Femcel wonders why she can't get a man. Has she tried showering more and getting a hobby?

1  2020-02-11 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


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I may be a 30 year old virgin who has never had a relationship but at least I’m not an incel


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Snappy is reaching critical self awareness levels.

Ooooh very femcel. Yuck.

It’s cause she lives in Portland and the population there is 100% soy. But also she’s probably 100% of the issue as well. Foids gonna foid.

Having been to Portland once (barely escaped) I can confirm. Also everything and everyone smells like absolute piss.

Nuke from orbit.

She's probably fat. I'm not soy, I just quit dating because it's nothing but fatties working part time jobs, trying to live that weird portland life (which hasn't existed for at least 5 years) as far as the eye can see.

Portland is all fatty women?

Past a certain age, most definitely. Body positivity and HAES is very popular here, as is poly. I make good money, but not enough to go chasing after 22 year olds.

I make good money, but not enough to go chasing after 22 year olds.

5 dollars over minimum wage is good money to 22 year olds though.

5 dollars over min wage is also "good money" to arr drama users

Explain to me what exactly the weird Portland life was and why it stopped existing. I’ve never been really interested in Portland but it sounds like a story.

Basically you have a place with low cost of living; artists, musicians, entrepreneurs move in; a scene develops; word gets out and people from California start moving there and fuck up the housing market; rents skyrocket; now those artists, musicians, and entrepreneurs can't afford to live or run businesses there any more so they bounce; then you're just left with a bunch of yuppies lining up to go to the latest trendy Noun & Noun establishment. It happened to Seattle in the 90's, then Portland, now it's happening in Boise and even Spokane.

Ah fair enough I’ve seen California dipshits continue to ruin Seattle further in the early 2000’s. They really screwed up anyplace cool on the west coast.

Yeah my first apartment in Seattle was on 17th and 45th. It was $900 for a three bedroom. My last apartment in Seattle was $1750 for a 2 bedroom on 45th and Fremont.

Standard edition alpha widow. Thinks the hottest guys who pump&dumped her in her early 20s should want to marry her now.

portland gave us Chael Sonnen and Randy Couture. It cant bet that bad

On closer inspection, this is totally an incel role playing a woman.

NOOOOOOO women can't ever be shitty people, this has to be a man.

She's actually a fit, successful heiress. She's even dated Olympic athletes! Snap out of it, babe 😎

Also she totally has a degree in electrical engineering so she's like rly smart

unironically posts on femaledatingstrategy

Big mystery why she can't get a mate

Yikes sweaty, don't you understand that's an incel pretending to be a woman?

Unsurprisingly, she hates exercise too

And unsurprisingly the man she wants to date is

Someone who has integrity, is good at communication, will take initiative, is tall, fit, attractive and has a good job


When I was younger I dated a thot like this. She loved that I had money, was in shape, etc. she also constantly fucking complained that all I do is work, work out, etc. dumped her ass and now that she’s in her 30’s she’s gained about 80 pounds and is rapidly approaching wine aunt status.

To be fair everyone in the comments is giving her the business

Terfs gonna terf

posts in FemaleDatingStrategy

Yup, got a live one, here.

On closer inspection, this is totally an incel role playing a woman.

Portland is the soy capital of the United States.

Assuming this is a real person and not some larper, the reason she can't get a man is obvious.

I’m fit, have a good job, own my own home, above average height, educated, cultured, conventionally attractive and have my own hobbies. I refuse to date down or settle. I want my equal but am not finding anyone in Portland who matches my criteria and isn’t a playboy.

Honey, any man that is the equivalent of you can easily get girls a decade younger and doesn't give a shit about you owning your own home.

You are way past prime, most important assets are in decline, and probably have been for a while. Single or settle are your only options.

I'm pretty sure femaledatingstrategy is a bunch of dudes roleplaying.

This is totally an incel role playing a woman.

I absolutely love how a portion of grown adult males completely believe that women can never do any wrong, and if they do then they are a male roleplaying as a woman.

Guys, look at her post history. She's nuttier than squirrel shit 🐿 💩 🙈

Someone, resolve this for me

high quality men

One possibility

good looking, tall, white, hetero, can talk about shit other than politics and sports, doesn't smell, carries himself, has money and doesn't look at other women

... or, more likely

good enough, relative to observer

Which one is it?

Shocker she’s a dedicated vegan too.

Her user name is a combination of 3 horoscope signs.

The foid is strong in this one.

Her user name is a combination of 3 horoscope signs.

How many horoscope signs are there in [deleted]?

Rest in spaghetti never forgetti.

Jannies just y'alled it lol. Locking threads for freeeeeee

Those jannies legit hate us and will nuke anything that gets posted here, which is funny considering JR used to be a mod there.

Women don't ever seem to realize that living in Portland or NYC nukes their chances of finding a male partner, those cities are hilariously gender imbalanced, especially for young people.

Nah you’re projecting. I am a good person and I don’t need random strangers who don’t know me telling me who I am or how to think

The words of a sage.

Hoes mad.

She’s probably ridiculously ugly, like even if there’s a person reading this who thinks their ugly, like half you on the 1-10 scale ugly.

I’ve dated Olympic athletes, ofc some beerguzzling plaid shirt Portland bro isn’t up to snuff for me - but that’s just my preference. Most women have no problems finding a boyfriend, but it’s about quality here.

Some random responds with: "I'm pretty sure r/femaledatingstrategy is a bunch of dudes roleplaying."

Nah I’m in the discord. They’re plenty real and most of them are hot - was totally surprised

Lmao yeh bitch all of this is surprising.

I look like a preppy college sorority girl.

Yes, a 30 year old preppy college sorority girl.

Confucius say, “Dangle wrong bait — all you’ll catch is crabs”
