Yang Gang reacts as Yang bows of out the race!

2  2020-02-12 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


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  1. Yang Gang reacts as Yang bows of ou... - archive.org, archive.today

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Grade A copeimine in there

I've legit never been so fucking upset in my life about politics

this, but ironically

Welcome to your first election, congratulations on attaining the age of majority, etc. etc.

My dude, I’ve voted in more election then you know. Yang was the first candidate to address issues that matter. We are doomed when trump get in office again. I legit may not survive the next 4 years of trump

Your hysterical tone bodes otherwise. No single president has such an impact on the country that you "legit may not survive" 4 years of the incumbent being reelected. I'm sorry you're experiencing your preferred candidate being on the outs but calm tf down.

Ummm have you not been paying attention? Gosh I can’t believe you people

Anyone whining about not surviving the election is a histrionic faggot and I'm gonna enjoy watching you speds agitate about it.

Well toots you may get your wish soon enough. Trump is bringing us further away from the model countries like Norway, Canada or Finland.

We will lucky if we be the English speaking Brazil by the time he is done

College football is gay

We missed out on 4 years of progress :(

Maybe the real NEETbux was the friends we made along the way.

Getting out gibbed by Bernie ended up being a chink in the armour of Yang

Goddamn those fools are acting like their fucking mothers just died lmao

Honestly if you’re heartbroken because a politician who had no chance dropped out of a race you’re beyond degenerate

I'm surprised at how many of them said "back to trump." Seems like a huge leap over to a candidate who is nothing like Yang.