1  2020-02-10 by AIU-comment


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Eat the bat your heart go flat. Bat gang.

I can't buy no bat no wedding ring

due to coronAIDS

This is why god told you not to eat bats.

The good thing about this community, is it’s still based on consent, as no one is fattened against their will. In a way it’s admirable seeing these women do this to themselves, as it shows a real dedication to work against the grain of society and become the sizes they do.



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God i hope this is the spark that gets rid of the Chicoms


"Guys it's fine. No big deal, see look at these numbers it isnt that bad. Ignore that we've closed more cities than ever before, ignore the reports about bodies piling up, ignore the doctors dying. It's fine guys."

Posters on AZNIdentity are probably like "These are white lies! Beijing is preparing an army of 6ft Chads with 12inch cocks to destroy the WMAF hegemony and liberate us! That is why all public places are closed! My mom made me bat soup for dinner!"

Quick question .... is this very specific topic always on your mind? Like ... is this some sort of fetish?

🦀City Quarantined🦀

🦀Sick no longer a problem🦀

🦀Coronavirus defeated🦀

So the pool's closed?