r/politicalcompassmemes discusses nwordcountbot and the great replacement all in one thread. Its a doozy.

1  2020-02-14 by Corporal-Hicks


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Lmao if you say

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

It bans you. What's the point

In what instance would spamming nigger be beneficial?

A shorter list would be instances where it is not beneficial

I can't think of any

Yeah it's pretty much always a good idea to do it


That fucking bot that calculates your political alignment is the faggiest most autistic thing I've ever seen and whoever made it should be beaten

it's like those INFP faggots everywhere.

I have a wife and kids faggot. Higher child tax credite

"It's not gibs when it's me getting the money"

'The government taking less of your money is welfare'

-brainlets across reddit

If your power company gives you the same amount of money as your power bill, or doesn't charge you the value of your next pay bill, it's literally the same transaction in the end. Conservatives can't understand the concept of simplifying arithmetic.

When the government created the money that it used to find itself for the year, it increased the money supply. It has to use taxes and debt to equal out the transaction or inflation would result. If the government creates money and gives it to you, it has to tax others to offset the money creation. But also, if the government creates a special exemption for you from taxation, it also means that it now has to tax others more or issue more debt.

These two things are basically indistinguishable from a mathematical point of view, but that's beyond the understanding of burgers. Government spending comes from magic and taxes aren't necessary, so any reduction of taxes is good and you shouldn't question taxes not being paid for any reason at all. That taxation literally was just the government being mean after all. I do not understand that this will inherently require debt to be issued and that debt is legally secured by the promise of taxation in the future that will probably fall disproportionately on me, that's not a big deal, I can't do math.

Or maybe I'm especially retarded and I think that if the government stopped spending we would all be free suddenly. Money is like a property of physics and it has no relation at all or dependence on the government or banking sector. You can use gold for instance, and spend a century inevitably and eventually recreating fiat money as the problems with the gold standard one again re-emerge and then resolve once again just like they did before, just go through that process again

I'm especially retarded

That's correct. Too bad tankies can never convey that message in a concise manner.

Just get to the point. If it can't be summarized in a paragraph it's not worth saying.

What you're missing and what the above commenters are trying to blindly flail at is the idea that, mathematically speaking, there's a bifurcation point between "paying taxes" and "receiving welfare" around the zero which, Cuntianly speaking, makes the difference between the government having a little less money (or owing a little more money to the future boomers) for building roads etc as a result of collecting less taxes from the overall productive society, and the society going broke because it flat out consumes more than it produces.

Yesterday I went to work and got 8 hours worth of gibs from my employer. Beat that, NEETs.

Can you imagine whining about your "superior race" getting gypped into not having kids at the behest of an elite class.

It's astounding that incels are incapable of understanding that maybe people in developed countries just don't want to pump out half a dozen kids anymore


I may be a 30 year old virgin who has never had a relationship but at least I’m not an incel


  1. r/politicalcompassmemes discusses n... - archive.org, archive.today

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Dude nigger lmao

Lol that's just like me

Finally someone understands


nslur nslur nslur nslur nslur nslur nslur

I’m 100% nslur


Vietnamese last name pronounced: oo

unfathomably based

Absolutely unreal


Very cool!


And in the responses it immediately devolves into a struggle session about /r/gamersriseup and whether it's satire or serious, lmao.god I hate redditors

Didn't there used to be a popular meme song before memes that just said "nigganigganigganigganigganigganigganigga" over and over? I vaguely remember it being on some like '08 YouTube videos


Not that one, a different one. It was like a monotone voice just saying it over and over. That one is good too

This is retarded

i love how scared they all are of admitting obviously real stuff

ive been banned from subs for posting this and asking how its a conspiracy lol

A radical centrist both recognizes that the great replacement is real, and knows that it's a good thing. Just as Allah intended. Inshallah.