Guess which sub is full of people who think a teenager is literally incapable of sitting still for an hour without pissing themselves?

1  2020-02-11 by thowaway_throwaway


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I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


  1. Guess which sub is full of people w... -,

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"Yeah so the good kids get to suffer.."

I feel the same way about my exorbitant insurance rate because I live next to a city of people who throw trash next to the trash can then complain their ghetto is ghetto.

You can't really expect a group of people without dads to understanding discipline.

True, but there's at best like, 3 of them on that sub. The rest is just upper middle-class mayo larpers.

yeah but they also didn't have dads


They are white dude

Exactly, all school shooters only have moms

If they are bored then thats your problem, if they want to text then thats also your problem, If they want to wander the hall then thats also your problem. Make the class more interesting and they wont feel the need to do that, make your phone rules more relaxed and they wont need to leave to text, Wandering the halls just means they’re bored or they cant sit still. I don’t see how these things are really that big of a deal. High schoolers are almost adults so if they want to miss class by wandering around then let them. Plus being a good teacher that students respect goes a long way too.

Just let retarded kids do w/e they want nbd

Lmfao, that comment reeks so badly of highschooler

Yeah, their next comment reveals that they're literally a high schooler

Yeah pretty sure the movie you saw doesn’t apply to reality. Studying will never be interesting unless done in a lazy and wrong manner. You’re forcing your brain to do synapses and putting it to a high stress, it will obvious refute. Our brain is programmed to save energy, it won’t find pleasure in studying. We have to be the ones to acknowledge its importance and study. I know there are lazy teachers but putting the all responsibility of your grades on them is a perfect receipt for being a woke leftist loser and spending the rest of your life blaming trump or whatever for your failures.

Or just be intelligent enough to absorb everything in class. I got through K-12 and college without EVER studying anything. Braincels mad.

Yeah I got a Masters in Economics at The University of Sydney (#24 in the world rank) and had to put a lot of effort in it. Easy to be "smart" in a shitty uni doing sociology classes but congratulations anyway for the effort.

Yeah I got a Masters in Economics at The University of Sydney (#24 in the world rank)

Yeah and you still spend your time posting in KiA2 so how does that make you anything but a stupid mongoloid?

Check out my last comments, you will see me fighting plain racism there. I agree with the censorship posts they make there but it doesn't mean I agree with everything.

Wow I respect you so much more now, fighting gamers who reee about vidya and think there's a cabal of marxists (and jews) pushing black people into gaming is an incredibly worthwhile cause 😄

Gaming? Never I have seen a gaming post there, I think you might be a bit confused.. This community is not what you think it is about but nice try, keep stalking me and you might learn something.

Yeah, this changes everything. Well done for fighting racism on the Internet! You are super smart


Also I have never made a reddit post in my life.

3rd best Uni in the country-COPE


Yeah have fun with your master's degree from a prestigious university, retard. Lmao. What a fucking moron, paying to go to a school just because it's fancy. Shows you can be educated to the nines but still dumb as bricks.

Ok I'll have fun I guess, cheers mate.

You should have taken harder college tbh. It's over for communications-degree-from-large-state-schoolcels

I'll have you know I got my communications degree from a community college, thank you very much.

Smh my head why won't the police let me shoot people? Just relax your shooting people rules and then shooting people won't be a problem. Dumb adults smh.

being a good teacher that students respect goes a long way too.

lol. If you're one of the lucky teachers who gets to teach a subject to kids who can learn it and want to, this is just about possible. If the little crims would rather bully any adult within reach who has next to no power of reprisal, it doesn't make any difference if you're a good teacher or not. Fuckers I've seen would have sneered at Stephen Hawking for sitting in a wheelchair like a spaz and having a voice-box that sounded funny.

this lil retard thinks that teaching should be like a lifetime originals movie where every word a teacher conveys should be inspiring and brave

If you've never pissed all over yourself in class, give yourself a round of applause cuz you're better then seemingly 90% of that thread

Colin Quinn described blacks in class the best in“Coloring Book”

Fuck why are black people so cool

Because western women decided cool means lazy, apathetic and disrespectful.

Dang Western women are right

Why are some threads with positive scores auto hidden?

Something to do with violent or nsfw content or something.