Thot defends e-girls in doge sub, gets fucked by doges

1  2020-02-11 by aduketsavar


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I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


  1. Thot defends e-girls in doge sub, g... -,

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All the moids reeing about the suicide comment lmao

Imagine being so terminally online that you think "simp" is exclusively MRA lingo lmao

Its a pretty entrenched twitch meme at this point.

Twitch? That term exists everywhere.

Another example of gamers stealing from the black community.

If you scroll through that person's history, it becomes quickly clear that it's a troll. Probably one of us even.

They said “moids”

Which one of you did this

White women fuck doges

Tbh doges really did ravage the poor femcel

Wow such beastiality

> gets fucked by Doges

If the thot is white then it's all according to plan tbh

lol, incels are never going to find a way women who sell nudes and attention to horny men are going to finally get what's coming to them.

The worst part is they think the e-thots are the problem and not the legions of horny tards throwing cash and attention just for the chance to orbit. If they had brains they'd declare jihad on the paypigs and subscribers instead of the eternal e-girl.

Same with all the crying about the pussy pass. The pussy pass wouldn't exist if men weren't all tripping over their dicks.

not a simp=incel

I legitimately dont understand dogelore. Is it just impact-font agendaposts with "le" and "cringe thrown in?



clearly just an incel in makeup LARPing

Damn that’s pretty based.
