Menslibber is definitely not gay, but did take dick in the butt

1  2020-02-10 by Laca_Shoulda_Started


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She’s gonna leave you inside six months, bro. Women can’t handle the image of their guy getting fucked up the ass.

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r/Drama: Menslibber_is_definitely_not_gay_but_did_take#2

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You may not like it but this is what peak mayoid looks like.

He literally married a trope only thing worse than a gay is gay fetishists 🤢


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  1. Menslibber is definitely not gay, b... -,*

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Protip for men: this doesn't count as cucking your wife, it just makes you bussypilled.

There is no stopping the descent into faggotry once it's begun.

Few months from now we'll probably see his wife in /r/deadbedrooms complaining that she's not felt the touch of her husband in months because he spends all his time touching tips with dudes

Sounds like she's the one getting cucked.

based husband imo

I doubt it. Her post will be on /r/relationship_advice asking how to divorce rape her gay husband because she is disgusted by all of it.

What if this is a sexual revolution for mens lib and they all start fucking dudes

it would be an improvement over their current habit of committing male feminism

Tbh i hope they all get AIDS

i hope they get AID in overcoming their poor attitudes toward themselves, women, and other men

Like a rope?

reading that thread makes me think the wife knows hes gay and is trying to force him to accept his gayness so she doesnt have to be the mean one and divorce him.

So it's actually wholesome af.


conducive to or promoting moral well-being.


there's nothing more wholesome than dudes fucking dudes, for they are uncorrupted from the taint of gussy

Wholesome in comparison to the absolute state of the West.

You gunna go to private prayer sessions with him to pray away the gay? Two or three times a week should be enough to keep the temptations at bay.

Hell no that boy is ugly.

That would be a million times better tbh

i.e. he initiates the divorce? That's more shrewd than wholesome tbh.

He took a dick for good boy points (his words, mind you). If anything, she's going to keep him locked up so she can go to the Caribbeans and explore her sexuality with Paulo.

I expect her to leave him way before that. How she gonna respect a man that got bussy blasted?

What self respecting gay man would accept such a pathetic shell of a human?

ALL of you have literal demons inside of you.

Demons DO enter your body through the anus, because the mixture of pain and pleasure caused by the immoral act of sodomy causes so much psychic confusion that a portal to your soul opens up in your anus for the demon to enter.

This is how demons get inside of everyone. They conflate pleasure with pain. They also conflate truth with untruth.

The anus is only ONE way that demons enter a human body, BUT IT IS ONE OF THE MOST PROMINENT ONES.

This is why so many of you have suffered from pedophilia and sodomy as children. The demons spread to you in this way, in the same way that vampirism spreads through bites.

Reject these homosexual demons and drive them out of your body. I implore you. The world will be a better place. I will forgive you if you expel the demons from your body and stop causing harm to the world around you.

This message is brought to you by truth and decency and concern for your well being as well as the well being of the world around, NOT "bigotry" or "ignorance".

This guy is fagphobic and clearly afraid to admit he needs to join the cult of peter Bussyplug

Lmao at the idiots congratulating a guy who definetely isn't straight on getting a "liberating" experience

If he keeps it up he maybe will become liberated from his continence, liberated from his masculinity and most of all, liberated from his wife.

no more nagging wive's

More time for le Switch!!!!

I've posted this before, but I remember a weekly discussion thread on one of the online dating subs years ago. A guy posts that he went on a first date only to find out (immediately after arriving) that the date is a pre-op tranny. He said he was disgusted at first but stayed for some fucking reason and ended up making out with "her" at the end of the night. He asked the sub how he should feel about it (he sounded really conflicted in a oh god what have I done way) and the comment chain was filled with people patting him on the back for "not getting held up in cultural bullshit" and saying he was a good person for making out with the tranny.

A few months ago there was a thread in MensLib about how you could like to suck dick and call yourself straight and it had nothing to do with trans people. Just if you like giving brojobs you are totally straight.

This is like alchemy, it’s hard for mere normies to understand. The end goal of transbianism, polyamory, sissification, and gender spectra is that Zoomers can fucking cancel foids when they won’t give them a progressive and valid bro job.

