My grandma is dying...

1  2020-02-10 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat

So I flew to hometown this weekend. My grandma has been in the hospital since Christmas Day.. She went in with pneumonia for the second time in a year, they found after she wasn’t feeling well and my mom told her she was going to the hospital or she was going to call an ambulance and make her go. Since there has got an infection from a lung biopsy and they also found late stage found 2 types of cancer. Lung and colon. Started her on chemo.

I flew down this weekend to the state they all live in to see her since it’s all pretty serious. I had just seen at her at Christmas and while sick was up normal hours and mentally sharp then. Over a month later she looks like she has lost a ton of mass, can’t eat anything other than ensure, boost, and is being fed fatty white stuff through IV port so she doesn’t starve. I wore a mask in her room just to make sure I didn’t make her more sick. I was there from Friday night until I flew back tonight. She forgot who I was multiple times and thought I was a nurse when I had sat down on the in room couch after knowing who I was 5 minutes before. My parents work schedules when I was a kid were long and hectic so she helped raise my a lot as a kid before I could just be by myself when my parents were gone for multiple days. I’m really going to miss her.

If your parents/grandparents are important to you don’t take them for granted and call them sometimes if you don’t live near them. You’ll regret it when they are gone if you care about them. Between my brother and my other grandparents dying besides this grandma’s husband I wish I had take the opportunity to see them all more when I had the chance.


late stage found 2 types of cancer

She must've have seen your posts here

Also me and the rest of /r/drama fucked her

You have pleased me.

Take these gifts and ban others with your coins. Welcome to the friedman reich.

Your mind is diseased. Pick a dandelion and hold it in your mouth until you feel the urge to urinate. Then, swallow the dandelion and urinate on the spot from which it was picked.


  1. My grandma is dying... -,

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Sorry to hear your grandma is so very unwell. I hope the hospital staff are keeping her comfortable and pain free.

Hope he sees this bro

I’m so sorry you’re going through this. The loss of any loved family member will be hard and feel no turmoil that it is hard. Let your sorrow ebb and flow and in time that sorrow will recede and her incandescent memory will remain.

Edit: fuck thought I was in the elder care sub, not lurking you dramanauts. Regardless I empathize with your situation and I hope for you and her the best outcomes.


I’m very sorry to hear this. At least you got to spend some more time with her.

Your pulitzer's in the mail

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Sorry to hear about this, even from an annoying leftoid agendaposter. My biological grandmother fostered me from age 7 to 18, she's 82 this year and recently had to get a minimum wage cleaning job because her pension wasn't enough to live on. I think she's drained more than half her savings in the last 3 years alone. Fortunately she's still in good health but it's sad that society™ has little time for the wellbeing of the elderly. It's good that your grandmother has her family for support, there are so many old people out there in similar situations who aren't as lucky.

Sucks. My grandma raised me and died when I was 15. Changed the entire course of my life for the worst. Will never forgive myself for being such an awful child. Appreciate her while you still have her, OP.

edit: i mean bussy lmao

At least when she dies, she won't be disappointed in you anymore

I very sorry, friend. My grandma went fast after the cancer diagnosis and experienced the same rapid changes I saw in her. It's a sad time. Take care of yourself and your grandma.