your mental fortitude, capacity for common decency and success-sustaining behaviour in general.

There is not much time before you are gone, so here's my advice, bucko. Identify the traumas that have caused damage to your sense of belonging within the society. Mitigate the damage through break down and analysis of those traumas. Fill the void with physically and mentally challenging activities.

Joker is going to win Best Picture and I will be galvanized

Sorry gamer

Girl likes sports. Time to chop off her breasts.

This is the future libs want for America.

Inshallah brother

unfortunately this happens even for women who identify as women. big boobs just too big a disadvantage

This is exactly why I push for chest binding from 8 years on.


Play with the hair clip you get the snip.

You watched a fashion show? The dicks gotta go.

They like rainbow socks? Chop off their cocks!

Based, based, and based. I don’t care if you’re 80 or 8, you know what you’re doing when you put on the programming socks.

You played with dolls? Bye bye your balls!

Signed up for glee? That's puberty blockers for thee.

He likes glitter? Give him a clitter!

He can't pitch or catch? Must need a snatch!

If Carly's who he stans, trim down that glans.

This but unironically, if a child of mine of either sex started wearing rainbow socks I'd make sure they wouldn't be able to reproduce.

i was just masturbating i swear!!

He pees in the stalls? Then he won't need those balls.

Sit while you pee? Lose the right to puberty.

Prefers the girl version? Time for a penile inversion.

I hope to be alive when the pendulum swings back and be able to partake in the festivities

LG and B throwing T+ under the bus will be a great day for dramanauts

And unlike it was with lobotomy where you have to purposefully seek private accounts of doctors being too enthusiastic with ice-picks, this shit is out in the open and preserved forever on public internet!

I love that trans people enforce so many gender stereotypes

One major indicator is spending a lot of time on Reddit, specifically the subreddit r/drama.

I wish I was making this up but they seem to have done their research.

They targeted gamers. Gamers.


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I cannot wait until the day they find the mechanism that causes this. I can’t believe a mental health disorder is celebrated this much.

Wow, you just proved what an absolute retard you are.


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Is this really a big enough issue to warrant all this hubub? This affects, what, a couple hundred people on the planet? Enough already.

It is estimated that about 0.005% to 0.014% of people assigned male at birth and 0.002% to 0.003% of people assigned female at birth would be diagnosed with gender dysphoria

assigned male at birth

This phrase really makes me seethe for some reason. The way we've all gone along with it to make the troids happy, but it's stupid.

"Letting the inmates run the asylum - in the most literal expression of that term"

It's because there's been a slight of hand. The work of feminists since the 60s was to convince people that sex(anatomy, phisiology, material) is seperate from gender(social roles, mind). They then go ahead and blur the shit out of the distinction between the two and conflate them casually. It's the main reason TERFS are a thing.


It was originally for intersex people that had their sex assigned via surgery, but other trannies made it all about them, as usual.

Snip off penis.

Now you have tranny kid

Part 4: Disavow God

High heels and makeup were men's fashion in the 18th century. Did these tards forget that gender specific behavior changes over time?

That doesn't contradict the existence of the innate desire to identify and perform culture-specific gender (or be attracted to it - if you believe that gay is real then trans is real too).

I see your point. It's interesting, but I don't agree. I think we can say with confidence now that, prior to any cultural influence, girls tend to like dolls and boys like trucks. Of course there is some overlap, which I call the diversity of personalities (there are a lot of ways to be a boy/girl and that's fine). If, later, one makes a culturally informed decision to reject the day's male-identified activities (up to and including extreme rejection: blowing other dudes, mimicking opposite gender stereotypes), then congrats, he's found another way to be a dude. In either case, what people call "trans" is not some immutable cornerstone of identity, but just the wild exaggeration of quirky personality and disaffinity towards the day's fashion. I understand the appeal of the label; every person wants to be the hero fighting for a cause. It's no coincidence that this whole trans fad exploded just at the moment when Western societies lost any real problems to worry about.

I think we can say with confidence now that, prior to any cultural influence, girls tend to like dolls and boys like trucks. Of course there is some overlap, which I call the diversity of personalities (there are a lot of ways to be a boy/girl and that's fine).

Hol up, if you freely admit that certain personality traits are biologically determined and sex-linked, then when the mechanism that produces them works wrong and gives a person all such traits of the opposite sex, on what grounds do you say that they aren't it then?

If, later, one makes a culturally informed decision to reject the day's male-identified activities

I'm making a different argument: "innate" and "culturally informed" do not exhaust the space of possibilities, a baby can have an innate drive to determine which socially constructed traits are assigned to which gender in its society and then imprint on them for attracting suitable mates and for getting attracted to suitable mates. Either or both of which can go wrong (tho if we believe Blanchard in HSTS those go wrong together and AGP are a different thing entirely).

On the one hand gender is a social construct, on the other hand, your son is a girl if he likes dresses.

Missing some important indicators like watching anime and being a commie.


The biggest sign is honetlstly your child taking interest in video games and anime.