The TERF is wise to your tricks and grows more powerful every day.

grows more powerful every day hairier and fatter every day

implying you don't have to be powerful to bring down small satellites from orbit

This just seems like white people nonsense to still be "better" than the LGBTQ+. Like, they will be an ally and engage in the same behavior but "Oh, no. I'm not one of you. I'm straight. I'm normal"


I'd say this guy was an alt from here but that account is 9 years old

If someone commented the text here I would have thought it was a Lawlz sticky.

Maybe Masterlawz is his alt.

That dude shouldn't have posted a selfie.

How come they always look exactly like you think they would

Unironically feel bad for the little girl, odds of her growing up normal with a father like that are slim to none. Future single mom or thot confirmed

Let's tick off the boxes after 20 seconds of scrolling


-even worse, Welsh

-plays nothing but vidya, sucks at them so bad he has to beg for help online

-into numetal

-Is "pagan"

  • keeps asking feminists how to "be less offensive

Feel free to add more below, that's as far as I got without becoming suicidal

That poor child.

By the time his daughter is 14 she'll be trawling the docks for an actual father figure

I have no doubts she'll become a pornstar and her father will 100% support her, going as far to drive her to shoot scenes and sitting outside during.

dude's gonna watch and clap at the end omg

He is a bong, not a burger

Sitting outside? He'll be fluffing the dudes balls....

Is vegetarian.

I'm going to add him on PS4 and see if he'll let me bum him while his wife watches.

Go ahead

Add me

You might be gay bro but that's ok

Thanks for the advice

Sure thing you got a whatsapp or something I can hit you at haha

Sorry I don't

I saw you said you played FIFA what's your favorite team to play as and do you have a favorite irl?

I'm American I don't get to talk about soccer too often

I don't have a favourite as I am terrible with them all. Live in division 10 but I like a kick about

Hell yeah dude nothing wrong with that

Done. Do you have GTAV? I've got a shit tonne of money on that from hax, so we can go round rampaging n00bs.

Sorry no GTA, I got Apex or Titanfall

Crap at Fifa

Working on my multiplayer list

Titanfall > Apex but at least your taste in games isnt as shit as everything else. Get Red Dead and play cowboy with me 🤠

I do have Red Dead

In work ATM so won't be on for about 24 more hours


Get Red Dead and play cowboy with me

You looking to get some of that Bareback Mountain action? 😏

It's the only reason I play

Apparently no PSN action


What a karma farm

Apex is kino

I'll whoop that ass boy. Titanfall is by far the better game, in every aspect that matters

I just got on PSN and no friend request?

I got drunk af last night and forgot lol I'll try and remember after work

That's cool

I was a bit pissed off hundreds of angry people

Not 1 manned up to add me lol


Edit: no inappropriate comms on PS4 pls, I've got 2 kids and a wife who use it too and I don't want them to know about this.

This is gayer than the assfucking

If my wife found out about this, she'd probably stop pegging me. No way I'm risking that.

Fair's fair

We know you like to get fucked in the ass, how about in CoD?

Why do you hate bisexuality?

Chad reply tbh

Wife is a binge drinker

Makes sense

More proof the Saxons did literally nothing wrong in stealing Brittain from the celts. I really loved how the Welsh were portrayed in the Last Kingdom.

Damn now you reminded me I need to finish that last season

It was pretty good. One of the only good shows Netflix puts out.

Yeah caught me off guard with the first few episodes, I wasnt expecting much. I loved playing Total War Attila while watching it

(👁 ͜ʖ👁)

He's also a fake pagan

Don’t you have to BS white supremacist to be pagan?

If you want to be cool while you do it yeah

G*rmanoids can't honestly larp pagans because their myths were written down by christians hundreds of years after their conversion. That what they get for living in frozen mudhuts.

thought this was destiny but es way too tall

His eyes.

His eyes make me want to end his suffering

Yeah I saw he had his account for 9 years. Gotta be a bunch of personal information on there.

He takes fashion advice from r/numetal lol. I don't even know what to say!

