Blue Check Mark wants to cancel South Park

1  2020-02-14 by philly_fag


Don't be upset because you're a woman and therefore genetically unable to be funny

women are funny get over it

I once had to watch a Amy Schumer video, hopefully they let trannies take their spots in hollywood movies, they would likely dominate just like they do in sports.

Are there any tranny comics out there yet? 🤔

If there aren’t it’s a damn shame. Even a feminine penis would likely give them more comedic talent than even the ‘funniest’ female comic


I smell an illegal, how did you get through our borders? Also, why is this getting upvoted.



My down vote button was disabled when I lost my v card



Give that man a Comedy Central show



Smugness is not the same as intelligence

imagine being so close to self awareness

r/selfawarewolves I bet they'll like it!

We're living among a generation of trolls who don't realize Cartman is supposed to be a joke, not the hero.

These people are missing significant part of the brain.

I cant belive someone would write this and mean it. Unironically.

Like... she graduated middle school right?

A lot of journos went to private schools I think. You’d be shocked at how far you can get without actually participating or even going when daddy is paying 10-20 grand per year for K-12. Then you go to his alma mater. Then you go work for the close family friend that owns a paper or he puts a word in. Then you get your blue check and the incel basement-dwelling trolls won’t get with the program.

A moid wrote that, do your homework before raising your hand in class 😡

Uhh cartman is my hero Wtf


comedy is literal violence sweatie

Lol, of course she screenshots a couple of tweets with no replies, likes or retweets to "prove" her point.

But really, it really isn't new that parts of twitter dislike south park. Some people really do overestimate the influence of twitter, lmao.

South park won't be suddenly cancelled because of a foid and if it does I will eat an aids ridden brick.

They managed to draw Muhammad, insult China and Scientology without any consequences. Foids are over playing their cards.

insult ... Scientology without any consequences

Chef died for this how could you forget 😭😭😭

And then they made him a pedophile. xD

Didn't they censor mohammad?

Not in the super early episode. He was part of the super best friend with other religious figures, plus seaman and swallow.

They managed to draw Muhammad

except they folded like superman on laundry day to the brown stain and did NOT air the mo-hammad episode

You can still watch it online for free, but they put a big black censor block over him. It’s probably one of the best episodes they’ve ever made

I didn't know they did that but I still have all the old DVDs of those seasons and yeah they didn't censor it back then.

Because real satire, the kind that's actually good, has deep pain at its core and longs for the world to be a better place. South Park "satire" is just a collection of mock for no purpose or point.

How much you wanna bet this guy thinks “real satire” is an indie film structured as a play featuring only POC where everyone is murdered by cops for not laughing at racist jokes?

That film would be comedy gold.

I laughed during Amistad the other day.

I’m a little surprised and a lot relieved that someone didn’t link a film that is exactly that.

I'm pretty sure that's the exact plot of Bamboozled.

Sounds more like an inspirational story

I'm a little chubbed up just from the description

Titled, 'Maniac Cop 4'

Her reasoning is unironically good. Too many people have been conditioned to think apathy is cool or smart.

That sounds more like Rick&Morty fags than SP centrist.

Why can't it be both?

B/c South Park isn’t really apathetic? 🤷🏻‍♂️ It’s okay though uou can try again. We understand you’re retarded.

It repeatedly mocks the idea of caring about anything.

South Park has always had a few through clear lines.

Guns good. Retards funny. Censorship bad. Free Speech good. Uptight-scolds dumb. Hippies evil. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅 and Canadians are inferior

A show that relies so heavily on shock humor will of course support freedom of speech. Beside, campaigning to censor something implies you're less apathetic about the world than they. The careless, "counter-cultural" mindset of the show seems to say you're pathetic if you support freedom of speech for any reason other than that you want to make fun of people and masturbate to hardcore pornography.

If all SP cared about was shock humor they could have just kept bashing rightoids like back in the 2000’s and the progressives would have left them alone. They’re clearly not apathetic to the world around them.

If all SP cared about was shock humor they could have just kept bashing rightoids like back in the 2000’s and the progressives would have left them alone.

What? Shock humor works specifically because it maddens people. Anyway, while they do take some vague positions, they still relentlessly mock the idea of passionately caring about anything. A human who knows about the wider world must care about it at least very slightly.

It’s okay hunny, we still love you <3

Speak for yourself. It's just a bag of hammers, I have no feelings towards it.

You realize this is /r/drama right





Imagine caring what a woman thinks.


This muslim guy I occassionally see at the gym calls it the Mark of the Beast.

i'm surprised he knows about blue checkmarks

Fat people shouldn’t try to lecture anyone on anything. It’s just a painful experience all around when they try.

I like when fats use the word "privilige", like nigga you are already priviliged and you only used it for self destruction, if you wanna lecture anyone how about you get a rope and make it fast instead of making me feel like vomitting every time you show your disgusting body in public.


Yeah honestly, I think you have every right to opt out of actually trying at life, but don't try to weasel your fat ass into being anything other than a symbol of gluttonous hedonism.

This one is the worst.

Of course she looks like that. Imagine listening to anything she has to say.

Everyone who calls themselves a witch looks like that.

Nah there are a fair few ET looking mfs

is it just me or does she look like Cartman

blue check marks unironically parody the midget speaker from the that nigger guy episode

The joke is that this November your vote counts exactly as much as a senile retiree whose political sources are nestled between a thread of gay furry porn and a thread of kids wearing swimsuits.


  1. Blue Check Mark wants to cancel Sou... -,*

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Mockery is a cure for criticism though, whether its the right option is subjective

Wait. What happened to ManBearPig?

He’s real faggot

Wym? I haven't watched South Park is the season where Cartman gets a girlfriend.

He’s fucking REAL faggot, Al Gore was right, and the icebergs are melting!

Some agendafag is downvoting you. Lmao.

They sort of apologized for making fun of Global Warming. Good episode actually.

Damn. Pretty entertaining till the dude sees it. Would've been better if it ran off when he turns around.

I love watching the feminists slowly become the church ladies they hated 20 years ago.

Eh, I’m just glad to hear they’re giving the New Testament a chance one way or another.

Horseshoe theory is real and valid

Bottom text

Matt and Trey have been pissing off the moral panic crusader crowd since they were evangelical Christians, and they're sure as hell going to outlive the current leftist version of it that we have now. People will remember South Park long after her name fades from memory.

South Park fucking rules and their extreme kneejerk contrarianism is the best part. I try to live my life by that example.

based radical centrism

every single time?

Her ilk is the new wave of puritanism.

When did everything become so serious and important? Was it always like this?


Fragile white men defending their culture

The fuck is she on aboot?

I find it ironic that South Park fans are whining about somebody mocking something.

Good, new South Park episodes are trash. I fucking hate how they decided to have a storyline throughout whole season instead of just standalone episodes.

This person probably loves Colbert too


If you are offended by this tweet I'm sorry you're so easily triggered!!!!!!!!

lol says the triggered by a cartoon lady

Good drama and the title is a rap lyric. Yay!


Nose check

Smugness is not the same as intelligence; provocation isn’t the same as bravery.


How will Matt and Parker respond to this? Find out next week.

I am pretty sure twitter has unironically harmed society more than a show about 4 kids and a talking poo.

Even a broken clock and all…