Slapfights and some nuked comments as a girl dares to make a good gender reveal tiktok.

1  2020-02-12 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


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God damn, I think this is the first Tik-Tok that I ever found to be genuinely funny. Don't get me wrong, I am pro-life*, but a good joke is a good joke.

The joke was way too obvious from the beginning of the video and has been done to death

Tbh, knowing that your future child could be a weeb or a furry should be enough to make you pro abortion.

Well why use abortion, when good old fashioned filicide works just as well?

Ah, the good ole fourth-trimester abortion

The fact that a lot of people especially retarded reddit-rightoids took that seriously speaks volumes to how genuinely fucking stupid and gullible people have become.

We deserve extinction.

But there are legitimate of people that actually do this just go to childfree

Are you personally gonna raise the baby they don't want?

Pretty bad murder argument. Did your parents plan you?

You're asking a Mexican if his parents planned him. Lmao nigga ur retarded forreal.

Eh my mom went to get me aborted, and the doctor said “this is a pretty heavy choice maybe you should go home and think about it” and I’m still pro-choice.

Go to an orphanage if you’re so concerned about children.

I can't really adopt as a young single man. I would have the money for it though.

That’s awesome, but 99% of people who share your views dont, or there wouldn’t be 18 million orphans worldwide.

Why did you shift the goalpost


There are no more orphanages in burgerland or canuckistan, just fyi.

eh, adoption center, foster care, whatever. A large portion of people adopting in the US adopt foreign children anyway, China has orphanages.

What do you think a group home is?

Wait there are kids who weren't planned ? The fuck is this poor people nonsense lmfao

Me not wanting to raise someone's kid doesn't entitle them to murder their kid.

They could throw the fetus in a shrimp salad for all I care. Raising a kid is hard af and I'd rather women have the choice to be able to abort. Not life, not my decision to make for them.

Okay, so you're cool with murdering children I guess

Very cool and edgy, and cool.

If the baby gotta die for the momma to get trains ran on her guilt free then so be it!



I would support abortion if it were performed by killing the mother.

It's so weird of people to take child murder seriously

That's like so crazy and wacky and I don't get it and stuff

The tik tok isn't real!

Wrestling is fake!

Magic isn't real!


"I murdered my child"

Good joke lol

She didn't you tard, she was constipated and went in to get her shit pushed out by a doc.

Again, proving how retarded you are. This is like believing a person in a movie died irl.

Is the person in the movie an innocent child whose death I'm supposed to laugh at?

Yes, because it was probably a white male who'd kill himself anyways after being rejected by society and females.

I guess we just established in the other thread that you don't understand that murdering babies is wrong, so I guess I can understand your aggrieved autism here in response to my suggestion that murdering babies is wrong.

I would never push for an abortion. I am a responsible father, I would have seperated from my S/O had shd gotten an abortion. Again, people's lifes aren't mone to live. I ain't gonna be happy about it, but it's their choice. Can't change my mind.

Ok, I can't change your mind that muurder is bad.

Guess you'll go on believing that murder is just like a lifestyle decision for women or whatever

ew way to kill my boner

Women are psychotic

Love how rightoids love being edge lords but mention abortion and they turn into an antebellum era housewife with a bad case of the vapors.

Love how leftoids celebrate baby murder

Really badass of you to cheer for the death of a helpless child

I guess that's the only kind of victim you faggots can imagine successfully victimizing lmao

I guess that's the only kind of victim you can imagine successfully victimizing lmao

I literally can't even understand what you're trying to say here. This is America. Speak American.

Stop worrying about other people's proto-spawn and get back to stockpiling firearms to use against High Chancellor Sander's Gestapo.

Sorry you can't read lmao.


I want bad people to die not babies that haven't done bad shit yet

Babies are the worst.

Oh hey a tiktok that is actually funny. The rightoid seethe is just a nice cherry on top.

Lmao based af

I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


  1. Slapfights and some nuked comments ... -,

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Okay I'm only pro-choice in the case of white babies, but this is hilarious.

Pfft, what kind of antiracist are you? Seems like yer a massive racist mate. White people have had "the choice" already. They chose to enslave, and build racist power structures that only offered legal protection to minorities.

I thought about this very clearly and the only logical approach to combat racism is to be pro-abortion and anti-choice for white babies!

I'm pro mayocide, and this is one way we can move that along.

There's no such thing as mayocide, whiteness is a set of ideas as a result of social construct to defend and justify racism. It is nothing to do with skin colour, it just so happens that all the white people are inherently racist as a result of growing up and benefiting from a racist system. So yes, they need to be violently removed but you can't have a genocide against a social construct. Dumbass.

Your mum is a social construct, yet here you are.

Pro choice? Why not pro abortion?

Same thing when it comes to white women. What few white women there are actually having sex with humans are all about aborting their unborn abominations and bragging about it at award shows.

lmao white parents can afford to raise their kids wtf you dumb haha


I know this one is fake but I'm totally okay with killing babies if it means we get funny jokes like this one

90% chance this is fake and therefore gay.

But the butthurt is genuine.

Well...she is ready to get an Oscar or whatever...

😴😴😴 at this Bojack Horseman joke. Done before, and much better than this particular case (which isn't saying much).

Lol, you are so late on this

I just wish they hadn't tagged it 'wholesome'. I had just woken up and was in a serious mood :(

Congratulations on murdering your own child lol.

This but unironically

[-200]Yeah not wholesome

Let me guess... you don’t believe women should have equal rights to men?

What the fuck

Brap brap pew pew