
1  2020-02-12 by haywyrmabaueieoqiqpp


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Hillary 2020

Is this the reason Pete wins lol

Why did you leave us mommy?😭😭😭

She had to fall so our guy Bussyjug could prevail. We'll never forget her sacrifice. ΓΊvΓΉ

Those past adversaries aren’t going to commit suicide themselves


I hope HillDawg has some sort of role to play in 2020.

I really enjoyed the side-of-beef drama and the Ben Garrison missing shoe cartoons. The conspiracy theories rightoids came up with of having a lookalike stand in for her were πŸ‘Œ

And who can forget the chai tea reaction video? Wobble wobble wobble!

And the pinnacle of it all, her reaction to those balloons πŸ˜‚ I bet not even Bill knew her mouth opened that wide!

yes, she will

the chance that contested convention is bound to happen is rising each primary state (and we're only 2 states in!)

I will miss Zyklon Ben's borderline rule 34


Matriarchy when?

All the most successful cultures are matriarchal, just look to the inner city for proof.


I don't think this person knows what "literally" means.

Has Hillary ever been wrong? The answer is no. Move over Jesus, a new perfect human has come to town

we failed you ma'am

She hated gay marriage until like 2009. So was she still right?

Hilldog has always appreciated gay marriage and superpredators tho


She hated gamers before current year.

She still is πŸ’…

What was she right about

Except being the first female president

I can't even upvote this dogshit ironically.

Have you considered upvoting it unironically?

How about non-unironically?