AHS going after FDS & other femcel subs

1  2020-02-10 by MasterLawlzFan


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How come every time a woman does something bad it’s a β€œlarp” lol

Classic projection. Ahs larps as women so they think fds are dudes larping as women too.



You can tell ahs nerds have Navarro been around women either. The hags of FDS talk EXACTLY like women

This lmao.

There are no girls on the internet.

But there are foids. :p

The incels at AHS think wahmen have no agency

The writing on that sub is actually pretty fucking good if it's a larp because they've captured a very online terfy cat lady specific style of crazy very well.

Women good. If woman bad, is man. Bad man.

Better them than us.

First they came for the Incels and I did not speak out for I was not an Incel.

Then they came for the Daddy Voters and I did not speak out for I was not a Daddy Voter.

Then they came for the Terfs and I did not speak out because I was not a Terf.

Then they came for Drama and there was no one left to speak out me.

Once drama was gone they started reproducing by diddling kids.

Truly a stunning and brave new world πŸ˜”

They'll keep em busy forever lol. Gender critical is still up, idk if they'll ever get quarantined even let alone b&

Femcel clits are bigger than menslibbers dicks. This is not a fight they should be picking. They'll get the Johnny Depp treatment.

Is FDS (and PPF) actually women? I thought those were LARP threads where incel dudes pretend to be really terrible women so they can use them as "evidence" of how bad women are.

imagine thinking all women are simultaneously pure date-able angels and horrible TERFs

sorry, all real women


Is FDS (and PPF) actually women? I thought those were LARP threads where incel dudes pretend to be really terrible women so they can use them as "evidence" of how bad women are.

Women are saints πŸ‘, it must be the incels

Is FDS (and PPF) actually women? I thought those were LARP threads

I think he got it mixed up with r/actuallesbians and r/trans

Women were willing to put up with trannies when they thought "tranny" was just some new and even cuter kind of faggot who wears dresses and wants to cut his dick off.

Once they started noticing that the majority of trannies are actually straight men who want to wear dresses but keep their dicks and pressure real girls into sex, it was only a matter of time.

this is fucking exhausting

Just stop looking at things you don't like πŸ˜‚

Not even mods, but they're still doing it for free. Absolutely pathetic.

Imagine getting outraged at words on the internet πŸ˜‚

What must they look like? What must their dad think?


but they must wage their internet jihad, brother

I love that the only thing AHS can't stand for is the trans exclusion on the sidelines. Never mind that it's a "no u" reverse incel subreddit. That's alright since they're women but ummmmm TERFS?????????????

Redditors are primarily Troids so it makes sense

people have literally tried to get AHS to go after FDS before but none of them thought to call them TERFs, so AHS wouldn't touch them bc it would disrespect women

but as soon as someone thought to pull out the T-word it's fuckin go time lmao

I thought those were LARP threads where incel dudes pretend to be really terrible women


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


  1. AHS going after FDS & other femcel ... - archive.org, archive.today*

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Being TERFs is their redeeming quality. I don't get how any feminist can not be a TERF. Your entire shtick is that women are oppressed by men, and then you go and accept a man calling himself a woman and suck girldick. The only thing worse than being a feminist is being a non-TERF feminist.

I always approve consistency.

you lazy fascists.

how...is it fascism....what the fuck

they do -- one specific ecosystem of organised anti-Semitic trolls that's comorbid with the GC/NVD/ItsAFetish ecosystem, has a minimum of 5 alt accounts per participant.

jesus christ somehow it's now antisemitic with an established alt system.

This is /r/conspiracy level nonsense but somehow everyone is fully onboard that yes, of course, this is exactly what's happening.

Don't you know? Everyone who has a modicum of evil in their soul is antisemitic and fascist. This is not up for debate sweaty.

How do they always have so much intel on the number of alt accounts of subscribers of any sub? They arent by chance making things up, are they???

AHS does NOT pull their accusations straight from their neo vaginas. There is a well respected, peer review based system in place that allows them to make the claims they do. I REPEAT, AHS does NOT pull their accusations straight from their neo vaginas.

Lmao mobile fucked me over and I commented in the wrong spot.

What's wrong with the TE part of being a TERF?

What's wrong with the TE part of being a TERF?

it makes sense.

Two groups of people I hate fighting each other. Nice


Serious question: which is worse, the SRDine or the AHSer?

AHS are actively worse than jannies because at least the janny knows to stay within his confines. AHS actively look for things to offend them so they can bitch about it to the admins and force them to get on their knees and do whatever they want.

I was gonna say SRDines but the AHSers are actively trying to slaughter all the lolcows...

Are they all thinking that women are saint ? Is that IncelTears ?


They're still trying to say it's all men LARPING

Yes sweaty, it's 20,000 men in a trenchcoat

I think I want to make an alt for that sub but it would be hard seeming so angry all the time.