Developing drama, Dwayne Wade’s 12 year old son is now trans. Deal with it

1  2020-02-12 by cfbWORKING


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Good for them

Imagine ever caring about a sportsball player's life.

Seriouspost time.

I wondered why we care about celebrities' lives but couldn't come up with a satisfactory answer, so I emailed Robin Hanson and asked him. He answered with one word: Association. Well, not exactly one word but he said we always wanted to associate with people who are successful, prestigious.

And when I thought about it it made perfect sense. We should take into account the circumstances our brain evolved. Suppose that you live in a little tribe, say, 50.000 years ago. How can you gain respect or prestige? You'd want to associate with a person who is already prestigious. If you have private knowledge of a prestigious member of your tribe it means you are in his inner circle, which also gains you some respect, which means you'll get extra benefits. That's probably why we paid attention to prestigious people's lives ages ago. In today's ultra-communicative and ultra-populated world whole celebrity life schtick thing doesn't make a lot of sense but if you think it as a legacy from a long gone age something clicks. We have a whole industry dedicated to celebrities' lives ffs.

Huh that kinda makes sense. Who's Robert Hanson tho?

He's an economics professor but he's mostly known for his [superb blog] [] and book on how our mind works, which is one of favorite books. He does really good social science using primarily evolutionary theory.

so I emailed Robin Hanson and asked him. He answered with one word: ♫ mmmmmbop ♫

Bullshit it’s because they help set/communicate the norm. So if we are cool with his 12 year old being trans, you’re gonna have to be ready when your 12 year old claims to be.

What are you yappering about

We don’t care about their lives for some weird tribal evolutionary reason that’s no longer relevant. That’s dumb.

Whether you like it or not, they act as role models that lots of people will emulate, plus the policy and curriculum changes to match.

Dwade just securing his future as a star WNBA player 😎 big brain shit

Like the kid of a rich basketball player isn't gonna get the best medical transition money can buy, including hormone blockers ASAP. His voice hasn't even dropped yet. That nigga is gonna be the next Blaire White.

I'm guessing it's not the son that's kicking ass in middle school basketball


Larry Johnson and Tariq Nasheed are right again.

I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


  1. Developing drama, Dwayne Wade’s 12 ... -,

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some women just have penises, deal with it bigot

No they don’t.

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stunning and brave

I thought that in this day and age we wouldn’t have to deal with transphobia my grandfather was a leather daddy in the 50’s and he had AIDS and that’s okay.

It’s not transphobia. I don’t have a phobia towards people. I just don’t think you can be a chick with a dick. I mean you can say whatever you want to be. But if I say I’m good looking, does that mean I’m good looking? No.

idk fam, it sounds like you're hell of a transphobic. I bet you refuse to date with trans women because "they are not "women" too

I don’t date trans women, because I’m not into dudes. But if that’s your thing that’s your thing. Just because it’s not my thing doesn’t mean it’s a phobia. Google what a phobia is.

I don’t date trans women, because I’m not into dudes

How can you deny transwomens' existence? This is literal alt-right transphobic dogwhistling.

Google what a phobia is

No, I already know what phobia is. You are the one who have no idea what it is but I'm not gonna educate you. Enough of you dumping emotional labor on me you bigot scum.

I don’t deny their existence at all.

Trans women are heckin cute and valid women.

If that’s your thing, so be it. But if you like men who think they are women. So be it.

I looked at your post history, you are a sexist, racist, transphobic, neo-nazi Trump supporter. I wish the admins weren't alt-right sympathizers so they could ban you from this site but we have to live with you bigots.

I'm half black. How am I racist? The fact you think that the admins are alt-right sympathizers shows your sanity level.

r/asablackman 😒

They are trolling you. new to drama?

This is still Reddit.

This is a 'special" corner of it.

Your autism is showing.

It’s not autism, it’s conservatism.

I don't date trans women because I want children someday.

Trans women cannot carry a baby with my DNA, therefore I don't date trans.

Am I a transphobe for not wanting to be with trans women?


really can’t fault a /r/blackladies poster for hating men

What is there to disagree on? If you don't want to be gay, don't. If you don't want to be trans, don't. If you don't want to be a lesbian, don't.


For a second I was confused cause I thought she died in the helicopter but then I remembered that was Kobe