Literally worse than getting fucked in the ass as a bit.


hes british, shocker

Even worse, Welsh 🤮

watch out ladies

I dont think the ladies have anything to worry about my dude

Yeah that’s why he’s banging dudes lmao

Getting banged by dudes*

Looks like a 45 year old child.

It's a great shirt


Okay, I’m gonna ask the big question: what kind of nu-metal?

Adema, Korn, limp ect

Ah okay. I didn’t know what numetal meant these days.

Obligatory those bands suck, omg, and all that.

Static X, which I can respect, but post Wayne Static, so respect withdrawn. That's like seeing Megadeth without Dave.

I love Static X

Me too bud, but without Wayne? Disgusting.


I don’t know Static X, but Megadeth without Dave sounds hilarious. It’s more an extension of his fatwa on Metallica than a consistent band.


post Wayne Static


Exactly this

Where did he post a selfie?

Bit of a crude joke but, I'd bet her pants dropped so hard it registered on the Richter scale.

This would be an understatement. She told me it will forever be in her wank bank

Now if that ain't the cutest shit I've heard in a while! Enjoy yourselves!

Literally nothing about this is cute

This is gay af

Unironically this is gayer than actual fags having gay sex.

This is cultural appropriation of bussy-americans

Its gayer for a straight guy who is "straight" to take it up the ass while his watch directs them than it is for a gay dude to take it up the butt because he loves penis in his butt.

No joke I've been blown by at least 40 dudes less gay than this.

Ain't nothing gay about getting your dick sucked.

How's the transition to beer going?

4 a day, thanks for the advice. Hasn't been a challenge or anything. I know it's the oldest line in the book but I was pretty confident I could quit when I wanted, I just didn't have a great barometer for how much was actually too much. Based on some of the replies I'm kinda surprised I didn't get alcohol poisoning.

Definitely preferred the effect whisky had on the digestive system tho...

That's 400 more calories too, soon you will no longer be skeletor.

I could drink 750ml in a day without getting alcohol poisoning, but that is from binge drinking heavily for 10 years not 4 months lol. And the hangover would be legendary, I wouldn't be able to stomach alcohol for a few weeks. I don't understand how you could do it being so light and manage it every day, you must have some mutant superhuman liver genes.

Probably not, but it might get me to no longer calorie deficient.

And hell, maybe I did fuck up my liver and it just hasn't hit me yet? I don't really know what that looks like or how long symptoms take to set in, my family tends to die from heart or colon problems. Or suicide, lotta that.

Well your liver usually gives your signs before it goes. If your eyes start turning yellow get your ass to hospital.

You'll be fine kid, most livers can take quite a beating before any problems happen. Learn to drink a few shots of whiskey and then coast on beers for the night and you'll be fine

Are you tapering off to zero long-term or just swapping to something lighter? B/c the final switch to sober is way easier gut-wise from beer than spirits.

I plan to just go back to being a social drinker again.

My digestive system has all sorts of other problems going on so sober isn't going to be much better, unfortunately.

Best of luck, man! Doing the same thing myself.

Take it from me, you can't really just go back to social drinking and have that be it. You'll be off that wagon before you even set foot on it. If you can manage to go sober, do that and never drink again. A nugget of wisdom I once was given is that there is never a thing as a recovered alcoholic, only alcoholics that aren't currently drinking.

4 beers a day sounds very reasonable considering what I've seen.

I'm assuming you didn't see the original post.

With all possible respect, while I did start drinking to deal with 'other life' stuff, I wasn't continuing to drink because I'm an alcoholic. I might have created a physical dependency, but I was never on that 'wagon' as far as psychological addiction goes.

I posted that thread because I was concerned about specifics of immediate/short-term use and its impact on health. The issue was never being able to stop. Hell, 10 years ago I drank consistently for 6 months and stopped, and have never felt a craving.

And I smoke, and am deathly addicted to that. I'm no stranger to addiction. I appreciate why it would be hard to take me at my word, but this isn't the same. I don't have dependency issues with alcohol. I feel confident saying that because I don't have any strong feelings about wanting to drink when I'm not drinking. I've also used much harsher and more addictive chemicals for far longer and quit without issue, then resumed casual use. I'm 100% confident this isn't going to be a problem for me. I just needed advice on how to taper down to casual use again safely.

