Melanated man slaps mayo foid for using a naughty word. The whole comments section is great, but I believe this is the best sperg out available.

1  2020-02-10 by OnlyRacistOnReddit


White women that say the n word outside of the bed room are kinda gross tbh

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This is why we need mayocide.


  1. Melanated man slaps mayo foid for u... -,

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This is literally youtube comments tier autism. Did a child write this?

I would assume it is a 41% and aspiring Chapotard

worse, a black gamer

It's ok, he has a white friend.

I just pity yt pipo who have to by necessity or poor genes, share some questionable spaces with black pipo.

Moral of the linked thread - study hard, make money and you'll be fine - lmao

This is what reddit does to black people 😔

It’s part of the plan. When all brothas are extremely online the HAPAs will finally make their move.

Dude nigger lmao

He slapped her because she asked him to. This is perfectly consensual and y’all are nothing but a bunch of kink shamers.

That foid had to go home and change her panties.

Add this one to snappy.

If you want to see the deranged commenter’s cock it’s right here nsfw

Tbh not bad

Thank you? I guess?

lmao why is he so worked up? absolute majority of crime with black victims is done by black criminals, or maybe its mayos fault too