Vegan propaganda on r/videos, plebbitors give their opinions

1  2020-02-10 by Gfuel_Sam


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I'm some kinda of sociopath for not giving a shit about animal welfare? Sure it sucks that bears get their glands milked etc but why does that mean I have to care about where I get my milk and tenders from.

I'd unironically be fine with eating human meat if everyone else was doing it.

Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


  1. Vegan propaganda on r/videos, plebb... -,

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Meat is delicious and human civilization exists because we eat it

If I can't bite into a juicy slice of bussy meat with my bros then what was even the point of human evolution?

Imagine just being a human in 2020 lmao. Join the vegans and ascend

I'm pretty sure that was alcohol.

I want to leave a carbon footprint so big that the other intelligent that eventually discover this rock think I was a fucking king

Antivaxxers lol

Folks, if you want to learn where your food actually comes from, go to a local farm/ranch. They'll be more than happy to teach you about how this stuff actually works.

No they wont. They arent jannies.

Teach me how to kill this cow bigot!

Local farms literally will let you tour them if you call ahead


having a favorite meat farm

Burger detected

Worse than that, I'm a mooseburger.


Like Americans have the ethos to give up their πŸ”

Facts are propaganda, seems good

>m-muh cows!


Mad that emphatic people care about cows


>m-muh cows!


Look, a streetshitter in the wild!


Did you mean empathetic?



Retard lol

No, don't take away my big mac pls LMAO!


I can't imagine being retarded enough to trust a documentary. There has never been a more biased and retarded form of communication in our history.

I think it's the music which makes documentaries dishonest. It's very easy to use music to manipulate human emotion and most documentaries are guilty of that.

Not just that. Documentary makers are the agendaposters of the movie world. They're boring, dumb, and they only tell you the part of the story that they want you to hear.

Documentaries are the ultimate longposts

If only we had a longpostbot for real life.

Ok, whats the other part of the story faggot?

Lol farming isn't near as bad as they want you to believe. First, they all lack self-awareness so getting all bent up over it is retarded. They seek the worst possible examples they can find and act like they're literally all that happens. Literally everything in a persuasive documentary is exaggerated beyond belief. Also anti-meat people are also well known for just straight up lying.

Believing anything from this type of documentary should be grounds for you to lose your right to vote. Like how fucking stupid do you have to be to believe shit just because movie man said something was bad and played sad music.

It’s how blackfish is absolutely biased bullshit but everyone lapped it up



I didn't trust it either so I went and did research and been vegan since. Suggest you try the same.

I've done the research and don't give a shit about farm animals.

For every cow you spare I'll eat one extra steak.

Enjoy your obesity bud

Sugar is the main culprit of obesity, not red meat.

Excess calories are the culprit

thinking the main source of human protein (animals) for all time causes you to be fat and not poor self control and/or carbs


Excess calories are the only cause of obesity. Behave tend to be on higher carb diet yet are the only population averaging in their ideal weight range.

Icarus and Free Solo were kino

Honestly I mean more documentaries on political/current events shit. Other documentaries are usually boring but people don't use them to build their morals.

Caring for the environment and animals is not political. No one disagrees in principle.

Get a load of this guy.

animals are good, vegans are bad.

Basic bitch take: Cows being slaughtered makes me sad

Radical centrist take: The cows fluids, body, children, and soul is entirely controlled by the generation of capital. Humans new obsession with how the cow is treated is because subconsciously we know we are being treated the same. And most importantly we know we deserve it.πŸ’…

Didn't read all the comments but I didn't see vegans comparing Blacks to animals in that thread as they usually do. I'm disappointed a bit.