That all said, I really, truly appreciate your well-meaning advice. And I'm sorry for your struggle.

It's good, I believe you.

nothin gay 'bout a Brojob

I actually want to vomit irl

You and me 69 vomiting inside each other's man pussy would be less gayer than this shit.

Enjoy yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!

You missed the most retarded response of all

The most wholesome example of sexual "deviance" ever.


we truly do live in a warped society lmao


Hopefully the escort was Keanu Reeves

We need a Franco

Based and Españolpilled.

I dont think Franco is gonna cut it in this case. We need something more Völkisch

So i take it you've never been to Spain

Well, I've never been to Spain but I kind of like the music. They say the ladies are INSANE there and they sure know how to "use it". They don't abuse it. Never gonna lose it. I can't refuse it.

100 wholesome Keanu Reeves big Chungus bacon narwahl moment 💯💯💯🔥💯💯

The most wholesome example of sexual "deviance" ever

Putting quotes around something doesnt make it untrue

Wholesome... as in he took the whole sum of all nine insertible inches

This concerns me more than alt-right shitlings at this point.

Alt-right shitposters have shown an ability to crawl out of their basements and cause actual harm. Menslibbers are too afraid of their own shadows be a cause for concern. They're only a threat to themselves.

Tell that to the countless foids that have fallen victim to the male feminist menace

Those foids deserve it. How you gonna let a manlet who questions his sexuality and gender daily abuse you?

at this point

Took you some time

I try to lead a monastic life where I can

Blessed and Godpilled

His "wife" probably has a feminine benis

I'm truly suspicious, but I'm not sure which possibility is gayer, honestly.

Menslibber gets his bussy blasted and now thinks he has discovered some sort of enlightenment when in reality he just figured out he is greek.

Gets ass fucked ✅

Enjoys it tick ✅

Pays for it tick ✅

Is straight ❌

I'm really getting sick of these mensliber's bi erasure 😤

Yes. It's a legitimate and rewarding option, but it seems everyone is too eager to stick to their tribe.

"Definitely 100% straight" or "totally gay". Boring.

Positively dull.

By the way, why are these menslibblers holding onto such archaic terms such as gay and straight? Isn't sexuality and gender on a spectrum and therefore cant be properly labeled?

You need to stand up for your queer-ass self, tell this sheep fucker off king

Good looking out 👍

Hes being a really good sport and its upsetting me 😭

One has to be a bit based to be into bussy

Yeah I don't think he's going to fall for my bait. Good on him but he's still a bit erasing jerk 😤

Just keep 'baitin him, I'm sure he'll come eventually

I will use an allegory to prove that he is still straight. Imagine the only ice cream flavor you have ever eaten is vanilla, this is the only flavor of ice cream you ever want to eat, and this is how your friends know you as the vanilla guy, now you become curious and try chocolate ice cream, you like it, but you'll still be remembered by your friends as the vanilla guy, and not the chocolate guy.

Wow, stupid and wrong. Not only did he blow a guy, he said he didnt enjoy it and he did it to expand his wife's "spank bank", which directly implies she isnt sexually satisfied by him and has to regularly masturbate to make up for it. SAD!

My argument was not necessary about this situation but generally about straight guys who are curious and try gay sex.

Yeah but you applied it to this situation tangently which makes you.... WRONG.

You're right I was just trying to prove that it's not always gay to have gay sex.


That's just bisexual.

he's a brit, isn't this just part of their culture?

Do we know if the prostitute was a child?

You fucking bigot you think taking it up the ass makes you gay? What a homophobe, probably racist too.

Why has there been such a big push among lefties to try to make the 'straight men who love gay sex' narrative a thing?

big push

Spend less time on the internet lmao.

Lefties are only on the internet

That's what my buddy told me when I was ranting at him about gender pronouns and bullshit 4 years ago. Now my other. Buddy's 7th grader has multiple nonbinary and "trans" friends in her middle school class. This shit starts on the internet.

