Bernie Bros mad x24/7 after MSNBC reporter quotes them as a 'digital brownshirt brigade,' then proceed to act like a digital brownshirt brigade in the comments!!!

1  2020-02-11 by HodorTheDoorHolder_


If I get a media platform and call the Chinese decent people will they start behaving like it too? 🤔

Because /r/politics is basically a pro-Bernie sub right now, the angriest of comments are sorted by 'Best.' If you want to see rational responses to the article then sort by controversial.

The leaings of Arr Politik change according to the highest bidder.

They're typically very left-leaning seethers

Was it ever a rightoid haven?

Reddit loved Ron Paul about ten years ago I think

I cant wait for Bernie to lose the nom and the entire sub to change overnight again

I'd rather he win and watch him get stomped ad. Watch him and his ilk go away forever. DNC (and reddit/twitter) needs a serious reality check

Sweet the latest polls have Bernie bearing trump 51-43 More than any other DNC candidate

If only the DNC was aware of electorates work.

educate yourself

Read this from a doctor Eugene

But Trump doesn’t understand elections because he lost the popular vote and got foreign dictators to steal the Electoral College for him through hacking emails, stealing millions of people’s private data through Cambridge Analytica, and using Facebook disinformation ad campaigns.

How come they stopped sucking Indian liz's dick all of a sudden?

The narrative changes often. It's an attempt to improvise, adapt, and overcome!

...But currently without any successful adaptations.

It’ll be awesome when they pretend they loved Buttigieg the whole time.

I'm most excited for it to turn into a pro-whoever is the democratic nominee in a matter of hours.

1 members

Yes but activity is up 400%

Because /r/politics is basically a pro-Bernie sub right now

right now

The flip is scheduled for July 13-16th, fyi

Wonder when CTR will come back into play.

My favorite part of this is that /r/politics posters can't stop calling everyone else Nazis and Fascists but now they're complaining about how wrong it is to call people Nazis and Fascists.

Star Wars fans are toxic, Game of Thrones fans are toxic, World of Warcraft fans are toxic, Makeup Youtuber fans are toxic, Anime fans are toxic, dramaposters are toxic...and most Internet content is garbage, shit, slapfights.

So what they're saying is "Bernie has fans."

Mike drop, owned the Trumptards and MSM, subscribe to my podcast, match me /r/murderedbywords.

Where's the lie

It's actually kind of a problem that we have actual nazi-equivalents with increasing popularity, but calling them out falls flat because the insult has been abused so much. It's kind of a boy who cried fascist scenario.

Had to check, but it's not a troll account. Nazis everywhere!!! Why is noone reeeing with me here? Hello?

If you run into a nazi in the morning, you ran into a nazi . If you run into nazis all day, you're the nazi.

I'll say it again: There is some kind of mental disorder where a person cannot comprehend the whole concept of quoting someone else. It's the only way to explain a lot of these social media cancel mobs.

Putting children in concentration camps and fighting for universal healthcare are basically the same thing...

Why do these ghouls think we owe anything to mexicans? We are not a homeless shelter for the 3rd world.

Yeah we're a haven for rich faggots that don't give a fuck about you. Fucking cucklords here want to be fucked over by taxes out of the desire to be contrarian. Absolute fucking low T pussies.

literal jew has a gestapo army

2020 is gonna be a good year.

Holy shit, Bernie is based?