Super Ma'am

1  2020-02-12 by charming_tatum


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Chill it's deux

This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


  1. Super Ma'am -,

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It might have been r/drama where I saw a big collection of evidence indicating that Ma'am is actually a child-abusing junky exposing his oops sorry her son oops sorry non-binary child to innapropriate weird sex stuff.

Can't find it now though.

It happened. I saw it too. If anyone asks for source just tell them to fuck off.

I found the source, hooray! Check my edit.


Very spooky and mysterious! I wonder (((who))) did that?

Check my comment history, it's still there.

Not going to post it again. I worked very hard for this new alt, getting r/drama approved and I can't face another period in the wilderness 😢 please jannies be merciful.

not a mental illness btw

He is so disgusting that I needed to cleanse my eyes by looking up pictures of cute trannies.

Vale trappy 😪

I don't have her pictures, they were deleted :(

Her memory persists only in the sub’s css now.

trappysayuh is her new account




What do you mean by this zozbot?

Probably that it isnt

Ah fuck.

He's pretty pedo-ish in some of his posts and seems to be a meth head. How bad does that poor kid's mom have to be that the judge gave guardianship s to this guy?