Spend less time on the internet. And stop being so fucking stupid. Maybe think about having less stupid friends.

Who the FUCK asked you for words? huh?

You. I can recognize the desperate cries for help due to my long years of experience with internet retards.

my god....

Acknowledging that sucking or fucking dick is gay throws a wrench into the narrative that it's still straight to fuck a "woman" with a penis. It's easier to just pretend that guzzling any cock isn't gay than it is to somehow explain how it's sometimes gay but completely straight if it's a shenis. Tranoids once again confusing the narrative of the LGB crowd.

Ur wrong.

It is more about a "you are valid, you are what you say and nothing you do or anything that other people or society says can invalidate that" mindset.

This applies to a lot of shit. You can look like a Hulk Hogan and still call yourself a cute catgirl. You can get railed in the ass by a gymbro every day of your life and suddenly at 80 you say "hmmm I actually didn't enjoy getting fucked my entire life, I think I like women" and just like that, you're straight. Or you could be a massive fan of a singer, even though you're only ever heard 1 song from them and that's the extent of your knowledge of fandom.

It's an extension of "everyone is cute and valid and we cannot have some basic, somewhat objective definitions for shit because that would be bigoted and gatekeeping".

That's a better explanation. I don't understand the self deluded tardation either way.

Why has there been such a big push among lefties to try to make the 'straight men who love gay sex' narrative a thing?

If pornhub recommends you gay porn this means that the algorithm has determined scientifically that you are gay. That is all, there's no need to be upset.

The sexual revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

Enforced male harems when.

Holy shit this dude literally sucked another guy's dick to please his wife. This is somehow even more gay than getting fucked in the ass, cause at least you are doing that for your own pleasure.

10 years ago, "soon, you'll have to suck dick to prove youre straight" was somewhere between a deranged conspiracy and a joke. Now though...

Something something slippery slope...

Slope is a bit greasier than I remember

Also low key sociopath wife move. Imagine pressuring your straight girlfriend into eating pussy just so you jerk off

That’s hot

Lots of insecure straight guys here. If someone is straight, messing around with a dude doesn't automatically invalidate it. Your sexuality comes from within, not from external circumstances.

This sounds like someone trying really hard to hold on to their "I'm not gay" card.

I'm not gay, I just fuck dudes


Is fucking bussy gay if you're getting paid?


im not gay, i just get fucked by dudes


It's actually a giant fetish for a lot of gay men to fuck guys who claim they are straight. They're just trying to coom harder not make sense.

That actually makes a lot of sense.


I'm vegan but who doesn't enjoy a nice, juicy steak every now and again, am I right guys?

Apt comparison.

This dude is all over subs like /r/meetpeople and /r/skypepals trying to make friends. Sounds to me like he's either unironically a cuck looking for friends, or he's on the DL and did this more to please his butthole and prostate than to please his wife.

Of course the other option is that his wife's bull was the one that he fucked.

he's either unironically a cuck looking for friends, or he's on the DL and did this more to please his butthole and prostate than to please his wife.

100% the case, i give it a month before he starts soliciting /r/RandonActsOfBlowjobs.

And he'll be giving the BJs not receiving them...

Just realised how pathetic it is to pay for gay hookers 😂

There's literally thousands of thirsty bussy hunters on grindr looking to bang for free and this guy paid them 😂 😂 😂

Literally just post bussy on grindr and await the stampede.

Unless you're fat and uggo 🤔

Unless you're fat and uggo 🤔

Doubt it. Gay men have even lower standards than straight men. You'll always find a man who has successfully fetishised your grotesque appearance

Damn I unironically wish I were gay

Maybe i should try sissy hypno

Only if you're not an ethnic though

Not everyone has experience on this field sweaty.

But they should

The homocracy cumeth.


Like real hookers, I imagine you pay them to leave.

Gay men are famous for their commitment to relationships and monogamy.

There are clingers in any group.


I didn't feel any sexual attraction, best I could describe it was neutral

OK, weird, but I'm going to let it slide...

I performed acts on him but was incapable of getting hard during it

Again, I guess you committed to giving your wife a show.

