Some chapo nerd hits the nail on the head and the gays are mad

1  2020-02-13 by unrulyfarmhand


I love how, in an election where moderates are literally falling over themselves trying to find a candidate, the Bernouts are so consistently obnoxious that Bernie is having a seriously hard time climbing over 25%.

The cope when some empty suit sits atop the ticket before losing to Trump and the way in which they'll handwave away all the ways they contributed to that is going to be entertaining af.

I mean I guess props to the Chinese chapo for doubling down lol didn’t one of them have to donate to a charity after the chapo sub found out he made a rape joke?

Praying he stops being a cel

Sooo, how does Salo connect with Pete?


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  1. Some chapo nerd hits the nail on th... -,*

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