Foids being STUNNING AND BRAVE by sharing totally true stories about CREEPY MEN. Sort by controversial for fun

1  2020-02-14 by SweatDrinker


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Your mind is diseased. Pick a dandelion and hold it in your mouth until you feel the urge to urinate. Then, swallow the dandelion and urinate on the spot from which it was picked.


  1. Foids being STUNNING AND BRAVE by s... -,

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I asked a girl if I could pee in her butt once. I guess thinking back that was pretty creepy.


And watersports-pilled

No, don’t be ashamed, be the guy that tells those creepy fucks to knock it off. It sounds bad but those dudes think we’re objects put on this earth for their enjoyment. No matter what we do it doesn’t stop, maybe if a man told them to knock it the fuck off they’d at least evaluate their bullshit.

Spare a crumb of puss, madam?

I’ve defended your honor for you cannot defend yourself. I only ask for the smallest crumb of couch.

This thread also means more than when we have a sinilar thread with the genders switched. I remember one thread dedicated to men who were nolested, and it was obvious every male in that thread lied

So close to self awareness.