Active mayocide on college campus multicultural center

1  2020-02-12 by unrulyfarmhand


There hasn't been some good college campus drama in a while. Like that Evergreen woke attack a few years ago.

I’m not even mad at her, she can’t help bein retarded. The white people that clapped need their arms broken, tho.

Every white person needs to have their arms broken.

Why so your mom can suck their dicks?

Kiss the boot.

His name is (((seth)))

Oh right? Where's all the campus brawls over something trivial?

Yeah I can't wait for the fallout and snowball effect.

Best recent college drama was definitely the Oberlin court case


You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


  1. Active mayocide on college campus m... -,

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When I was in college we used to laugh at stupid shit like a "multicultural center". What the fuck does that even mean?

Means tuition is $250 more every semester.

Ours was a place for black students to get tutoring basically. It said "multicultural" center but it was an engineering school and as you can expect half the students were non-white, so it was pretty ironic that no Asians or Indians ever went there.

like nigga hahah

She needs to chill out, it’s not like any hate crimes were committed at UVA


Everything the UVA has ever done has been justified, and their final victory approaches with brexit.

that lip smack between “just” and “too many white people” was kino

looks like her morning routine involves smashing your face into a beehive repeatedly



🦍 🦍 🦍

Trumps fav channel

The gorilla channel is in my top 5 favorite moments of Daddy’s presidential saga

I agree, the problem is if gorilla channel was real it would only make me like him more.

Trump could make a few people snap if he tweeted out a picture of him with a TV in the background that has a gorilla on it.

TIL some blacks come pre-lobotomized

google where the pre frontal cortex is and what it does

no, ask jeeves

people are reading Gray’s Anatomy



She do be looking kinda juicy doe 😳 My bloodline bout to become a welfare line



UVA is a mostly white institution, it has tons of public spaces for studying. This student is simply asking that the one space on campus specifically designed to give students of color their own space (where there are not made a minority) remain so.

It's just really that simple, guys. In fact, minorities should have their own classrooms and water fountains too.

And Sharia law.

Sharia is for all of His children, inshallah

Segregationists were right all along.

If MLK has Twitter in his afterlife then he's probably pissed.

Oh shit, and she's employed by the university.

Duh you really think anyone else would ever give her a job?

Didn't click the link, but finally!

I didn't know there is culture in Usania, let alone many for the need of multicultural clubs.

and then, for no reason at all,

You just know that every person clapping and cheering there was a mayo lmfao

Racist bitch. It's got Multicultural in the name, so imbeciles think that gives them a stick to wield against anyone whose color she doesn't like.

Absolutely terrible weave/wig.

Mayocide is good, prove me wrong.

I guess MLK was wrong. Time to piss on his grave and bring back Segregation.