“Oink, yall really wanna nominate a 78 year old white socialist with heart problems? Oink!!”

1  2020-02-12 by unrulyfarmhand


This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


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RIP to a King taken from us too soon.

Can someone explain to me why people want to vote Bernie? The only reasons I can see are 1) free shit and/or 2) not Trump.

Unironically, his foreign policy

Which is what? Suck iran off when they attack your embassy because you're a giant pussy?

prevent poors from entering

Something like that. We need a president that sucks dick . . . wait, I'm reconsidering pete all of a sudden

um actually it's called being a decent person sweaty

this but unironically

I haven't researched his policies too much and I don't live in the US, but i'm happy with his efforts to bring everyone's quality of life up with stuff like free healthcare or education, even if it leads to slightly higher taxes or reduced military spending.

Frankly though i'd be happy with anyone except trump, even though the outrage would be glorious

When will leafs come to understand literally nobody, in any country, desires to know their hot take on their betters' politics?

Giving people a higher QoL is a hot take? Damn

I don't live in the US

even if it leads to slightly higher taxes or reduced military spending

If more of my paycheck is being taken, it better be going towards building either a Mars base or endless amounts of new weapons. The poor wouldn't bitch so much about healthcare and education if they just tried not being poor for once

Gtfo euro trash

I can assure you I am very north american



you answered the question yourself, i want my neetbucks

Can someone explain to me why people want to vote Bernie?

do you want a genuine thoughtful answer? if not: to make hicks and yokels mad

if so: you're in the wrong subreddit

do you want a genuine thoughtful answer? if not: to make hicks and yokels mad

Not just the hicks and yokels. All the j**rnalists, pundits and woke twitter tards who start seething as well, any time a politician threatens to push outside the bland liberal centre.

All the j**rnalists, pundits and woke twitter tards who start seething as well, any time a politician threatens to push outside the bland liberal centre.

see soledad obrien for maximum seethe

Ironically, Drama would likely give me a great answer as opposed to most of Reddit or Twitter.

C'mon I know you want to longpost about this. Do it. Do it!

Their supporters too once they realize that he is going to be as useless as he was in the senate

Millennials think hes going to remove student loan debt.

They are legit retarded.

Oh boy I can't wait for my taxes to pay for my barista's racial studies degree.

Me either 😍😍 but I'm probably not gonna graduate, just fyi

People cheering on Bernie because he's promising to bail out upper middle class white people is hilarious.

He's going to end up cucking the middle class harder than the Republicans could ever do.

That only sounds bad until you take into account the fact that the middle class is mostly mayos 😷

IMO that's one of the things he actually can do without congress, he can just pass an executive order saying to whatever agency that collects debt payment NOT to collect it (unitary executive branch cons will SEETHE about this, but they will not be able to do anything)

it would be super smart thing to do politically, since the next time a Republican would run against Sanders, he would just scare college grads with government taking money from them, creating enough pressure that Republicans would not touch it, like with social security and other bribery schemes

I can't think of a worse way for him to deal with student loans. Can you imagine the ensuing recession? It will be glorious.

Can you imagine the ensuing recession

This is why I'm in full support of cancelling student debt. I actually have a useful degree and will most likely be okay during the recession. Meanwhile all these people with useless majors bitching about student debt will lose their barista jobs and suffer even more. They're digging their own graves and they don't even realize it.

My issue with it is that they'll just REEEEEEEEEEE for more free money.

Lmao imagine being the first jewish president and getting assassinated for cancelling debt.

Most of those loans are private but are backed by the government so you can’t just force those private companies to stop collecting them and there is no way the government can buy out those loans. Once again bernie is full of shit

He'd also be taking a page from his idol Hugo Chávez' book. He was great at accusing companies of going against the revolution, seizing them and their assets, taking government control over it and then running that shit into the ground.

Because we fucking hate retarded boomershit about muh socialism, muh venezuala.

Im tired of insurance companies too. Fuck em. They used to deny coverage for retarded shit until obamacare, and then they just upped prices to cover their bussies. Klobbers and Bussyjug saying people want to keep their private insurance is the fakest shit, especially since both of them are on government health plans. I want my private insurance agents dumped in an oven, those parasite fuckers.