My wife fantasy didn't have me on top anyway

And now we have confirmation that this was just so his wife could see him get pounded by a man. FFS. I thought OP was just exaggerating for the sake of drama.

I don't think he can say that he isn't at least a little gay after getting railed by a gay pro.

Imagine having lost so much respect for your man, that you want to see him taking it up the ass and not caring if he likes it or not.

I think he's having to pay the price for the Chad that fucked her in the ass back in the day.

I want to see his post on r/relationship_advice now saying his wife's leaving him cos he's been getting dicked

My wife left me for my gay lover(I'm not gay, I'm straight). What can I do?

Its worse than that. Her fantasy has her husband specifically getting fucked. She didnt just want to watch gay sex, him not liking it was a crucial part of why she liked it.

This is an insane foid version of painal porn, only it was with someone youre supposed to love.

how is it gay? being secure about ur sexuality is not gay, it is masculine

People who are secure in their heterosexuality don't get ass fucked by other guys.

t. this is your mind when in the closet

can't make this shit up

Prostitutes and escorts aren't really consenting to sex when you pay them to fuck you. You coerced him with money.

What the fuck does this even mean??

I don't really know. I just love that they are pretending like the gay prostitute is being forced.

I really dont know if half of reddit is bots or if they are severely autistic at this point. Paying a prostitute for sex is rape now i guess lmao.

This is unironically the growing feminist position.

Ill go buy a prostitute just to spite them.

If you listen to the woke crowd pretty much everything is rape.

No clue, but coincidentally I'm coerced with money every time I go in to work in the morning. If sex work is real work then I figured they'd understand this 😂

if youre a dude, and get fucked in the ass by another guy, and you liked it, isnt that literally the definition of gay?

what am i missing here?

I think you are pretty much spot on, but I also don't think that bi men are actually a thing. I think there are gay men and straight men. Bi-men are just gay men who are willing to fuck anything that gives them the green light.

I've also known some straight guys so desperate they start fucking dudes.

Then they aren't really straight.

By that logic everyone who fucks fat chicks is into fat chicks.

Yep, by definition if you fuck a fat chick, then you are into fat chicks.

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r/Drama: Menslibber_is_definitely_not_gay_but_did_take

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Lmao his wife's gonna cuck him in 6 months.

Absolutely beyond parody

Jesus, I thought from the title maybe his wife pegged him or something. He actually hired a male prostitute to fuck him in the ass. But he's definitely 100% straight.

I love glory hole sex. Unprotected and anonymous goes without saying- barebacking a stranger is the only kind of sex that even counts. But barebacking a hole in the wall, the only part of the bottom I'm fucking visible being his anus, the part that I'm fucking, is the ultimate. Every time it's such a thrill, seeing that special booth at the end is occupied, and the one next to it is free, if only just recently. Debating, for a moment, whether or not to go to it, always deciding to. Seeing the hand wave at the hole, inviting. Then the anus is pressed up against the hole. Always heavily lubed, sometimes visibly dripping out previous loads of cum. I love seeing that well exercised, well greased rectum. Love running my fingers along the spokes, picking up lube and earlier tops' cum on my fingertips. Wondering how many other naked cocks have been there in the last hour, day, week. A dozen, a hundred? I only know I'm not the first. A lick to create a path for the head of my penis to slide along on it's way in. Another stroke of the spokes to collect more mixed lube and cum, and then rubbing it on my own dick. Mostly just the head - entering this asshole will be smooth and easy. One last moment, gazing down at the scene before me in appreciation, and then action. I place the head of my penis at the beginning of the trail of saliva I layed, then slide up it until it encounters the spokes of the asshole. A moment, a breath, and then pushing in. And now, my naked dick is up this naked anus. And it's heaven, that utterly anonymous, utterly unprotected rectum gripping my hard dick. And I fuck and fuck, not bothering to imagine what he looks like, just glorying in the moment. And then cumming. Slamming my cock in up to the base as I pump my semen into his naked hole, mixing with the loads already in there. Staying for a moment, then pulling out and watching the gush of cum and lube come rushing back out, onto the wall, the floor.

