Mixed tiktok thot gets canceled when she misgenders an enbie and calls them a "thing"

1  2020-02-11 by charming_tatum

Meet @Varsenex

She's a viral tiktokker who recently got sponsored by Dollskill. Dollskill is a shitty clothing brand known for exploiting their works and making edgy shirts like this and this. Naturally this made versenex problematic but since she was brown she was given a pass until she misgendered one of her detractors and called them a "thing". [This didn't go over too well with tranny twitter](Check out these search results: https://twitter.com/search?q=varsenex&s=09)


a company that steals artists’ work, sells Native American headdresses, works with LimeCrime, only uses white or white passing models, also sold a shirt that said “Dead girls can’t say No” and now this?

Holy shit, can I invest?

They're doing God's work.

Still can't believe that there's some grown men getting seriously involved in tik tok drama lmao bro you're 26 get a job.

Who me?

No, the people on twitter who are actually getting mad about some random tik tok girl and have strong opinions about this.

But I mean if you're 26 u should have a job

I wouldn't call what I do a job but it provides good money


skrrt skrrt my heart hurt


  1. @Varsenex - Outline

  2. this - Outline

  3. this - Outline

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I need PCP or something to even begin to connect the dots of outrage here...

What are you doing here without it

She didn’t even apologise for calling them a ‘thing’ because it doesn’t fit her ‘im innocent’ agenda.

I meant to put apologise in "". Shes hemoraging followers but then person who canceled her is a cunt too so hopefully this hurts them both

Tbh she is innocent. "Enbies" are Tumblr larpers.

so because people express themselves in a different way, she gets to dehumanize them? i believe in two genders but this is just disrespectful

Only black people can stop this gender nonsense

it's getting so tiring how cynically blatant it's getting that almost all of these "enbies" are just autistic people who want a way to control people around them

i mean it always was, but i feel like they used to at least try to dress up like a beanie wearing tumblr smol bean

nowadays i'm seeing a bunch of she/them and he/them popping up when they don't even want to commit to the full ass enby bit

I've seen this girl's content before and as far as I can tell shes straight and at least pretends to hate herself for it so yeah, you probably hit the nail on the head. Being enby is just wearing a big black tshirt. her content seems to be a mix between anime references, proving how much she doesn't care and making psa's about a made up disorder, at one point she claimed to have multiple personalities but shes also called it disassociatve blackouts. I found her through a tiktokker who duets lolcows and dunks on them

While multiple personality disorder is no longer the official term, s/he was right to use it as most people dont understand when you say dissociative identity disorder. During the time when a person is dissociating many of them do blackout and cannot recall any of their actions.

Of course this person is still a raging fag so it doesnt really matter if they are technically correct.

the newest thing I've seen is people who switch between pronouns and you're expected to keep up with that.

my favorite one, who i honest to god met IRL, insisted on his name as his pronoun. like, basically forbidding any real 3rd person pronouns. i had trouble keeping a straight face, but it was at a punk show where like 90% of the audience nowadays is hyperwoke, so i had to try.

This didn't go over too well with tranny twitter

Does anything ever go over well with tranny twitter?

The rope over the rafter

(x character) says TERFS MUST DIE

they should t die, rather learn kindness and human decency

Her profile did actually used to say that she’s nb

A lot of.times NB's are just straight girls looking for oppression points and that's the case with percocet or whatever her name is

Once upon a time, there was a not so little company, named Dolls Kill, who decided to carry the hoodie of a Spanish designer, W.I.A., in their store. The hoodie was all black and in white writing and read “Goth is White”. Now the hoodie did have a sibling, in inverse colors, but the wave of uncomfortableness was still too much to bear. So Zakkarrii shared the image, asking if what she was seeing was the same as everyone else. Links are underlined.

so what’s the problem then?



The fact that people can't insult what she did without being incredibly racist and sexist is gross. Looking at you OP

Ok puta

Oop. Shes problematic, you're problematic, and so many of these comments are problematic. I'm not nonbinary, but if they aren't hurting anyone, who cares what they wanna go by? (Speaking of individuals, not the community as a whole. The community as a whole is entirely screwed)

The word "problematic" is a racist dog whistle mostly used on 5chan or whatever so buhbye, facist

Wtf does "racist dog whistle" mean lmfao. This is literally one of the funniest things anyone has ever said to me

Oh look, more toxic behavior. I bet you throw around terms like "moon cricket" and "zipper head" for shits and giggles

I had to look those up lmao. They sound ridiculous. I live in hick central, Illinois and I haven't heard any term that elaborate.

Are you near Chicago? Are you in a gang?

More than three hours south and absolutely not. Just because I think nonbinary people deserve to be respected and not called "things" doesn't even at all relate to that.

Gangs hate enbies. How'd you find this post?

Was trying to find out why Varsana Jones got "cancelled". My friend likes her. This was all I could find, but I was left feeling uncomfortable with "the thing she called a thing". Also, you use "problematic" in the post, OP. You can't say anything to me about using it without it also applying to you???

A couple things, pun intended. 1st, imma break this down for you since you dont seem like a complete retard. That enby varsana misgendered is not a real enby, or at least they show the tell tale signs of a cis straight white girl looking for oppression points so i dont really give a shit about her feelings. 2nd, this is r/drama, it's an ironic subreddit thats all about DRAMA. Talking about it and creating it by blowing things out of proportion so if you're looking to grandstand or virtue signal that will get you nowhere here except made fun of. It just so happens that traps and enbies create the most drama

Just had to do my part, homie. Said they wanted arguments in the "about" section. (Still doesn't change the fact you called me racist for using a word that you also used that has no racist connotations to it, oops.)

I dont really care that you're a racist, theres worse things in the world, like furries

Oop. Not racist but I agree

Isn’t she trans?

They're both bandwagon enbies