Unironically if you don't believe in fat taxes and Bloomberg daddy soda grabbing, you're not serious about American healthcare

Ban sugar soda and private airplanes. I dont use either.

private airplanes are essential to the economy, fat poor people are not

no they’re not lol. A billionaire ceo is not as important as he thinks he is. Ive literally met VPs who would fly in, meet people for lunch, give a speech, then fly out. He can wait in line like everyone else.

billionaire CEO could just pay for carbon offsets, if mandated (like he's going to give a fuck paying pocket change for this)

fat American poor is still going to burden the healthcare and the environment simply by existing

the first step is of course to cancel all agricultural subsidies, the next is taxing sugar, after that and who can forget carbon tax

Fine, both policies limit use. One is just honest and fair about it.


Lol poors mad.

You poor too nibba, you’re on drama not your yacht.

Not browsing from your personal Dyson Sphere around your own private star

Why do we let you poors online.


I can do both

Akshually I am on my yacht in the Turkish Riviera. Then I will sail to Split in Croatia so fuck u

Hahahaha just use a public option hahaha

Ambulances cost $5000

Because the state is a bludgeon to punish the outgroup.

look at all the faggot, insufferable bernie bros who serious-replied to you lmao

Same reason people voted for Trump or Brexit.

Fuck shit up for the establishment.

Seriously. Burn it fucking down.

Healthcare gibs. Any small amount of time spend working in healthcare/billing makes you realize that insurance companies are evil.

Addressing income inequality and not wanting to go into massive debt over medical bills.

The only reasons I can see are 1) free shit and/or 2) not Trump.

You answered your own question.

Less assfucking of wagecucks.

Bernie will outlive this fat bitch.

Orb mommy in the replies 😍 😍 😍

feel like shit, just want her back

Wasnt Dick Cheney like obese and had five heart attacks before he became VP?


Yeah but Dick Cheney is a CIA cyborg made from dead millionaires.

Dick Cheney is a badass. You know how I know Dick Cheney is the kind of cool motherfucker you'd want in your circle of friends? He shot a guy in the face, and the guy he shot apologized to Cheney for being in the way while he was in the hospital recovering from being shot in the face. No one you will ever meet is that cool. He's the ultimate Chad.

That's why he was VP. It let him run the shadow government and harvest adrenochrome without Americans scrutinizing his health.

Dick Cheney is like a Death Stranding character. He lives between the world of the living and the dead. That's what makes him immortal.

Idk, man... I just cannot possibly imagine so weak and flustered with less than zero dominance trait to lead the only real superpower of the world.

No way.

antisemitism is not okay


What the fuck is that face that lady in the front is making

"Oh, yeah, you're gonna hear us now, uh-huh, mmmhhmm, we be shit now, nothin' you can do, ass whoopin' now!"

He graciously lets them speak and they're acting like they have agency. It's fucking weird.


His first mistake.

I've always been like 70% sure those two were a psyop sent to publicly humiliate him by either daddy or dronemommy.

And here I thought it was one of Bernie's best moments.

By simply remaining silent he decimated whatever sympathy and legitimacy the public saw blm as having, kneecapping their ability to cause him further trouble and without providing a quote that might later undermine him or his long history of supporting the civil rights movement.

Oh, yeah, agreed to some extent. Ultimately it wasn't even his rally they interrupted, anyway, so he had no compelling reason to snatch the mic back regardless. This was also right around the time that BLM was starting to go absolute full retard, and yeah, I'd say in theory this event definitely helped that perception along.

But I also know people who, in agreeing with that notion, also thought he was a cuck for just letting it happen with literally zero pushback. (One friend in particular refused to vote for him solely because of his response here.) I guess in hindsight the lack of pushback may have helped his long-term prospects with black activist types, but it sure didn't matter a ton in 2016 anyway.

Too coherent


Wasn’t that “mock a disabled journo” thing proven by like everyone to be fake news?

Mocking a journo is mocking a disabled journo though.

disabled journo

Redundant phrasing, IMO. All journalists are retards, and therefore disabled.

What no it was on video (and hilarious)

In all seriousness, yes. He did that "mocking action" all the time in his speeches, regardless of whether the person was crippled or not.

Exactly. It was thoroughly debunked but that video keeps being shown out of context.


You don’t call retarded people retards. It’s bad taste. You call your friends retards when they are acting retarded.

who made my stock portfolio gain 5k in one quarter.

Imagine being such a massive poorfag you brag about 5K in 3 months, lmfao.

Damn that comments section is fucking juicy