That was a mistake. You're about to find out the hard way why.

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hehe, hard!


Stolen from a posting I saw on r/gaysexconfessions

Ha gaaaaay

I didn't feel any sexual attraction, best I could describe it was neutral

I performed acts on him but was incapable of getting hard during it

My wife fantasy didn't have me on top anyway


As someone who is actually married to a dude this guy managed to be a bigger faggot than me.

Lots of insecure straight guys here. If someone is straight, messing around with a dude doesn't automatically invalidate it. Your sexuality comes from within, not from external circumstances.

What does this mean?

Fucking dudes doesn't make you gay as long as you're in denial

I guess closeted Republican who fuck rentboys really are straight when they say it out loud.

Obviously the ACTUAL gays, are the ones refusing pee pee in their poo poo.

Then what the actual fuck is sexuality? People don't even try to be consistent these days.

If someone is straight, messing around with a dude doesn't automatically invalidate it. Your sexuality comes from within, not from external circumstances.

Yes, but if you are certain that you are straight, you wouldn't go to fuck a man because you know you derive no pleasure from such action.

Imagine touching another man's dick willingly and still claiming to be straight. You could maybe eventually convince me that if you got a blowjob from a dude it was just a test. Hell, even if you fucked a dude when you were younger I could maybe come around to thinking you're straight somehow.

But touching some other dudes dick? That's gay as fuck. why are dudes are supposed to be progressive afraid of calling themselves bi?

Saying gay stuff on r/menslib ≠ gay

Saying gay stuff on r/drama = gay

You can build a thousand bridges....

But suck one cock and you’re a dirty cock sucker

No need to go to detail about the night but I did find it liberating as a straight man because of how comfortable I was.

No fear of getting confused about my sexuality, not repulsed in any way, and I am closer to my wife than ever

It just feels good to know how confident in myself I am and my own identity.

The amount of times he needs to congratulate himself and reaffirm to himself how "liberating" it was within those three little sentences tells you he def. bottomed while his wife watched him get fucked.

Broke: supporting gay marriage.

Woke: having an open marriage.

Bespoke: taking it in the ass to own the conservatives.

If you like dick in your butt, you're gay. Maybe you're bi, but definitely gay.

The real question is:


My wife fantasy didn't have me on top anyway


It just feels good to know how confident in myself I am and my own identity.

Problem is I don't feel comfortable telling anyone, not because I am ashamed in any way but because of the assumption that it's not possible for a straight man to do something like that

So you’re not confident in yourself is what you just concluded to...

Is bullying legal again?

This is unironically the most appalling thing I’ve ever read in my life

Still straighter than the guy who spent the weekend playing Nintendo Switch

What a bottom bitch

Jesus christ, why not just be bi?

I want to believe he's just a troll, but given the state of young men these days, I'm not so sure.

It's all so tiresome

Man, I swear, breeders get weirder by the day

You know, I can buy that enjoying girldick doesn't make you gay, whatever. But if you literally take dick from another man, how on earth is that not at least bi? If being gay is ok (which it is) then why try to hide your sexuality with (bro it's not gay if I don't think it is"? Makes no sense

You know, I can buy that enjoying girldick doesn't make you gay, whatever.

Nigga what?

I mean I don't get it, but I can kinda see the logic.

But there's no way you can convince me sucking a man's dick and taking it up the ass isn't gay.

Don't understand why trans organizations don't target these guys. They're one cis privilege guilt trip away from being convinced to transition. This would be preferable to their usual grooming of children to fill their ranks.

Women have always had a fetish for degrading their man as much as humanely possible, this is nothing new.

Well hello everyone, was not expecting this kind of response

I don't mind people ripping in to me but please don't bring my daughter in to it

I don't mind people ripping in to me

Yeah, I can actually believe that for some reason 🤔

I felt nothing doing it, no hard on or anything

why did you even think about doing it? Like I legitimately can't imagine willingly "trying" something I KNOW I won't like

I do it for her

She invites another women

Maths :)

is this...based?

