I told some drug addicts they probably shouldn't be driving stoned. They didn't take it well.

1  2020-02-10 by Bijzettafeltje


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Never tell a druggie he's not as capable as a non-druggie, it brings back the painful reality of why they became druggies in the first place.

Why is stoned driving a r/Drama thing and why do stoners always take the bait. The average cop cares more if you have your phone out then a joint.

Fucking under-the-influencels

Dude weed lmao.

It's not an addiction bro I swear I'm a perfect driver

Just suck it bro.... just a little. It’s indica bro. No anxiety bro. Please... just suck the tip bro.

I actually drive better stoned

Wahhh why are you comparing us to drunk drivers


Driving Influence Under the

Sir, please exit the vehicle


Why do they always ask for a source knowing full well that road side tests or really anywhere for recent marijuana use is not a thing yet?

No university is gonna spend money on a big study proving that smoking weed every day turns you into a slow retard. Everyone knows that already.

Lol man, like wtf. First of all using everyone knows that as an argument is just plain wrong. Second of all my uncle psychiatrist actually was part of a team conducting study about high driving. I have no way to prove it, but according to what he said there was a slight difference in reaction speed, high ppl being ofc a bit slower. On the other hand high ppl tended to make better decisions overall. They did not publish the study, because it proved that high ppl are actually slightly better drivers in the test’s margin of error (so basically proving that high drivers are as good drivers as ppl not high). What I want to say is you should not jump into conclusions so quickly without the knowledge needed in order to not look like a pretentious guy.

uncle psychiatrist

Is he the brother of your dad who works at Microsoft and is gonna get you a free Xbox 720?

Ffs, stones may actually be the most pathetic people on earth.

Would Dave Matthews Band ticket sales count as a source?

They're a weak source, what you really want is Phish.

When they do drug testes on deceased drivers for some reason those with marijuana in their system are less likely to cause fatal accidents. Sorry that you're unable to handle simple drugs kid.


Several meta-analyses of multiple studies found that the risk of being involved in a crash significantly increased after marijuana use

Two large European studies found that drivers with THC in their blood were roughly twice as likely to be culpable for a fatal crash than drivers who had not used drugs or alcohol

Those involved in vehicle crashes with THC in their blood, particularly higher levels, are three to seven times more likely to be responsible for the incident than drivers who had not used drugs or alcohol

Drunk drivers are less likely to die in car crashes, that doesn't mean they don't cause more of them than sober drivers. Dying in a car crash doesn't mean you caused it, retard

found the drug addict

Deceased drivers huh?

You making that connection yet?

There have been a couple of studies. Turns out driving high is kind of like driving as a foid. You're slow, unskilled, and you have shit reaction times - but you don't take risks either.

But like, come on, think about it.

so youre saying we should ban foid driving?

Ask your insurance company whether moids or foids are safer drivers in the end.

I'd figuratively kill to find out who winds up costing them more in aggregate. Moid crashes are rarer but usually super expensive, while foids generally drive like they need a bumper car.

It’s not complicated lmao - the people who are paying the higher premiums cost more to insure, that’s why they’re paying higher premiums.

then the answer appears to be volume wins out after age 25, when women start paying as much or more than men do.

I thought the gap never quite equaled out, but as always I’ve done zero research.

my 30 seconds of searching keeps bringing up statistics for leafs instead of a real country, so I'm going to assume I'm 100% right and trumpet it always.

Based scientist

As is tradition!

Men are involved in more accidents because they drive 40% more miles on average.

Fuckin’ moids strike again.


The mental gymnastics that these filthy junkies do is hilarious. Just watch them separately try to convince themselves that driving after smoking a blunt is perfectly fine.

Noooo maaaaaaaan, I've smoked for years maaan, it doesn't affect me like that maaan

I didnt realize this was a community of pussies. A blunt? I used to dab on the freeway going 105, had my bitch riding shotgun workin the blowtorch. Honestly this is why you are all virgins.

King shit

weed is literally the most pussy drug on the entire planet lmao

Ok bitch well one time I put pcp up my ass so whose the pussy now?

Apparently your ass is because things get inserted into it.

pretty based tbh

Na, whipits exist.

and yet everyone in here crying over people doing it while driving.

what happened to this sub. everyone's such a whiny baby now.

theres no such thing as a good reddit user and rdrama isnt special 😔

rdrama isnt special

then explain the helmets everyone is wearing.

nah, most of the people here are rightfully making fun of stoners for being the junkies they are. pointing and laughing isn't being a whiny baby, it's what the sub is for.

calling people who smoke weed "junkies"

not a whiny baby


seethe more, stoner

Ok druggie

Most embarrassing post of the year so far and we've had multiple Lawlz stickies already.

Why would I be embarrassed about this at all?

Weedposting even ironically is bad.

Ok boomer

There's too many rightoids now, but not the good kind

This is a different strain maaaaaaaaan

Why cant reddit druggies lie on the street half dead like normal addicts?

I haven't seen a peer reviewed study that definitively says it does, and I perform much better in FPS games while stoned which suggests to me that it is improving my awareness and reaction time.

Vidya gamers are a pox on society.

Can’t wait for the Gamer Genocide

Excuse me but my call of duty sesh was amazing while high, so OBVIOUSLY I'm a better driver.

All we can do is hope the cops pull them over and give them a dui before they kill anyone.

I'm all for police escalating past the point of no return tbh.

Gotta clean the junk off the streets.

I thought dutchies love getting stoned?

I like to occasionally. Maybe like 3 times a year. Also edibles >>> smoking weed.

Nah, legality takes away the appeal tbh

Also other cooler drugs are condoned so weed takes a back seat

I really don’t give a shit about casual use but there is a suprising number of slow retards who smoke every day and claim it doesn’t turn you into a slow retard.

This is a very good post

But bro I drive safer on weed! Also that amsterdam study. hits blunt

Reminds me of that time Rogan had Steven Crowder on and Rogan lost his shit.


I've never seen Rogan get so heated over a single issue. You'd think chowder was fuckin weed Hitler, who vowed to eradicate every molecule of THC on the planet and kill everyone who dared grace their lungs with cannabis.

Crowder literally says he doesn't care about weed and Rogan continues to make him talk about it. That's what happens when you get punched in the face for a hobby.

He'll agree with the most cuckservative or libtard on opposing issues on his show as long as it isn't weed.

Clearly they use a different strain maaaaaaan this one makes you better at driving maaaan

Should throw rocks at them next time.

And I'm not convinced reaction time is reduced while high

Potheads thinking they're Neo from The Matrix when they smoke lmao.

People who focus all their energy on slandering Cannabis should really focus on the real problems like alcohol, opiates, and prescription abuse.

Dude!!!!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeddddd

boomers downvoting you because they lost "the war on drugs"


Imagine not being able to drive while drunk and on drugs. I drive drunk and on drugs every night and have never been in an accident. Some people just suck at driving.

A lot of people get killed by habitual stoners who "drive better while high"

that's because you're retarded.

Driving on shrooms or acid is where it's really at, though. its been proven that weed lowers reaction time, but only barely. Professional atheletes use shrooms as an enhancer. I wonder how many professional drivers use them when they run courses.

Gebaseerd en bijzettafelpilled

I’m going to continue to drive almost exclusively stoned, and hopefully my poor reaction time will lead me to kill you, or someone like you, in a fiery car wreck.

i'm a good driver, i don't believe weed makes me better, it makes me worse, it reduces me to the skill level of an average suburban commuter, so i'll advocate against it while doing it myself because most drivers are bad enough as it is

Source? Because I've never ever heard of anyone dying from a cannabis influenced driver.

god I hate potheads.