Idk man I guess you know your maths better than I do. At least you're pretty chill for someone who posts on menslib

Naw it's cool, not everyone thinks the same

I don't mind people having fun

Based af

Uh idk man, to me the whole "get fucked in the butt" thing kinda invalidates the "fuck two women at once" thing.

now admittedly I have no experience with either scenario, but my theoretical desire not to get fucked in the butt outweighs my desire to sleep with a significant other and a gal pal.

Like, honest question, why can't you and your wife just be happy with fucking each other and leaving it at that?

Sex is great and you can never have too much

Hard disagree. Anything worth doing is worth doing in moderation.

Well to be fair he only got fucked by one dude, that's... moderate i guess lmao

The thought of your wife getting off did nothing for you?

It did but the situation countered it

I gotcha. If there is a next time though I’d try a different escort. With enough talent and your wife more actively involved I bet new, mutually enjoyable vistas could open wide.

So you were, in fact, turned off by it?

Yes, did nothing for me

But my wife got a fantasy fulfilled so job done

Infinity points from here

Are you worried your wife will respect you less, see you as less of a man, or be less attracted to you now that she's watched you bend over and take it up the ass from another man?

No, I have seen her lick pussy and that didn't make me respect her less

Does she ID as bi?


Do you have any idea why the original thread was locked?


Does your wife have a reddit account? Can we talk to her?

Unfortunately not

Can you cash in some of your "got fucked by a guy" points and get her to make one?

He has infinite

I love you

Please get her to do an AMA on here

Did you know that you can have a healthy relationship based around something other than point scores and extramarital cocksucking? Or what?

wrong, if he doesn't suck that dick she will. It's all about not getting cucked, regardless of the sacrifices needed

Sucking cock to own the foids.

This is even worse than enjoying it! Sorry about anyone bringing up your daughter, it's a bit too far, but holy shit this is peak beta-Male 😂

Nigga u gay

I don't mind people ripping in to me

Every time hereafter that woman looks upon you, she will not see a man.

... you brought your daughter into it. But really, you never should've had kids, I'm sure you must agree.

there is nothing gay about this, u do not magically become gay when u have sex with another dude u are born gay. The only people that would think this is gay are people who are insecure about their own sexuality

This guy was gay when he was born, he's just in denial

Sorry to disappoint

dont listen to them u are easily the straightest person here. it takes a lot of sexual security to have sex w/ another dude. 90% chance that all of these bussyphobic ppl are in the closet

I really don't care that much, I think I ruined the fun by not being angry lol

Lil bit, but you made up for it by being cool. For a guy who sucks dick anyways.


it's ok, r/drama will always be here for your bussyblasting needs when you realise

It's not gay if you don't touch dick. Meme becomes reality.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say hes telling the truth. This ""man"" is so pathetic and subservient to his wife, that hes willing to get his bussy plundered just for a sadistic foids pleasure.

Like a great prophet said : " Eeww nibba you gay".

Ok you guys are right British redditors are a mistake

"Its my wife's fantasy so its not gay"

Am I reading satire? Jfc

Jesus christ, that sub makes Jake Rapp look redpilled

Now my wife has a fetish for gay men having sex, nothing weird about that considering how many men have lesbian fantasies.

If this guy took dick in his ass without his wife giving him a threesome, I have to find a new place to lower my respect for menslibbers.

That is the most pathetic, fag infested sub Ive seen since this one.

Jerkcity comic about Straight Gene sucking pricks in the stall here

I lured this cow to our pastures via PM so you are all welcome btw


No way she’s not enormous

Nigga went from having a wife to having a beard. After he transitions she'll be upgraded to 'cohabiting partner'.

dennismiller2024 alt for sure

As a gay male escort

This is so much better than as a black man.

Truly there is no creature more pitiful or degenerate than an /r/menslib subscriber

After 24 hours non of these fags added me to PSN

Turns out Drama has no bite lol

This type of trolling is shaping society. Have we gone too far🤔

I love this woman so much I’m actually gay.

Lol ok sweatie.


That isn't even as gay as it is pathetic.

It is literally a straight guy debasing himself for a woman's sexual fetish.